
Lu Shuangquan sneered,

A sinister look appeared on his face, and he said mockingly!

"Junior brother Liu Lin, don't blame us, blame us because you shouldn't have appeared here! You shouldn't have taken away our Black Iron Golden Soul!"

"We have paid too much for this. We even killed Brother Han. Even if we are like this, if our black iron golden soul is still taken away by you, then won't all our hard work before be completely lost?" In vain?"

"Do you think this is possible? This is absolutely impossible!"

"Hand it over to me, Black Iron Golden Soul! Otherwise, I will definitely kill you! Don't force me to do it!"

"Brother Han?" Liu Lin was stunned for a moment, and then his face became a little strange, because if he remembered correctly, another captain of the tenth level of Qi training who died in Ningping Peak before...


Isn’t it just Han?

He was actually not killed by someone from the Blood Spirit Sect.

But were they killed by these two people? !

"Wealth and silk touch people's hearts..."

He sighed in his heart and roughly understood the whole story.

But if you think about it carefully, this is a treasure that seems to be a top foundation-building realm treasure! For monks like them who are in the realm of Qi training, it is indeed of infinite value!

It is indeed enough to drive them crazy,

This is human nature,

At the same time, the benefits are terrifying!


This has nothing to do with him...

In any case, it seems that this battle must be fought.

"I will give you one last chance to leave here and let this matter go. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to kill you!" Looking at the crazy two people in front of him,

Liu Lin said lightly,

But at the same time,

He also began to prepare, and as if quietly, eight child shields of the green toad mother shield appeared quickly on the inside of his clothes! Perfectly protect it close to the body,

Although this is the first battle,

But he wasn't worried at all;

There is no feeling of timidity or fear at all.

The reason,

It’s nothing more than a word,


It is no exaggeration to say,

Just with the pile of top-quality magic weapons on his body, he is completely unafraid of any enemy below the foundation-building powerhouse, not to mention the two guys in front of him. Their cultivation level is only at the ninth level of Qi training. It’s just the tenth heaven…

For such guys, he even seriously doubted whether they could withstand the ultimate magic weapon.

So he is really not afraid,

It's absolutely certain of victory.

But his confidence fell on the ears of Gu Baiyun and Lu Shuangquan.

But it is a great ridicule,

It is even a great stimulus to them,

So next, Lu Shuangquan roared without hesitation, and a strong murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

"Do it, kill him!" In an instant, Lu Shuangquan raised his hand, and his magic power exploded. A series of terrifying ice cones shot out as if they were sharp blades, as if they appeared out of thin air.

He rushed towards Liulin very quickly,

This is an advanced version of the freezing technique, which is the basic spell in the Qi training realm. Although its power alone is not too powerful, it can only deal with those in the middle stage of Qi training, the fourth and fifth heavens.

But of course quantity can also cause changes in quality;

So many,

Even the crazy bombardment of dozens of ice cone spells,

But it can still produce amazing abilities!

But at this moment, Liu Lin raised his hand without saying a word, and a gray, fast sword light flew out from between his sleeves! The next thing I heard was loud rumbling noises.

Those ice cones in the sky,

It was all blown to pieces immediately.


Gu Baiyun’s pupils shrank and his expression changed wildly!

He stared closely at the sword suspended in mid-air at this time,

Incredibly said!

"How, how is it possible? This is the best magic weapon!? How can you use the best magic weapon?!"

However, Lu Shuangquan on the other side seemed to have expected it.

He didn't show any surprise at this, but said slowly and gloomily! "Sure enough, the traces of destruction here are all your fault?!"

"It seems that you are here just for the Black Iron Golden Soul? Am I right?"

Are you here for the Black Iron Golden Soul? Can I say that I am just lucky and hit the right mark? Liu Lin shook his head and didn't explain anything. Instead, without saying anything, he started to take action again.

It was an experiment before,

But now, it can be regarded as his first battle in this world after traveling through time!

Therefore, he should prepare to be more serious,

To avoid capsizing in the gutter,

"Go!" He shouted softly, and the Baihui Sword immediately flew away like a dragon, then shot out suddenly, rushing directly towards Gu Baiyun!

"Damn it!"

Gu Baiyun couldn't help but his face changed drastically.

But he immediately threw out the ruler in his hand, and saw a bright light burst out from the ruler, and then, a sharp beam of light shot out from it like a spear.

He rushed directly towards Baihui Sword,

But there is no doubt that,

This force,

It was easily chopped into pieces by Baihui Sword.

And more importantly,

Next, the impact of Baihui Sword,

They didn't seem to slow down at all. In just an instant, the Baihui Sword descended boldly and struck hard at Gu Baiyun. The latter instantly stepped back, and at the same time took out a large number of talismans and threw them forward.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Continuous explosions,

The attack target of Baihui Sword has been shifted.

But that's all,

As a top-notch magic weapon, the suppressive power currently seems to be overwhelming for an ordinary guy like him who is practicing at the tenth level of Qi training!

In fact, Liu Lin has not contributed much at all.

He was already a little exhausted and in a hurry.

In this way, the difference in strength was revealed in the bloody night. In terms of strength alone, he couldn't beat Liu Lin at all! Can't beat 'such a mere seventh level Qi practitioner'? !

"Damn! How is this possible? This is impossible..."

Gu Baiyun was a little panicked.

His face changed greatly, and he was still cursing angrily.

But at the same time, another angry voice also sounded!

"Idiot, calm down!" Lu Shuangquan roared angrily, and then said immediately!

"He only has the seventh level of Qi training, and he can't withstand the consumption rate of the best magical weapons. As long as we hold on, we will win. Moreover, there are two of us, and he only has one! Do you understand?"

As soon as I finished speaking,

He immediately touched his waist with his left hand.

He took out a yellow talisman from his storage bag.

Moreover, he even glanced at the talisman in his hand reluctantly, and then gritted his teeth! He threw it lightly in front of him and began to mutter something quickly.

And in an instant,

A powerful force that surges and explodes,

It also quickly burst out from the yellow talisman,

Like a stormy sea,

Overwhelming, terrifying,

"It's just the seventh level of Qi training, so what if you have the best magical weapon? I'm just a villain with a big sword, so there's nothing to be afraid of! I want to see if you will die under this wind and sand talisman?"

"Go to hell!"

Lu Shuangquan mocked,

Then he immediately took action and shouted loudly:

"Sand Wind Talisman, wake up!"

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