Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 37 Three people besieging? The Blood Spirit Sect is attacking!

After all, his current physical condition is no longer a mere mortal. As a Dzogchen monk who has practiced Qi in the Twelve Heavens, his physical condition has begun to be extraordinary!

This is called evolution!

So simply put,

The hard days are about to pass,

Good times are coming!

Ha ha ha ha……

He couldn't help laughing,

Then he fell asleep leaning against the wall next to him! Four months of hard work have put a huge burden on his spirit, so he needs to take a good rest now.

Have a good sleep!

Just like that, when Liu Lin woke up again,

It’s already been a day and a night,

As the stars fall, darkness descends on the earth,

He also slowly opened his eyes and woke up! And this time, he really fully recovered! The haggardness and haze before has been swept away, and I am completely radiant!

The momentum became majestic,

"The twelfth level of Qi training, this feeling is really different!"

"It is indeed the Dzogchen state of Qi training. This feeling is really great!"

He murmured, then stood up, shook off the dust on his body, then opened the door to the secret room and walked out.

His cave mansion was still as quiet as before, and perhaps because it was night and there were no pedestrians on the road, it seemed like it was very quiet and quiet here!

Just when I saw this scene,

Liu Lin's expression changed slightly, and he frowned slightly.

Because where is Ningping Peak? This is a mine! Mining work here requires day and night, day and night! So even if it's dark, it's impossible to be quiet here.


No one is mining here anymore…

"Did something happen?"

He murmured, then raised his head and looked around,

Then, he seemed to notice something,

Then Liu Lin pursed his lips and said slowly! "Come out, it's already like this, why are you still hiding?"

"Haha, were you discovered like this?"

"It seems you are right about Wang Cheng. This boy does seem to have some strength."

A mocking voice came.

I saw an attic not far away,

Suddenly, a pale and strange man appeared.

He was wearing a beautiful colorful outfit, covered with bloody flowers, and even had a coquettish bloody red flower on his mid-length shawl hair. He looked very feminine and neutral.

At this time, he felt aloof and contemptuous.

He stared at the willow forest in the street from a distance. It felt like a hunter had caught his prey, as if he was teasing and sarcastically playing with it.

If you look closely, he is not someone else.

It was Yan Yitong,


Wang Cheng, and the Senior Sister Yue they were talking about, they all slowly appeared from Zi Yan in the same direction as his left and right hands, walked out, and then almost showed a triangle shape!

Completely surrounding Liulin in the middle,

"Is it you?" Liu Lin frowned slightly and looked at Wang Cheng in surprise! Although the other party's appearance and demeanor have changed, his appearance is still the same as before, almost unchanged!

Therefore, he recognized it at first sight,

This guy is actually the 'Junior Brother Wang' who disappeared long ago?

It turns out that he is not dead, but...

He is actually an undercover agent! ?

Liu Lin's expression suddenly changed. He didn't expect it to be like this.

At the same time, Wang Cheng pursed his lips and spoke again. He said slowly to Liu Lin. "Senior Brother Liu Lin, long time no see. Long time no see."

"Are you from the Blood Spirit Sect?"

Liu Lin couldn't help but ask, but immediately shook his head with some self-deprecation. "Hey, why did I ask such a stupid question? Isn't it obvious?"

"That's right, don't be too stupid, otherwise you will die too quickly."

Yan Yitong mocked in a strange way, and then said again. "Boy, hand over your things. If you want to survive, I suggest you cooperate. Otherwise, you will die miserably!"

"Hand over the thing? What thing? Oh, by the way..."

"It seems you want this too?"

Liu Lin smiled, and at the same time put his left hand on his waist and touched the storage bag. Suddenly, the sparkling golden crystal - Black Iron Golden Soul, appeared in his hand!

And after seeing this scene,

Whether it is Yan Yitong or Wangcheng,

It’s still that gorgeous woman, Senior Sister Yue, who has been silent all this time.

Their pupils shrank immediately! Their breathing became rapid, and then, a lot of strong excitement, or desire, and greed suddenly appeared on their faces and eyes!

"It seems that you are very sensible. This is just right. Take it here and leave it to us, and you can live!" Yan Yitong said greedily and excitedly, and then took steps, as if he wanted to walk towards Liulin. go,

"Yan Yitong!"

But at this moment,

Senior Sister Yue suddenly roared angrily! Leng said!

"What are you doing? Stand up. Do you want to be deceived by him?"

Yan Yitong was stunned for a moment.

A trace of shame, anger, and cruelty flashed through his eyes at the same time.

Then I saw him glance towards Liu Lin!

At the same time, his eyes became fierce! Leng said! "Boy, this is your last chance. Hand over your things, otherwise, you will die here today!"


Liu Lin smiled contemptuously, and then raised his hand instantly!

A brilliant white light has been lost in the palm of the hand, and at the same time the sound of sword light is surging! There was a buzzing sound, and at that moment, the Baihui Sword flew up directly,

Circling around his head like a dragon! The sword moves the dragon and the snake.

"Come on, let me see the strength of you Blood Spirit Sect people!"

"And I actually want to tell you something..."

"If you can't beat me, I will kill you today too!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Lin suddenly narrowed his eyes and whispered in a low voice! "

"Go!" In an instant, the Baihui Sword exploded! The huge sword power shot out, turned into dozens of rays of light and fell overwhelmingly, heading towards Yan Yitong in front of him to kill!

"Hmph! What a trick!" Yan Yitong sneered, and then he immediately raised his hand and erupted into a bright light. A green light spot that seemed to be an earring flew out immediately.

Then he collided with the Baihui Sword,

A fierce roar broke out!

The shock wave is huge,

"A top-quality wooden magic weapon?"

Liu Lin took a look at the earring-like treasure. Not surprisingly, it was certainly a top-quality magic weapon. After all, these guys were practicing at the 11th or even the 12th level of Qi.

To them,

It's just a top-quality magic weapon, it's standard.

It's impossible not to have it,

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