Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 70 Foundation-building magic weapon and life-defining magic weapon! Ice-blasting needle!

If he could also be equipped with a foundation-building magic weapon,

This will not only make his fighting methods more diversified, but more importantly, he may even be able to use this as a basis to create a higher-level natal magic weapon!

My natal magic weapon,

That is the most powerful magical treasure in the entire foundation-building realm...

If we could really get a natal magic weapon,

His strength will definitely be greatly enhanced! By then, even in the late stage of 'Punch Foundation Building'! Kick to build the foundation of Dzogchen’! This may not be impossible...

You can imagine what this concept is.

As for,

Why can this be so?

Why are natal magic weapons so powerful?

That's right, this is because it is different from the ordinary magic weapons in the Qi training realm! These natal magic weapons in the foundation-building realm have the ability to grow and evolve to a certain extent!

for example. In most cases, when the natal magic weapon is first forged, it is actually a foundation-building magic weapon.

At this time, these foundation-building magic weapons, their basic power,

In fact, it is only at the early stage of foundation building, or it is around the middle stage of foundation building if it is exhausted! But!

Next, with the monks' day and night sacrifices and cultivation, the foundation-building magic weapon will slowly be upgraded! Thereby blending with the practitioner’s spiritual power! Heart to heart!

Thus upgraded to become a natal magic weapon!

Once it becomes a natal magic weapon, its upper limit will be raised!

Then, with the owner of the natal magic weapon, he will continue to refine and cultivate it! The power of this magical weapon will continue to grow stronger! Until the later stage of foundation building, even the great perfection of foundation building!

None of these are impossible,


At this level of the foundation-building realm, there is usually a scene where almost everyone has a foundation-building magic weapon! Then everyone is working hard for their own natal magic weapon!

Therefore, for foundation-building instruments,

Liu Lin was also prepared! At the Langcang Mountain auction a few days ago, he had already bought a foundation-building magic weapon that he thought was quite pleasing to the eye - the Ice Explosion Thread Needle!

This is a set of combined foundation-building instruments.

It consists of a total of twenty-one fine needles! Each of them is one inch in size,

Generally speaking, these thin needles look inconspicuous, but they contain extremely powerful and astonishing ice power... Yes, this is a very rare ice foundation-building weapon!

Everyone knows,

Flying needle-type treasures are not suitable for head-to-head combat. They are even slightly weaker in attack and defense than ordinary magic weapons of the same level. However, this is a master of insidious sneak attacks!

Because it is small and fast!

Therefore, it is definitely the best choice for sneak attacks and assassinations! It can be called a powerful weapon for Yin people, and therefore, this thing is quite famous in the world of immortal cultivation!

Of course, because this thing is difficult to make,

In addition to the method required to refine it, it is also very special.

Therefore, this kind of treasure is very rare in the entire world of cultivation.

Rare, of course it’s expensive!

So this is also the most expensive foundation-building magic weapon in the entire auction!

In order to get this set of ice blast needles,

He spent more than 1,300 middle-grade spiritual stones to successfully defeat the heroes! Win the top spot. This price is even twice that of some foundation-building magic tools. This comparison is actually quite obvious.

Although it is expensive,

But it’s worth it, of course it’s really worth it!

After all, as long as this thing is used well, it can easily kill a few strong people in the middle stage of foundation building! That is absolutely no problem at all! It’s definitely a great value for money!

So next,

There are many things Liu Lin can do to become stronger.

Enhance the soul of the five dragons,

Sacrifice the ice to blast a needle,

Then we have to find the recipe for practicing elixirs in the new foundation-building realm! These ideas and ideas have already been arranged, you just need to compare them one by one and do them step by step!

The next time passed quickly,

Soon it was the night of the second day...

"Dong dong dong..."


There was a knock on the door, and a gentle voice came,

"Senior Liu Lin, our Wuji Sect has arrived..."

Suddenly, Liu Lin in the room slowly opened his eyes. At the same time, some sharp and brilliant colors emerged from his eyes...


"Well, you're here now! Let's go out and have a look..."

He murmured,

Liu Lin stood up directly.

Then he walked towards the door,

A buzzing sound,

The door opens,

What caught my eye was An Wenqing, who had a stunning appearance.

Apparently the person who knocked on the door earlier,

It's her,

As for An Yixuan, Liu Daoyun and the others? Liu Lin's spiritual power swept away, and he suddenly realized that they seemed to have gone out.

At this time, the foundation-building speed car is parked in a rather wide and majestic square...

It was Liu Lin who nodded,

Said lightly!

"Come on, let's go out!"

"Yes! Senior Liu Lin, please..."

An Wenqing made a somewhat restrained gesture of invitation, then turned around and led the way. After a while, they had already stepped out of the Foundation Establishment Speeder and descended underground.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaoyou Liu, we are here, this is our Wuji Sect!"

"What do you think of our Wuji Sect? This should be okay, right? Hahaha..."

A kind voice came,

An Yixuan came over with a cane and said with a smile.

Liu Lin took a look around and immediately noticed many unusual things, such as formations, restrictions, and even some hidden powerful spiritual energy fluctuations...

Then he immediately understood in his heart,

It seems that this should be the core area of ​​the entire Wuji Gate! Coming here, he even had an illusion in his heart, that is, it made him feel like he was back to Wulongmen.

The overall strength of Wulongmen,

should be better than the Wujimen in front of him,

but other means, such as formations and restrictions, etc.,

these should not be much different, right?


this will make him feel somewhat similar...

After thinking about it for a while,

Liu Lin then looked at An Yixuan in front of him,

and asked with a smile!

"Senior, I wonder how you plan to arrange me next?"

As soon as these words came out, the expression on An Yixuan's face froze,

as if he was a little embarrassed,

and smiled bitterly!

Because he could clearly feel,

the obvious rejection and hostility in Liu Lin's tone!

Now that's good,

I didn't expect that things would not go as planned,

and he actually got a hot potato?

No hard way, no soft way,

it's really a headache!

But there is no way, he can only bear the sins he has committed by himself,

An Yixuan felt bitter in his heart,

but he was still polite on the surface! Even! He said it very sincerely! "Friend Liu, I think you really misunderstood! What I said at the beginning, there is absolutely no other meaning!"

"I originally wanted to invite you to our Wujimen as a guest, make friends, and enhance our friendship,"

"There is absolutely no embarrassment! I don't mean to restrict you. If you feel dissatisfied or too comfortable, it doesn't matter, you can leave now, I, An Yixuan, will never stop you!"

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