Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 66 A huge secret! The royal martial arts of the Yuan Dynasty? !

So, An Wenqing bowed her head and admitted her mistake again,

And this time, she was truly convinced. I know I was wrong.

"I'm sorry Third Grandpa, I know I was wrong..."

"If you know you made a mistake, just correct it..."

An Yixuan laughed,

But his expression slowly changed, and finally, he sighed slowly! Then he continued to speak! "Forget it, now that we've talked about it, let me tell you..."

"Actually, another reason why I don't want to attack him is because there should be a big secret hidden in this kid!"

"Third Grandpa, what's the big secret?"

An Wenqing asked curiously.

"Have you observed his aura power, or his practice skills?"

An Yixuan asked rhetorically.

"Master, the methods that guy used and the exercises he practiced seemed to be a five-element type of exercises?!" Liu Daoyun, who was silent at the side, suddenly said,

"That's right!"

"And I also know the name of this technique, it's called Five Spirit Transport Technique!"

"Five Spirit Transport Technique?!"

Liu Daoyun and An Wenqing murmured,

They all seemed a little confused,

"You all don't know how powerful the Five Spirit Transport Technique is. That's because the Five Spirit Transport Technique is not our technique...!"

An Yixuan said slowly,

There was a sense of infinite yearning in his tone!

"The Five Spirit Transport Technique is a technique from the Yuan Dynasty!"

"Da, Yuan Dynasty?!"

For a moment, Liu Daoyun and An Wenqing were shocked!

His face was full of shock and disbelief,

"Master, are you talking about that behemoth in the east, the first dynasty - the Great Yuan Dynasty? Is that guy from the Great Yuan Dynasty? But how is this possible? What is he doing here with us?!"

An Wenqing opened her mouth wide.

He said with a shocked face,

"Who else could it be but them?"

An Yixuan nodded, then shook his head and said with narrowed eyes!

"Why is he here with us?"

"To be honest, I don't know, but I can be sure that the magical powers and spiritual energy he used are definitely the Five Spirit Transport Techniques of the Yuan Dynasty!

"You have to know that the Five Spirit Transfer Technique is a royal skill of the Yuan Dynasty! And it is said that it originated from the great legend of the great Yuan Emperor who established the Cangzhou Empire! You can imagine what this concept is!"

"Although the true meaning is the Five Spirit Transfer Technique, which refers to the Golden Core realm and above, but, but! I suspect that this kid should be a Five Spiritual Aperture!"

Talking and talking,

An Yixuan's expression was particularly solemn,

"Five spiritual orifices? Master, what are the five spiritual orifices?!"

Liu Daoyun couldn't bear it anymore.

He opened his mouth and asked,

"It is said that at the beginning of the introduction of the Five Spirit Transport Technique,

The number of spiritual orifices in the body will be used to measure and determine the potential talent and upper limit of the cultivator. Among them, the five spiritual orifices are the most perfect state with the highest upper limit! "

"The most perfect state?!"

An Wenqing opened her mouth, her eyes already filled with shock.

She doesn't think it matters just these alone, but the question is, what prefixes should be added before these, such as the Yuan Dynasty? Royal skills, even the Great Yuan Emperor? !

All these added together,

It really shocked her!

She couldn't imagine how powerful the other party was! ,

But now it seems that this is really scary and unbelievable.

"Master, does that mean that guy is a super genius in the Five Spirit Transport Technique?" Liu Daoyun couldn't help but say. "Then if that's the case, we really shouldn't attack him...after all, what if..."


An Yixuan shook his head,

He said with squinted eyes!

"And you don't even know the more important things!"

"Something more important?"

"That's right!"

An Yixuan nodded and said solemnly!

"When I traveled to the east before, although I failed to reach the territory of the Yuan Dynasty, I heard a saying at that time! That is, geniuses who can cultivate the five spiritual orifices, even within the Yuan Dynasty, cannot See more..."

"It is said,"

"If you can cultivate the five great spiritual acupoints, then you don't have to know your origin! No matter how you do it! You only need to leave the original sect and join the Yuan Dynasty directly! So..."

"Now you know why?"


As soon as these words came out, An Wenqing and Liu Daoyun immediately trembled! They all gasped, as if they had seen a ghost! His face was completely shocked and horrified,

That was the Yuan Dynasty!

The first overlord of Liding Cangzhou, even an invincible existence of his own level,

And it is said that in that place, the golden elixir is everywhere, and the foundation building is not as good as a dog! There are countless realms of Qi training, like ants. Only by becoming the supreme Nascent Soul Ancestor can we be free and at ease and powerful in the world!

As a member of Cangzhou,

It is no exaggeration to say,

Almost all of them grew up listening to countless legends about the Yuan Dynasty.

Because of this, they felt awe and fear towards the Yuan Dynasty.

They have all been ingrained for a long time! The kind that is hard to extricate oneself from,

And now?

This, this family can actually join the Yuan Dynasty?

Isn’t that right? Isn’t that just right?

"Third Grandpa, do you suspect that he is from the Yuan Dynasty?"

An Wenqing looked at her third grandfather in disbelief.

At first, she didn't understand, and later she was even a little unconvinced,

but now, she was sweating profusely,

because she really didn't expect that

there was such a huge secret behind all this? ! After all, if this is true, if they dare to touch Liu Lin, there will only be one result waiting for them,

that is a huge disaster,

that is a catastrophe!


"Xiao Wenqing, you still don't understand..."

An Yixuan sighed,

then he stared at An Wenqing and said in an unprecedented serious tone! "It's already like this, do you doubt whether he is the real one or not? Does it matter? It doesn't matter at all..."

"Could his Five Spirits Moving Technique and the Five Great Spiritual Acupoints be fake? Stupid! Listen! You listen to me! From now on, you must remember one sentence!"

"Don't take your life to gamble on an unknown thing! Don't be blinded by the so-called wealth. In the world of cultivation, strength is always respected. Wealth? That's garbage, it doesn't matter at all!"

"If killing him can make me break through to the Golden Core Realm! Become the Golden Core Ancestor! You don't need to tell me, I will kill him immediately, and no one can save him! But this is not possible at all! Therefore, helping him in times of need and winning him over is the best choice!"

"The wealth of killing and robbing is only temporary!"

"But favors and one's own strength are long-term! As long as you treat him with sincerity and win the friendship of a super genius, that is priceless! Do you understand?"


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