Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 68 Breakthrough! Initial stage of foundation building! Transformation of potential talent!

"You, how, how is this possible...this, actually?"

At this moment, footsteps came, and An Wenqing seemed to walk in,

Then when she saw the open door and Liu Lin standing at the door, she was also stunned for a moment...

Then she forced out a smile,

He greeted Liu Lin warmly,

"Hello, I don't know what to call you. My name is An Wenqing. You came out... Huh? Wait, you, what are you doing?!"

However, just a second or two passed, and her eyes suddenly trembled! Next, he suddenly stared blankly, as if he had seen a ghost.

"You, you, is this possible?!"

She stared at Liu Lin dumbfounded,

Completely dumbfounded,

Nothing can be said!

Because, Liu Lin, who originally only had the Great Perfection in Qi training, has now broken through the foundation building!

His cultivation level has actually reached the early stage of foundation building? !

"Hello, my name is Liu Lin, this is my name! Remember it all!"

Liu Lin grinned, very calmly, and it was obvious that compared with the anxiety and bitterness before, he now had a completely different mental outlook.

It is no exaggeration to say,

His confidence has returned!

Because no one expected it,

Even he didn't think of it!

Just these three blood spirit pills,

He actually succeeded in building the foundation! It's simply outrageous,


Although at first he really thought it was because he was lucky and it was God who rewarded him! That’s what made him succeed! However, he later learned that, in fact, this was not the case at all...

the real reason,

In fact, it’s because of the Five Spirit Transport Technique! Because the five dragon souls in his body have subtly changed the spiritual orifices in his body! Changed his potential talents and qualifications!

It's all because of them,

They are the real heroes!

According to a short explanatory note in the Five Spirit Transport Technique! The formation of the five spiritual apertures and the five dragon souls will greatly improve and change the cultivator's qualifications and potential talents.

In other words, he is no longer the useless spirit aperture he thought, but the Five Dragon Spiritual Soul that belongs to the unique Five Spirit Transfer Technique! Moreover, the formation of the five dragon souls itself has a huge boost to the breakthrough in cultivation realm!

As long as you can upgrade to the gray level Five Dragon Soul,

Becoming a foundation builder is almost not difficult!

It's just a matter of time,

Because the power of the gray-level five dragon souls will nourish themselves all the time and evolve the spiritual power in the body, thereby promoting evolutionary breakthroughs and reaching the foundation-building realm!

In other words,

The three blood elixirs from before,

It's just an introduction...

Even such an introduction,

All you need is one pill, that’s enough!

As long as he takes a blood spirit pill and cooperates with the spiritual power of the five dragon souls, his chance of successfully breaking through to the foundation building realm is definitely over 90%! Simply invincible,

Even more exaggeratedly,

This accelerates the effect of increasing the chance of success in breaking through.

Not only effective for foundation-building realm,

Even to a higher level of Jindan realm!

It’s also effective!

As long as they can successfully evolve and condense the fifth-level golden-level five dragon souls,

The five dragon souls of this level themselves!

will have the ability to push forward the breakthrough,

The effect of increasing the probability of breaking through the golden elixir realm!

After all, the level of the five dragon souls,

In fact, it has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation! In most cases, it is very likely that the five dragon souls are at the gray level or orange level, and your cultivation realm is already the foundation-building realm of Dzogchen.

In this case,

Of course it doesn't help!

But there is another rare situation,

That's the other way around! If your cultivation realm is only at the early stage of foundation establishment, and your five dragon soul level is already orange! Even red! Even gold! So congratulations,

From the early stage of foundation building to the golden elixir realm,

Your cultivation path will be smooth sailing!

The power of the five dragon souls at that level can be given to you several times! It can even increase the cultivation speed dozens of times! Even the success rate of breaking through the realm! It will also be greatly improved!

It’s completely cheating!

Because of this, he finally realized it now!

Although he already overestimated the power of the Five Spirit Transport Technique,

But I didn't expect that,

It's actually still underestimated.

Regarding the Five Spirit Transporting Technique,

There are only two words for what he feels now,

That’s awesome!

"Liu, Brother Liu, have you really succeeded in building the foundation?"

"And, and, right here?"

Liu Daoyun looked at Liu Lin in disbelief, his expression was like a ghost expression, but at the same time, there was also some happiness deep in his eyes.


Fortunately, Master's choice was right.

This kind of super genius monster should only be able to win over!

Otherwise, there will definitely be big trouble!

And he even suspected that the other party could have established the foundation a long time ago, but maybe they were delayed for some reason, and now they were just worried about their intentions, so they were 'forced to establish the foundation'...

If this is really the case,

This is undoubtedly more frightening and terrifying...

Because in this case,

Not only is it further confirmed, his master's guess may be right. This guy may really be from the Yuan Dynasty! Otherwise, I don’t expect you to adjust so smoothly.

So powerful? !

Liu Daoyun's expression suddenly changed.

But my heart is in turmoil!

"Why, can't it?"

Looking at it, Liu Lin said lightly! Somewhat unkind, after all, he was under so much pressure before, and he was very unhappy in his heart. Now the opportunity to vent his revenge has come.

Of course he won't be polite!

Oh shit!

Why, can't it?

"Of course not..."

Liu Daoyun reacted quickly and quickly bowed his head and apologized! "I'm sorry, Brother Liu, I was just too surprised! That's why I didn't expect it! Congratulations, congratulations on your breakthrough in foundation building! Success in retreat!"

Obviously, he knows how to bend and stretch. Although everyone is in the early stage of foundation building,

But the gap in actual combat effectiveness is absolutely huge!

So he didn't expect Liu Lin to give him any good looks at all.

Anyway, just show weakness and admit your mistake.

His idea of ​​supremacy in the world of immortality,

Very thorough understanding

And at the same time,

An Wenqing on the side also woke up from a dream, and then congratulated Liu Lin with a complex expression! "Brother Liu, congratulations to you. The retreat is a success! The foundation building is successful. It's really gratifying!"

"It's not that serious. It's just foundation building. What's the difficulty? It's not that difficult..."

Liu Lin pretended,

Then the conversation changed and he asked!

"By the way, where are we now? Haven't we reached Wuji Gate yet?"

"Where's Senior An? Isn't he here?"

"Of course I'm here!"

As soon as he finished speaking,

A hoarse voice came,

An Yixuan walked from the inside of the speed car behind him with a complicated expression.

As a powerful person in the late stage of foundation building, his spiritual consciousness had already helped him ‘see’ everything. The reason why he didn’t show up immediately was because he was too shocked and a little overwhelmed...

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