Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 58 The real killing game! Five major foundation building!

"Do it!"

"Don't be stunned, kill him..."

More people shouted,

Then he launched an attack on Liu Lin with excitement and greed!

It seems that he wants to kill Liu Lin in one wave!

Just at this moment,

A shocking scene appeared,

Liu Lin, who was supposed to be tied up tightly and unable to move, was actually! Outside the skin of his body, layers of colorful vortex spiritual power suddenly appeared.

This is the power of the Five Dragon Spiritual Shield.


Liu Lin faintly uttered one word, and there was a loud rumble! The five dragon spiritual shields instantly surged! In a split second, the snake-headed rope outside the body was opened!

Then Liu Lin stretched out his hand and grabbed it,

Immediately he caught the snake head rope in his hand...

Then he laughed!

"Good luck!"

"This rope is a good thing!"

Although his current actual combat effectiveness is very strong, it is limited to offense and defense. Anything else is almost his weakness! So for him, this rope that can tie people up,

It is indeed a good baby,

Just imagine,

First, tie up the opponent, and then use the five dragons to kill each other. Isn't it accurate to kill one at a time?

Even those who are strong in the early stage of foundation building will find it difficult to escape this combination attack. After all, don’t forget that this thing is not a top-level magic weapon, but a half-step foundation building magic weapon!

Even for those who are strong in the early stages of foundation building,

It works just as well! However, having said that, this object is still unable to bind the power of the Five Dragons Spiritual Shield at all. One can imagine how high the actual power level of the Five Dragons Spiritual Shield is!

However, the appearance of this scene also frightened everyone, and their expressions changed greatly.

"How, how is it possible?!" They were all shocked, trembling all over, and their faces were a little frightened and pale...

Because they are not fools,

They all realized something was wrong,

"Boom!" At the same time, their joint attacks had already landed on Liu Lin's side! They all exploded with wild bombardment! In an instant, huge waves surged into the sky, and shock waves shot out in all directions.

It was like a mushroom cloud appeared,


"Did you make it?"

Everyone is staring there!

They were all nervous, sweating profusely, and their hearts were in their throats.

But at this moment,

Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck,

Boom! It turned out that the Ziyang Thunder Fire Barrier turned into a bolt of lightning and struck...

Boom! Boom! Boom! In an instant, thunder roared, purple lightning and silver snakes danced wildly, and the huge power of thunder and fire swept across, immediately piercing through the Qi-training realm in front of me!

It was directly obliterated to death!

At the same time, I saw the Purple Sun Thunder Flame Barrier appearing in the sky, turning around, and then it was so powerful that it was so powerful! Falling as fiercely as thunder!

He immediately grabbed the two unlucky guys on the ground who had no time to escape.




The next second, the power of thunder and fire soared into the sky,

Two of the guys were also instantly killed.

They simply cannot withstand the terrifying attack of Ziyang Thunder Fire Barrier...

This also made everyone completely frightened and horrified. Their faces were pale, as if it was the end of the world, and there was no trace of blood on their faces. My whole body was shaking, and I felt panic and fear from the bottom of my heart!

This scene,

It's really terrible!


The next moment,

Some people finally can't bear the pressure anymore.

I don’t want any gold mines or mines that will bring me wealth and wealth.

They all turned and ran! Rolling and crawling!

It seems that he only hates his parents for not giving him more legs.

And this move is like hitting a domino! In an instant, all those guys in the Qi training realm ran away! They all ran away like crazy, running for their lives!

"Are you running away now?"

Watching them running away, Liu Lin couldn't help but curled his lips, but didn't chase them.

After all, this is not the main course. He knows very well that his real enemies are still watching him around here...,

"Aren't you coming out yet? What are you waiting for?"

"If you don't come out again..."

"Am I leaving?"

He glanced around and said calmly,

The surroundings were silent at first, but after a moment, someone appeared...

"As expected, those garbage in the Qi training realm are no match for you at all!"

"Your aura power is very strange..."

A solemn voice appeared,

The tall and lanky man from the previous auction, Senior Brother Wei, appeared, and there was another person beside him, and that was his junior brother Lin Feng!

What's more important is that these two people are actually strong in the early stage of foundation building!

In the early stages of foundation building,

Compared with the previous Qi-training guys,

This is a world of difference!

"Boy, I don't want anything else! Give us the Yunlin Speedster, and my junior brother and I will leave now!" At this moment, the tall and thin man, Senior Brother Wei, suddenly said,

"Are you talking to me?"

Liu Lin glanced at him and said lightly! "Why should I give it to you? Who do you think you are? Also, didn't anyone tell you that before talking to others, you should introduce yourself and your family name? Who are you?!"

"Can you tell me now?"

"You..." The tall and lanky man, Senior Brother Wei, suddenly stiffened! He seemed a little angry, and the corners of his eyes twitched! He stared at Liu Lin fiercely, but he still didn't turn his face immediately, but fell silent...

At this time,

Another voice came!

"Brother Wei, what's the point of just having Yunlin Speedy Car? Aren't you still afraid of a guy who is just a Qi practitioner? If you kill him, won't all his things belong to us?"

"So, why waste this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?!"

A dark corner in another direction,

A young man with white hair walked out slowly. He looked a little thin, and his clothes were tight-fitting and short, so even his wrists and ankles were exposed.

Two spiked rings hung around his waist, shining brightly and connected to each other, as if they could be integrated into one body. Obviously, this should be a set of combined treasures.

Of course,

What's more important is his cultivation level strength,

There is no doubt that this is also a strong man in the early stages of foundation building!

And he looks young!

"Is it you? Bai Ziyue..."

Senior Brother Wei, a tall and lanky man, glanced at him.

His face was cloudy and uncertain,

"That's right! And it's not just me!"

Bai Ziyue sneered,

Then he looked in two different directions in the distance! road! "You two! Brother Zhang, Brother Ouyang, do you still want to hide? I think we can be together, right?"

"How rich is this kid? We have all seen it and we all know it!"

"As long as we take action to capture him, even if the five of us share it equally! It's completely enough. If Brother Wei wants Yunlin Speedy Car, I only want the "Xuanluo Spirit Talisman"! There is also one-fifth of the other gains!"

"This should be fair, right? What do you think?"

After the words fell, a big man with disheveled hair suddenly appeared on a thick and towering tree not far away. He was wearing plush animal skin-like clothes, but his exposed chest, arms, etc. were actually covered with black hair, which was a bit eye-catching, and his body proportions were also strange, with short legs and long hands.

Looks like an upright ape?

Very ugly and scary.

But even so, this is still a strong foundation builder! A genuine early stage of foundation building!

In addition, another person has slowly appeared...

It was the strong man from the Blood Spirit Gate who was in the early stages of foundation building! Zhang Yuan!

In an instant, five powerful men gathered here.

Five major foundations!

The real killing situation appears here!

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