Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 33 Five Dragon Spirits are formed! Cultivation realm breakthrough!

"I don't know where Junior Brother Wang has gone. But it doesn't matter. When I see him, I just need to tell him. Junior Brother Liu Lin, just rest assured and retreat! Don't worry about us!"

Wei Ruomin said with a smile on his face,


"so be it!"

Liu Lin nodded, then turned around and left.

He was about to find a place to start practicing in seclusion. Although he won the battle beautifully today and was crushed almost from the beginning to the end, for him, it still brought him a sense of urgency!

Or motivation!

This is because he has such great strength,

Only then can you crush the opponent like that,

But what if it's the other way around?

If he was crushed like this,

Wouldn't that be tragic?

So I still say the same thing,

Strength is fundamental!

He must become stronger! Become stronger! Become stronger!

The days that followed seemed much calmer.

Although Wei Ruomin and the others felt a little strange because of the inexplicable disappearance of Lu Shuangquan and Gu Baiyun, at most they just thought that something happened to these two people and they went out together temporarily.

As for death?

They never thought about this problem at all,

Or I don’t dare to think about it at all,

But no matter what, because of Liu Lin’s arrival,

The Ningping Peak branch, which caused some commotion, has now returned to its previous calm. Soon thereafter, Liu Lin's retreat practice also received new good news.

That is his five dragon soul,

Finally the cohesion was successful!

"After working so hard for so long, I finally succeeded! Great! Hahaha..."

Feeling the power of the five dragon souls in my body,

Liu Lin was already a little excited at this moment, with a smile on his face! If he can now possess the ability of 'inner vision', then he will definitely be able to discover that it is within his Dantian,

Astonishingly, there were five more sparkling beads of light, representing the five colors of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth!

These five-color light beads,

It’s the five dragon souls!

But it’s a pity that inner vision must rely on ‘spiritual consciousness’!

And spiritual consciousness can only be possessed by monks in the foundation-building realm.

So he can't see this yet,

But anyway, the thing is done! He now also clearly feels the strength of his spiritual energy, and even his spiritual energy reserves! It's all reached a higher level than before,

That is to say,

Although he is still practicing Qi in the Seventh Heaven,

But his own strength has grown further,

This is undoubtedly an amazing thing, because it not only means the growth of one's own strength, but also means the improvement of one's own strength ceiling!

It is also the seventh level of Qi training,

He is stronger than his previous self! It is even much stronger than those other ordinary seventh-level Qi training! So what if he waits until he reaches the tenth heaven, or even the eleventh or twelve heavens of qi training?

Isn’t that definitely what it is?

Maybe in this way,

At that time, he might even be able to compete with a true foundation-building expert.

Being in the Qi training realm is comparable to building a foundation!

You can imagine what this concept is!

"As expected of the Five Spirit Transport Technique!"

"This skill is really powerful!" Liu Lin murmured, and then began to think again, how should he take the next road to becoming stronger?

"There are only two ways in front of me. The first is to mass-produce the Purple Jade Pill as soon as possible! Then improve my cultivation level! The second is to continue to improve my Five Dragon Soul!"

"Right now, the material of my five dragon souls is the lowest white level, followed by gray levels, even orange, red, and gold. There is still a lot of room for breakthrough! But..."

Thinking about it,

Liu Lin frowned a little,

Because having said that,

But judging from his experience during this period,

It seems that it is not easy to rely solely on the Five Spirit Pills to complete the breakthrough and promotion of the Five Dragon Souls. It may even be a long-term job. It simply cannot be completed in a short period of time.

"Then it seems that we still have to use Purple Jade Pill!"

After this period of practice and proficiency, his current Purple Jade Pill success rate is about one-tenth. Although this has not even reached the passing standard, it doesn't matter.

After all, just take a large amount and manage enough.

Anyway, quantity leads to qualitative change.

And according to his estimation,

The time required to refine the Purple Jade Pill is only about two hours! In other words, even if the success rate is about one tenth, one day is completely enough.

He can now concentrate on refining a large wave of purple jade pills.

Then break through and practice in seclusion!

at the same time,

This can also quickly help him improve his Purple Jade Pill proficiency and pill success rate.

Form a virtuous cycle,

In this way, Liu Lin immediately started refining the Purple Jade Pill.

For the next month, he did nothing. Apart from eating and sleeping, he kept copying alchemy materials every day! Then continue to refine the elixir,

Until one month later,

He already has dozens of purple jade pills in his hand.

At the same time, his elixir formation rate has also changed from less than one-tenth before to the current elixir formation rate of about 20%. And this can be considered a preliminary pass.

for the rest of the time,

Liu Lin then started to follow the original plan.

Taking Purple Jade Pill, I broke through the retreat,

And this breakthrough was surprisingly smooth!

From the seventh level of Qi training to the eighth level of Qi training, he completed it in less than three months. This gave him some confidence, even though he knew that his talent and qualifications were very poor.

But krypton gold!

But it can still be made up for,

In any case, as long as the elixir is enough, it seems that practicing breakthrough is not that difficult. It has only been three months, and it has already gone from the seventh to the eighth heaven of Qi training! This speed can definitely be said to be very fast.

And next,

He immediately started a new round of preparations for refining the elixir.

Then there will be further breakthroughs in cultivation,

Although from the eighth heaven of Qi training to the ninth heaven,

It is indeed a little more difficult than the previous seventh level to the eighth level of Qi training, but it still only took him more than three months to complete a new round of breakthroughs and reach the ninth level of Qi training!

In other words, it’s only less than half a year.

He has already transcended two small realms of promotion and reached the ninth level of Qi training.

If this spreads,

I don’t know how many people have died from envy!


There is a shortcut to everything,

Even cultivation is like this.

And the shortcut to cultivation is to take drugs!

If the elixir is enough, it is really not a big problem to break through the realm of cultivation.

So he non-stop wanted to start the third round of alchemy.

But one day at this time,

His retreat practice was interrupted...

Wei Ruomin found him in a hurry and said in a hurry,

"Liu, things are not going well for Junior Brother Liu Lin!"

"Don't be anxious and speak slowly."

"It's been half a year, and Senior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Gu haven't come back yet. I suspect something happened to them, otherwise... they have run away! Moreover,"

"And what?"

Liu Lin asked.

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