First of all,

It’s the Baihui Sword!

Next, following the gentle word "qi" from Liu Linkou, strips of sword light suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Flying out from behind the willow forest! At the same time, it even turned around on his head, like a swimming dragon, forming a lot of flying traces, like a giant python, which was particularly amazing.

What's this?

This is one of the basic magic abilities of cultivators, the ability to expel objects. Almost every cultivator can come into contact with these when they first step into the threshold of cultivation and are already at the first level of Qi training.


Light body technique, fireball technique, freezing technique, wind control technique, etc.,

These are also the same,


Simply using the art of dispelling objects to control the best magic weapon,

Of course, this is still almost meaningless, or even a lot worse! After all, it is no exaggeration to say that your proficiency in using this magical weapon can definitely directly determine the minimum limit of its lethality.

It's just an object-repelling technique,

The proficiency is too low and not precise enough,

Of course its power and lethality will be much weaker! ,

Therefore, further proficiency control, as well as the chemical reaction of mind-to-mind intertwining caused by continuous refining, can maximize the ceiling lethality of this magic weapon!

But of course he can't do it to that level yet. It can only be said that he has just mastered it.

At the same time, feeling the spiritual energy consumption speed in the body,

Liu Lin also murmured with some twinkling eyes. "It seems that the spiritual energy consumption of this Baihui Sword is not very fast. In fact, it is only less than half of the Green Toad Shield!"

Under normal circumstances, the comprehensive power intensity of a magic weapon depends on two points. First, the lethality or defense power, and second, the speed of spiritual energy consumption.

If it is both powerful and consumes spiritual energy slowly, then of course it will be the most cost-effective.

If it is powerful but consumes spiritual energy very quickly, this kind of thing can generally only be used as a killer move to suppress the bottom of the box. It can only be used as a final word.

Its price-performance ratio is also slightly lower.

But having said that, under normal circumstances, power and spiritual energy consumption are generally proportional.

The greater the power, the faster the spiritual energy is consumed. This is normal.

Only a very small number of special treasures are exceptions.

And this Baihui Sword,

It's not that bad yet,


Next, Liu Lin took action again, controlling the Baihui Sword hanging in the air to fly out,

Suddenly, a powerful sword light flew out, forming a long light that looked like a crack. It was so fast that it just made a whoosh sound, and then it immediately hit the cliff of the mine mountain range not far ahead.


Suddenly there was a loud roar! The huge power of this sword actually left a huge and narrow ravine directly on the cliff! The length is at least more than ten meters, and the depth is also several meters!


Looking at all this,

Liu Lin opened his mouth and suddenly gasped,

As an adult from Earth, to him, the power of this sword is comparable to a bomb.

One can imagine how much impact this scene, or this reality, had on him.

"Is this the power of the best magic weapon? It's worthy of it, it's really powerful!"

Liu Lin murmured,

Then he started laughing, with a smile on his face and excitement on his face!

People often say that a force of ten thousand catties can destroy the world, but what about now? How powerful is this sword? It’s simply taken it to the next level. You can imagine how great it feels!

No wonder so many people want to become immortal cultivators, no wonder so many people want to work hard to become stronger. In addition to self-protection, the feeling of such powerful power is indeed so refreshing!

Full of fatal temptation,


Tasted the sweetness,

Of course this can't be stopped,

Then Liu Lin began to control Baihui Sword again,

A new round of testing began,

Or play,

Soon, there were a lot of crackling and rumbling sounds in this deserted abandoned mine valley!

Moreover, at the same time, the aftermath of those huge shock waves rushed towards us, even causing the entire earth to shake, as if it was an earthquake. One can imagine what this concept is.

However, this kind of movement

But it only lasted less than three minutes.

But it suddenly stopped, stopped suddenly,

Why is this so?

Because of the spiritual power in Liu Lin’s body now,

It has been completely consumed!

"As expected of a top-quality magic weapon, it consumes a lot of energy!"

"It's only been a few minutes, but it's already gone?"

There is still a bit of excitement and excitement from the previous ‘fun’ on his face,

Then he sat down and reached out his hand to touch the storage bag. Suddenly, several sparkling middle-grade spiritual stones appeared. held in his hand,

In addition to serving as a universal currency, spiritual stones can also

Its greatest effect is to restore spiritual energy,

Especially this kind of middle-grade spiritual stone to help him, who is just a seventh-level Qi practitioner, restore the spiritual energy in his body.

It must be pinched with both hands.

Extremely simple!

Sure enough, as a large amount of spiritual stone spiritual energy poured into the body, the spiritual energy power in Liu Lin's body also began to recover rapidly, and it didn't take long.

The spiritual energy in the body that was originally dry has now returned to its peak and is completely full.

"As expected of a mid-grade spiritual stone, the effect is really good!" Liu Lin murmured, then put away the Baihui Sword and took out the second top-grade magic weapon - the Wind Dragon Flag.

It is different from a single kendo weapon like Baihui Sword.

The Wind Dragon Flag is a type of formation flag. What is a formation flag? In fact, it is the expansion and extension of the power of the formation! Various forms of magic weapon treasures, such as formation flags and formation disks, will store a large amount of formation power in them, thus forming portable and removable magic weapon equipment. The wind dragon flag in his hand falls into this category.

At this time, Liu Lin held the Wind Dragon Flag in his hand and whispered a few words, and then he raised his hand and threw it. Suddenly, the Wind Dragon Flag in his hand seemed to be alive...

The huge formation power surged out like a turbulent wave, and the small flags instantly transformed into dozens of small flags, thrusting into the ground in all directions.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Along with the muffled sound of these flags hitting the ground, a strong wind instantly whipped up. In the next moment, countless wind blades filled the air, and in an instant it was like a violent storm that destroyed the world.

In the space above the power of the flag,

An extremely amazing wind blade airspace was formed...

"Hiss..." Suddenly, Liu Lin's expression changed again, and he couldn't help but take a breath and became shocked.

Putting aside the power, I have to say that the scene in front of me is definitely much more impactful and shocking than the previous Baihui Sword that slashed with one sword...

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