Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 47 The power of dragon! Water dragon vine!

"One hundred and fifty thousand?"

Liu Lin thought about it in his heart and realized that the price must be expensive! But to him, it doesn’t seem to matter whether it’s expensive or not! Because he doesn’t lack spiritual stones at all!

And it’s still endless,

The unlimited kind,

So he reached out and touched the storage bag, and then a sparkling spirit stone appeared in his hand, and he threw it to the other party.

"That's it, one for one! Do you want to sell it?"

"Medium, medium grade spiritual stone?!"

The bald monk’s pupils shrank! Then he nodded without hesitation,

"Sell!" As the saying goes, the asking price is high and the price is low enough to pay back the money. He must have shouted 150,000 low-grade spiritual stones randomly, and he didn't expect to sell so much, so he must have made a profit on this medium-grade spiritual stone.

After all, the market price of this thing,

It would cost at least 120,000 to 30,000 yuan.

"Thank you!"

Liu Lin immediately put away the Fire Lin Stone in his hand, and at the same time turned to look at Zhang Zihan and continued to ask. "I also need water-type foundation-building realm treasures of heaven and earth. Do you know where they are?"

"Senior, as far as I know, there shouldn't be what you want in the market, but there should be some at the Golden Silkworm Association!" Zhang Zihan said immediately.

"Golden Silkworm Club?" Liu Lin narrowed his eyes, then nodded, and at the same time threw a bag of things to the other party. "Okay, take this as your reward."

"Besides, be careful yourself,"

Zhang Zihan was stunned for a moment, and then his face immediately became excited, even ecstatic! He immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Liu Lin! "Thank you, senior, for the reward! Thank you, senior!"

Just this scene,

I don’t know why Liu Lin felt a little uncomfortable watching it.

Or a little sad,

In fact, his current age is not much different from that of the other party...

If he didn't have the blessing of the pendant's copying ability, if he didn't have smooth sailing before, would his current ending be as humble and low-level as the guy in front of him?


So he sighed in his heart, and then said lightly! "Get up. By the way, my name is Liu Lin. I will be here in Cangyun City during this period. Get ready. If anything happens, I will go find you!"

As soon as this statement came out,

The bald monk suddenly became happy. He looked at Zhang Zihan who was kneeling on the ground and kowtowed and said with a smile! "Tsk, tsk, good luck boy! I didn't expect fellow Taoist to be so sympathetic? Hahaha..."

Of course he understands,

Liu Lin's words were nothing more than putting on a layer of protective clothing for the kid in front of him. Otherwise, how could they, a dignified monk of the Twelve Heavens and Great Perfection, need the help of such a little kid?

That is nonsense!

At the same time, Zhang Zihan also reacted obviously, and his face was full of excitement and ecstasy! Kowtow to Liu Lin! "Thank you, senior! Thank you, senior,"

But at this time, Liu Lin already shook his head, and then walked towards the direction of the Golden Silkworm Association,

Sympathy is sympathy,

But he can only do so much...

After all, respect the fate of others,

He is not the Almighty God either;

After a while, he came to the inside of the Jincanhui store,

I have to say that the world here and outside are indeed completely different! I feel that the atmosphere and environment are much more luxurious. Looking around, it is full of jewels, extremely dazzling and bright, and majestic.

"Hello dear guest, welcome to Jincanhui. What services do you need? Or what do you need to buy? Don't worry, you will definitely find everything you want in our Jincanhui!"

At this moment,

A gentle voice came,

I saw a very beautifully dressed female nun walking slowly.

His expression and attitude were all respectful.

"I want the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of the foundation-building realm, are there any?"

Liu Lin didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

"Senior, don't worry, of course there is!"

The female cultivator said without hesitation, then pointed to the stairs on the second floor not far away and said respectfully! "Senior, please come with me. There will be a special adult to receive you on the way! Please,"

So Liu Lin followed him, and not long after, he came to a room. What was even more exaggerated was that there was actually a female cultivator at the Foundation Establishment realm waiting for him in this room.

This is a woman wearing a gauze skirt and floral clothes. She looks like she is in her thirties or forties. She is very mature and charming, and her figure is very dazzling and hot. She is very prominent, but Liu Lin's eyes twitched.

I was shocked in my heart,

Because the other party is a foundation builder! But a genuine foundation-building expert,

No, is this Golden Silkworm capable of being so generous?

A powerful foundation builder actually has to come out and sell things in person? !

But everything has come,

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and speak.

"Hello, senior, junior Liu Lin, I'm here to buy something!"

"Haha, little friend Liu, you don't have to be so reserved!" The woman smiled seductively, and then introduced herself! "Let me introduce myself. My surname is Yun, and I am the steward of this branch of the Golden Silkworm Association! Don't worry, you are the guest here and I am the boss. Let's discuss matters as they happen. Our identities are equal, so you don't have to be so worried and nervous... …”

"We at Jincan Club are open for business and are always very friendly!"

"After all, peace makes money, aren't you right?"

"Oh, by the way, I heard from the people below that you want to buy heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the foundation-building realm?"

I’ve seen each other say this,

Liu Lin did feel a little better,

and nodded! "Yes, Senior Yun, I want to buy a water-attributed foundation-building treasure!"

"Water-attributed? Okay, wait for me!" The woman surnamed Yun stood up and walked out. Not long after, she came back, and in front of her, there was even a tray hanging in the air!

There were three things in it. They are: a lotus that looks like a sapphire, a stone that looks like a seahorse, and a thing that looks like a vine.

"Friend Liu, take a look at these three things. Which one do you like?"

The woman surnamed Yun sat down,

and then explained them one by one.

"The one on the left is the crystal lotus. This thing belongs to the most common foundation-building realm treasure, and its value is average! There is nothing much to say. The one in the middle is the Thousand Water Seahorse Stone, which is produced in the deep sea area and is very rare. Relatively speaking, its quality and value are also higher!"

"And the last one is the water dragon vine! This is an extremely rare companion creature in the habitat of the Jindan realm demon king Jiaolong clan!"

"This thing is not only very rare! But also very tough and magical! It is said that in this water dragon vine, there will be a trace of diluted dragon power. Although it is only a trace, it is amazing enough..."

"Dragon power?"

Liu Lin was surprised.

"Yes, dragon power!"

The woman surnamed Yun nodded and said with a smile!

"The dragon race is one of the most powerful beings in the world! And dragon might is their exclusive power! It is extremely terrifying and powerful! Even powerful enough to destroy the world!"

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