Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 52 A flying magic weapon for the foundation-building realm? Goodbye Yun Zhenzhen!



This is? For a moment, Liu Lin, Li Wenhua, Liu Xuanlong, and others couldn't help but look behind them, but then, their eyes couldn't help but quickly shrink in surprise.

"Then, is that a flying magic weapon?!"

Liu Xuanlong said in surprise, as if he was very envious,

In the sky, there was actually a gray-white flying cloud car, flying towards the sky at an extremely fast speed! Then he quickly arrived at the open space outside Langcang Mansion!

"Flying magic weapon?"

Liu Lin murmured,

This was the first time he had seen such a thing.

So it’s still a bit unfamiliar,

But others didn't notice anything strange about him.

"That's right!"

Liu Xuanlong nodded with envy and whispered! "This should be a flying magic weapon among the foundation-building magic weapons. It can be specially used for long-term travel. The flying speed is extremely fast, even far faster than ordinary foundation-building powerhouses!"

"However, this kind of thing is very difficult to make and its value is extremely high! Therefore, even many foundation-building experts cannot afford it!" "Flying magic weapon! This should only be qualified by a very small number of big forces. Have something like this!”


Liu Lin murmured,

His eyes also shone a little as he murmured.

"Then this seems to be a good thing..." So far, all his methods of traveling have been by foot! Or a carriage! Anyway, you are either working hard on yourself, or you are slow!

Will not work,

But if he could also have such a flying magic weapon...

That will be different!

Faster than a foundation-building expert?

Doesn’t that mean you can rush and escape for your life?

It’s simply the best of both worlds!

"It seems that Liu Xiaoyou is very interested in this foundation-building flying magic weapon?" At this moment, a soft female voice came, but Li Wenhua, Liu Xuanlong, and Liu Lin!

The three of them were stunned for a moment.

Then Liu Lin's eyes changed,

He looked in the direction of the sound,

Then his eyes became solemn...because the person speaking to him not far away was none other than the elder of the Golden Silkworm Society who he had met once before - Yun Zhenzhen!

Liu Lin couldn't help but pursed his lips.

I feel a little nervous inside,

But he still didn't show it too much,

He just bowed his hands towards the other party in a very ordinary way.

Said softly,

"It turns out to be Senior Yun. What a coincidence. Are you here too?"

"Haha..." Yun Zhenzhen smiled and said softly! "The Langcang Mountain Auction also has a contribution from our Golden Silkworm Association, so of course I will be here! But you, Liu Xiaoyou! You are here too,"

"If you are interested in this foundation-building flying magic weapon, you might as well take a good look at it later. Maybe you will get some unexpected gains..." After saying this, he winked at Liu Lin. ,

In this regard,

Liu Lin also understood immediately.

Doesn't this just tell him that he can buy the flying magic weapon later?

But the more this happened, the more uncomfortable he felt, and his heart even sank!

Because he felt like the other party was targeting him,

Otherwise, how could a powerful foundation-building expert from the Golden Silkworm Society be so interested in the Dzogchen of Qi Training Realm? To put it bluntly, it is still the same sentence, wealth should not be revealed in vain.

And now,

He seems to be in some trouble,

But the more this happens,

The less he can show weakness,

So he grinned and said with a smile!

"Thank you, Senior Yun, for reminding me. If this is the case, I really need to take a closer look!"

"To tell you the truth, I am indeed somewhat interested in this thing..."


Yun Zhenzhen smiled softly, and then walked past Liu Lin and the others. "If that's the case, I won't disturb you little friend Liu too much. See you next time!"

Having said this,

She then greeted the group of people who got off the flying magic weapon not far away...

And at this time,

The expressions of Liu Xuanlong and Li Wenhua,

It's also obviously a lot weirder,

"Liu, Brother Liu, was that Fairy Yun Zhenzhen, the foundation-building powerhouse of the Golden Silkworm Association just now? You, do you know her?" Li Wenhua asked with a solemn expression, and then there seemed to be some fear and timidity!

"It doesn't count as acquaintance..."

"It's just a one-time relationship!"

Liu Lin shook his head,

Don't say much,

But the more this happened, the more serious the faces of Liu Xuanlong and Li Wenhua in front of them became, and the atmosphere solidified.

Suddenly Liu Lin glanced at them and guessed,

It seems that these two guys don't want to cause trouble.

So he simply took the initiative to say it!

"Brother Liu, Brother Li, I would like to thank you two for this trip, but now that the auction is here, it's hard to disturb you anymore. How about we stop here? Let's split up?"

As soon as this statement came out,

Li Wenhua and Liu Xuanlong immediately seemed to be relieved,

He said quickly.

"Okay, so be it!"

"Of course it's best to split up!"

"Brother Liu, we won't disturb you anymore, farewell!"

After saying that, Li Wenhua pulled Liu Xuanlong and wanted to leave, but at this moment, Liu Xuanlong suddenly gritted his teeth, and then whispered one last word to Liu Lin! "Brother Liu, be careful of the Golden Silkworm Society..."

Then the two of them went straight into the auction without looking back.

"Be careful about the Golden Silkworm Society?"

Liu Lin murmured,

But then, he could only shake his head and mutter to himself!

"Having said that, it seems like it's too late now?!"

Then he also walked towards the inside of the auction. On both sides of the door, there were many attendants wearing colorful clothes. They are responsible for receiving every monk who comes.

"Hello, senior, are you here to participate in the auction?"

"Today's auction has three forms, namely the lobby on the first floor, the high-rise on the second floor, and the secret room on the third floor. I don't know which floor do you need tickets for, senior?"

It seems that Liulin is coming,

An attendant immediately greeted him with a smile.

Seeing that the other party didn’t mention the invitation letter at all,

He just saved himself the trouble,

Then he said without hesitation!

"Let's go to the secret room on the third floor!"

"The secret room on the third floor?"

The attendant was stunned for a moment, and then his face was filled with surprise! Say it quickly! "Senior, no problem, but there are fewer secret rooms on the third floor, so the tickets are more expensive..."

"It requires ten middle-grade spiritual stones, so what do you think?"

As soon as he finished speaking,

Liu Lin threw ten middle-grade spiritual stones over and said calmly!

"Take me there!" For him, since everything has been exposed, of course there is no need to hide anymore! Be kind to yourself first. Only ten pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones.

It's a piece of cake. Just sprinkle some water.

"Yes Yes!"

The attendant suddenly became excited and quickly put away the middle-grade spiritual stone. Then, people around him were surprised, envious, and even peeping, and quickly made a gesture of invitation! road.

"Senior, please come with me! Please!"

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