"Okay then..." Seeing Liu Lin's refusal, the village chief was a little unhappy at first, but when he thought of the other party's current changes, he said nothing and hurriedly, excitedly and happily pulled his little grandson San The son left,

Seeing the village chief and the others leaving,

Liu Lin also quickly said respectfully to the Wu Immortal in front of him. "Master Wu Xian, I'll take my leave now. I'll be there on time tomorrow."

"Go ahead..."

Master Wu Xian looked at Liu Lin amiably, and then suddenly shook his head and said! "Don't worry, there's nothing to worry about. Now that you're on the road to cultivating immortality, you and them are already in two different worlds..."

"And I remember you are still an orphan, right? In fact, it's just right. You have no worries and are simpler."

"When you go to our Wulongmen, the wild boars and tigers will be nothing, the spiritual food, the meat and the immortal food! Even the treasures of nature, materials and earth, these will be there. Come on, little guy!"

Liu Lin was shocked all over.

Then he bowed respectfully to Master Wu Xian and bowed.

"Thank you, Master Wu Xian..."

Then he turned and left.

Looking at Liu Lin’s leaving figure...

Master Wu Xian’s eyes also flickered,

Even some laughed. murmured. "Although I didn't see it clearly just now, the concentration of the spiritual light of these two little dolls is obviously much stronger than the ordinary ones..."

"I don't know who has better luck, but no matter what, I have made a great contribution this time, right? I hope you can discover a genius and bring it back with you. In this way, I can move forward again." , break through..."

"Hey, those damn broken pills are really too expensive, I really can't afford them!"

After leaving the ancestral hall, Liu Lin did not return to the village, but walked toward the mountains outside the village.

Because that’s where his home is,

Not long after, in a remote place,

A dilapidated house came into view. This place is about one or two miles away from the village. It used to be used as a sentinel to prevent danger and wild beasts from invading.

But later, it was his grandfather who took him to live here,

Zhiya opened the door, Liu Lin came to a half-broken bow with a complex expression, and slowly knelt down...

That is his grandfather's relic in this world,

If the other party hadn't been kind enough to take him in, I'm afraid he would have died long ago

But the other party seemed to have died on his behalf,

One day during a hunting trip, his grandfather was attacked and killed by a wild beast, and only this half of the bow was brought back.

"Grandpa, I succeeded, do you know? I really succeeded in awakening the spiritual aperture. Tomorrow morning, I will leave with Wu Xianshi from Wulongmen and go to Wulongmen. Grandpa, did you hear it? I succeeded... …”

Liu Lin said softly, with some sobs in her voice.

Either because of excitement, or because of emotion, or maybe both reasons?

Although it came from time to time,

But those years of getting along day and night, as well as his careful care of the other person in those years, these are all true.

Therefore, in his heart, the other party has long been his grandfather.

The kind that is better than relatives!

After talking to the broken bow in front of him for a while, Liu Lin slowly stood up and walked towards the house. Then he locked the door and took a closer look at the surroundings outside the window. After finding no problem, he carefully opened the adobe brick on the ground and took out a sparkling green spiritual grass...

Ti Ling Cao!

That's right,

This is the spiritual grass that the little kid in the village has only one quota for every year, Ti Ling Cao. It is said that this thing can help young mortals to invigorate their spiritual acupoints and improve the qualifications of immortal cultivators.

At the same time, there is a chance to awaken the spiritual orifice and open the spiritual orifice,

But because of this, the quantity of this thing is very small,

Only every time the Wulong Sect Immortal Master comes to awaken the spiritual aperture and recruit disciples, they will bring some, so they use one less. In normal times, they don't know where to find them.

It can’t be found at all!

But who would have thought?

Under this inconspicuous floor tile, in this dilapidated house, there are a large number of tiling grasses. Looking around, there are simply countless, at least hundreds of them!


It’s also the biggest secret of Liu Lin’s time travel!


"It's really all thanks to you that I can awaken my spiritual orifice so smoothly!" Liu Lin smiled and looked at the spiritual herbs in front of him. He had been eating these spiritual herbs for many years.

Three meals a day, every day, every year,

That's why it went so smoothly,

As for why he has so many spirit grasses?

It's because of the pendant around his neck,

It possesses the magical power effect that is enough to replicate the spirit-raising grass!

Liu Lin smiled and touched the pendant around his neck, then put the Ti Ling Cao in his other hand on the pendant and touched it. Suddenly, the light filled the air, and a new Ti Ling Cao suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"What a magical power..."

Liu Lin couldn't help but murmured,

My heart was also filled with ups and downs, and I was very excited.

Although this was not the first time he watched it, he couldn't help but get excited every time.

Because he understands that this is the capital that will enable him to settle down and live in this world from now on, or even soar into the sky and become a successful person!


"If all such spiritual herbs or heavenly materials and earthly treasures can be copied, then even if I am not talented in cultivating immortals, I should be able to pursue other sub-professional careers in cultivating immortals, such as alchemists, weapon refiners, etc. develop!"

"What an amazing power, I'm so lucky!"

Liu Lin murmured, then laughed. Then he walked aside and took out a fire stick to light it. Then, he threw it directly at all the pickling grass under the floor tiles.

Set it all on fire,




The fire broke out instantly, and the raging flames swallowed up all the Tiling grass, and then rose up and burned the entire dilapidated house.

At the same time, Liu Lin immediately withdrew,

Then he took away the broken bow hanging inside and ran out.

After running some distance, I just stood in the distance and watched the house in front of me being burned down.

Until later, the fire engulfed everything,

He suddenly sighed, then immediately turned around and left here...

Early the next morning,

It’s still that ancestral hall,

The village chief looked at Liu Lin with a strange expression and asked.

"Xiao Linzi, is your house on fire?"

The fire was so intense that it even spread into the forest when they discovered it. Later, it was not extinguished until late at night. You can imagine how big the movement was.

"I put it there."

Liu Lin didn't hide anything. He nodded directly and said calmly, "I'm sorry, village chief. I think I have to leave. My grandfather is also dead. There is no way I can go back there."

"So I just set it on fire..."

The village chief opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

After all, it’s still the same sentence,

The spiritual awakening was successful,

Liu Lin now and Liu Lin in the past are indeed not the same person. They are different.

"Let's go, it's time for us to set off."

At this moment, Master Wu Xian spoke. One day was enough for the three sons, Liu Lin and the others to stabilize their spiritual apertures.

And now he also wants to return to Wulongmen as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

So, I don’t want to wait any longer,

"Master Wu Xian, and you, Xiao Linzi, my three sons, I leave it to you. From now on when we go to Wulongmen, you must unite with each other and take good care of each other." The village chief couldn't help but say.

"Grandpa, don't worry. I will definitely become a powerful Immortal Master in the future. I will come back to see you soon! Wait for me!" Sanzi said excitedly.

Master Wu Xian urged him. "Let's go, let's set off..."


They then boarded the carriage and left the small village.

Looking out the window at the familiar mountains fading away,

Liu Lin was also a little moved in her heart, and her mood became complicated.

Really gone,

Then next,

Is his stage about to begin?

Liu Lin clenched his fists, his face full of determination, he will succeed.


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