Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 6 Learning the Dao of Alchemy takes five years!

"Then I will work hard next!"

Liu Lin murmured,

Then he immediately took the medicine book given to him by Master Qingfeng, opened it, and studied it carefully.

Although he has absolute confidence in taking care of the spiritual herbs and elixirs! Because it can be copied, even if the caretaker dies, the others can still live, so this must be no problem.

But he still plans to study hard,

First, because this is knowledge and it is useful!

The second reason is that, unless absolutely necessary, he must not expose the existence of the copying ability now.

Otherwise, you really deserve to die.

As for cultivation, the future is long.

Anyway, his talent and qualifications are already ridiculously low, so it will only take a few years.

It’s definitely not too late for him to get used to it first, find an opportunity, find a suitable opportunity, and then slowly plan to practice! So next, he started to work in this medicine garden,

Holding the medicine book and studying it carefully,

In this way, time passed quickly, and soon it was already a month later...

On this day, in the medicine garden, Liu Lin had already begun to make preliminary attempts to take care of and maintain the spiritual herbs and elixirs in the medicine garden.

It has to be said that although his cultivation talent and qualifications are very poor, his potential regarding the elixir seems to be really good? Whether it is the study of the contents in the medicine manual or the actual results,

Everything went very smoothly for him,

This also made Liu Lin himself, and even Master Qingfeng,

They were all very surprised by this! I didn't expect it at all,

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect you, a little devil, to be quite interesting!"

"Those elm-headed people before were either stupid or stupid, but you are quite clever. Yes, do it well for me! As long as you can take good care of these babies of mine, you will not lose the benefits!"

Master Qingfeng said.

As soon as he said this, Liu Lin rolled his eyes and asked.

"Senior, can you teach me how to make alchemy?"

"Alchemy? You?"

Master Qingfeng glanced sideways at Liu Lin, seeming a little disgusted.

But I don’t blame him, after all, refining alchemy is much more difficult than practicing cultivation.

There is a normal probability that one person among ten thousand people can successfully awaken his spiritual orifice, but there is not necessarily a single alchemist among one million people. This is also a normal probability.

But then he thought about it,

It seems like this kid is indeed a little evil?

So I just let it slide.

"take it."

He tossed it casually,

A few volumes were thrown out,

Falling in front of Liu Lin,

"Introduction to Spiritual Herbs and Spiritual Medicines"

"Initial Interpretation of Alchemy"

"Alchemy Encyclopedia"

"If you want to learn, just try,"

"But don't dream about refining alchemy or anything like that. Your cultivation level is not high enough. At the very least, you have to practice the fourth level of Qi. And..." He changed the topic and looked at Liu Lin, squinting his eyes lightly and said! "Besides, if you are really talented, you will have the answer in your heart in a few years! You don't need me to tell you this!"

"Thank you Master!"

Liu Lin was overjoyed and knelt down to thank her.

"What master? I told you, I am not your master! In the next few years, I will also be in seclusion, so you should read these books by yourself first! I give you the opportunity. Whether you succeed or not is up to you. 's fate,"

"Leave your fate to fate!"

"No one can help you!"

Master Qingfeng said calmly, and then left gracefully.

Only Liu Lin remained kneeling on the spot, and then slowly stood up.

At the same time, he smiled excitedly. ecstatic.

"Great, with these alchemy books, I can start practicing!"

My own family knows their own affairs,

He understands that his biggest problem now is that his talent and qualifications are too poor. Even if he starts practicing forcibly, he will never go far. Therefore, he must find other shortcuts to assist him in his cultivation.

And this shortcut,

His ideal is Alchemy.

As long as he can become an alchemist, he can rely on elixirs to achieve breakthroughs.

And most importantly,

His copying ability can also infinitely copy those treasures of heaven and earth,

In other words, compared to others,

He will have the huge advantage of unlimited alchemy materials! In this way, he firmly believes that he can definitely fly, because practice makes perfect! This can definitely help him become a top alchemist!

This will help him break through and become stronger faster and better!

"It's a pity that my copying ability doesn't seem to be able to copy acquired products..."

"Otherwise it would be even more perfect!"

Liu Lin murmured with some pity,

He had experimented with his copying ability a long time ago, and finally concluded that,

His copying ability can only copy natural items, such as spiritual herbs, elixirs, metal materials, etc. However, other things that are man-made products cannot be copied.

So he can only copy the magical herbs and elixirs,

Refining it into finished elixir yourself and then using it,

But no matter what, this is already very good. After all, if there is really a steady stream of pills to help him achieve breakthroughs, it will be a complete cheat.

There is no one like him,

So in the following days,

Liu Lin also began to feel at ease and began to study those alchemy books seriously...

Time flies, and five years have passed.

During these five years, while he focused on those alchemy books, he also began to secretly copy spiritual herbs and tried to refine Qi-training pills.

As one of the most basic pills among all the pills, Qi-training pills are not worth mentioning in the world of the entire cultivator. Not only are the materials simple, but the difficulty is also the lowest.

Alchemy requires fire. For cultivators, it is either ground fire or their own alchemy fire.

But he can't do it. He hasn't been able to get started with cultivation yet, so he can only try firewood or charcoal fire to refine pills! But the firewood and charcoal fire are mottled, the flames are very mixed, and it is extremely difficult to control. It can be said to be the worst choice.

But no matter what, hard work pays off.

After trying more and getting used to it, practice makes perfect.

Perhaps it is because this Qi-training pill is very simple.

After the first successful pill, it was only two or three months. Liu Lin's refining of this Qi-training pill was already smooth and even advanced! The success rate is as high as more than 80%! ,

Therefore, the next thing is of course to practice,

Everything is ready! He also began to study the "Five Spirits Moving Technique".

You don't know until you see it. You will be shocked when you see it. This technique is actually a top-level foundation-building technique! If you can practice it completely, it will be enough to break through to the foundation-building realm. Become a foundation-building master,

Such a handicraft, this kind of thing really made him a little surprised,

But later, he seemed to know why,

This is because this technique was created specifically for a useless spiritual cultivator like him,

In addition, no one can practice it at all,

Also, perhaps because it is in line with the relationship of useless spiritual orifices,

The difficulty of practicing this "Five Spirits Moving Technique" is also extremely high! Very difficult,

First of all, it actually requires the simultaneous opening of five spiritual orifices. Under normal circumstances, everyone has one spiritual orifice.

At this time, even if there are multiple spiritual orifices, one will choose one and choose the attribute direction that suits him best.

But this technique is different. It needs to open up five spiritual orifices at the same time, and accommodate the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and then rotate and transfer them to each other, which is called transportation!

In this case, it is even more conceivable how difficult it is to practice this technique.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is at least dozens of times, or even hundreds of times!

Perhaps because of this,

maybe Master Qingfeng did not expect him to succeed in practicing this "Five Spirits Transportation Technique", or maybe no one has succeeded at all, so he gave it to him so generously, right?

Of course, it is not entirely true...

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