After all, wealth is

Given their strength, it is also easy to obtain.

So there is really no need to take risks just for this trick... What if Liu Lin still has a trump card hidden in him, and if he kills them too, it will be a big loss!

It's really not necessary.

But just when they chose to give up and leave, they seemed to suddenly notice something. They turned their heads and looked at the field, and then their faces became a little shocked! Be surprised,

"Yes, it's them? Wuji Sect?!"

in the sky,

A majestic foundation-building speed car slowly moved away,

With the arrival of the other party,

Liu Lin's face began to become more and more gloomy,

"As expected, is there any more?"

"And isn't this thing the same thing as before..."

Of course, he hasn't forgotten the flying magic weapon he saw at the Langcang Mountain auction earlier - the Foundation-Building Speeder. He didn't expect that even these people would actually target him, damn it! Sure enough, the principle of not revealing one's wealth is correct.

There are really too many of these mad dogs,

Oh shit,

What bad luck!

Liu Lin cursed in his heart,

But he is still ready for the challenge. No matter what, he still has confidence! So even if a strong person in the middle stage of foundation building comes to mess with him, he is not afraid! The worst case scenario is to fight, who is afraid of whom? !

But not long after,

Liu Lin's face and expression suddenly changed...



He saw a group of people walking out of the foundation-building speed car, especially the old guy with a cane at the head. He, he, he was not in the middle stage of foundation-building?

It’s the late stage of foundation building! ?

"It's over! Something happened..."

Liu Lin's pupils shrank,

My heart suddenly fell and sank to the bottom of the valley.

Damn it, how could this be the late stage of foundation building? It’s over! Something really happened now,

"Sure enough, it's them, the old guy from the An family, An Yixuan!" In the distance, Chen Shi'an, the ancestor of the Chen family, stared at the white-haired old man on crutches with a solemn face...

You must know that he is a strong person in the middle stage of foundation building.

Therefore, of course he understands the strength and power of that old guy An Yixuan better...

"I didn't expect that he would also target this kid? But is this necessary? If there is any problem, even their Wuji Sect shouldn't be able to handle it, right?" Chen Shi'an murmured,

There seems to be some confusion,

But at this moment, he saw the old man of Wuji Sect on crutches, An Yixuan, a strong man in the late stage of foundation building. He slowly walked towards Liulin alone.

As soon as this scene occurs,

All eyes are focused on it,

Liu Lin also had a look in his eyes.

Then my whole body suddenly became tense...

The pressure is coming,

He can definitely beat the strong ones in the middle stage of foundation building.

But the question is this late stage of foundation building? He really has no idea! Just like how he dealt with those in the early stages of foundation building before, this is not a simple text description, but a real difference in strength!

Oh shit,

What should this do?

But at this moment,

A hoarse voice came.

But he was stunned for a moment.

"Hello, little friend, would you like to introduce yourself, Laochan Wujimen, An Yixuan, hello..."

It's a bit unexpected that the other party has this attitude.

Liu Lin frowned and looked at him, as if he wanted to find something on the other person's face... But what he saw was not hostility, but a smile, or even a friendly approach?

What's the meaning,

Not here to fight? !

Liu Lin's mind was spinning...

Then he suddenly thought of another possibility,

Could it be that you really didn’t come here to cause trouble for him?

At this moment, An Yixuan spoke again and said with a smile! "Don't worry, little friend, I have no ill intentions towards you. On the contrary, I am here to help you."

"help me?"

"That's right..." An Yixuan nodded, then slowly stretched out his finger and gently touched Liu Lin's shoulder. A sudden pain hit him, and Liu Lin actually screamed...


A bloody light suddenly exploded,

Liu Lin's shoulder instantly turned into a blood gourd,

The blood drips down,

more importantly!

At this time, there were actually some blood-marked runes near the wound that could not be found unless one looked carefully. Seeing this scene, Liu Lin's expression changed drastically and he was shocked!

"What is this?"

"The Blood Mark Spell of the Blood Spirit Sect!"

An Yixuan smiled and said calmly! "Among the five people before, one was a guy from the Blood Spirit Sect! He secretly cast a spell on you to plant this thing. Although your strength is indeed very good, but! After all, you are not a foundation builder, and you don't have divine consciousness yet! Therefore, it is indeed difficult for you to discover such methods now..."

Before I finished speaking,

Liu Lin felt a chill running down his back.

Some cold sweat broke out,

Blood pattern curse?

real or fake,

If that were the case, wouldn't he almost overturn the car?

“This place is not far from Langcang Mountain, and Master Langcang from Langcang Mountain and Wu Youxian from the Blood Spirit Sect branch of Cangyun City are both in the middle stage of foundation building and have good strength!

"So, when they receive the news and come here..."

"My little friend, you may be in danger!"

After hearing this, Liu Lin became somewhat silent...

But a trace of sweat still slowly penetrated his forehead,

As if he was sweating profusely,

Because, indeed! If it weren't for An Yixuan,

He didn't even know the existence of the Blood Pattern Curse.

In this way, there is calculation without intention,

I'm afraid he will really suffer! Even killed! So he raised his head and glanced at the other party...and then slowly handed him over! Thank you! "Junior Liu Lin, thank you for your help, senior!"


An Yixuan smiled kindly and said! "Liu Xiaoyou, to tell you the truth, I really came to make friends with you sincerely this time! I want to invite you to our Wuji Sect as a guest,"

Being a guest?

Liu Lin's eyes flashed,

He immediately shook his head without hesitation!

"Sorry, senior, I don't have this idea for the time being! Let's forget it,"

He's not stupid, I'm afraid there is still a glimmer of hope here.

Going to Wujimen is not like a sheep falling into a tiger's mouth. How is that possible? This is absolutely impossible!

"Liu Xiaoyou, I know you may not believe it yet, but this is a matter of course. After all, we have just met. However, I have a few words that you might as well listen to..."

An Yixuan said with a smile,

"Senior, please tell me,"

"First of all, if I want to harm you, I should be able to do it with my strength..."

An Yixuan stared at Liu Lin and said slowly,

As soon as these words came out, Liu Lin's heart started to fluctuate a little...

Others may not know all his details yet,

But of course he knows it!

In addition to the Five Dragon Spin and the Five Dragon Spirit Shield,

In his hand now, there is only a sword escape talisman left to him by Master Qingfeng, which has not been used yet... But the question is, can that thing really escape from the hands of a late-stage foundation-building powerhouse?

It's probably unlikely, right?


In fact, it shows that what the other party said is right.

Once the war breaks out,

His chances of winning are almost zero...

Therefore, he can only choose to remain silent!

I'm a little speechless about this,

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