Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 75 Undercurrents! The progress of the Five Dragon Spirits!

"Why not? The enemy of my enemy is my friend and I can't believe they could be so stupid!"

Master Lang Cang had a sneer on his face. "Besides, it's just killing someone, so it's not that troublesome! With them coming forward! They can also suppress An Yixuan of Wuji Sect. This is the best of both worlds!"

"Furthermore, I don't believe they can remain indifferent even though they have lost two strong foundation builders!"

"And it is also a hidden threat to them directly, so we'd better cooperate!"

"Otherwise, if he gets stronger at this rate..."

"I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future,"

Master Lang Cang narrowed his eyes and said,

His face was extremely solemn!

It seems that he also understands that this matter is very important, and the longer it is delayed, the greater the trouble and danger, and even the greater the consequences! So they must resolve this matter as soon as possible,

To avoid future troubles!

"That's right!"

At the same time, after hearing the words and seeing the situation,

Zhang Yuan suddenly looked shocked! Then he said quickly!

"I also think you can try it! And"

He paused,

Then he said it immediately!

"And there's one more thing!"

"I think we can contact Senior Brother Zheng!"

"Senior Brother Zheng?"

Wu Youxian glanced at Zhang Yuan,

"Who are you talking about?"

"Elder Wu, I am talking about Senior Brother Zheng Emperor Yuan Zheng!"


Wu Youxian was surprised! "What's wrong with him? Why should we contact him?" No wonder he was so surprised, because this name, even to him, was very important!

Even a very famous one!

Because this is one of the three golden elixir ancestors of their Blood Spirit Sect! The true disciple of the Blood Claw Ancestor! A strong man in the late stage of foundation building! Zheng Diyuan! Regardless of the other party’s status,

Or is it your own strength?

They are far superior to him!

You can imagine what this concept is!

"Didn't I say before that that kid killed two disciples of our Blood Spirit Sect on Qingyun's side? Those two people are said to be disciples of Senior Brother Zheng Diyuan!"

"And more importantly, I heard that Senior Brother Zheng Diyuan is also looking for the Black Iron Golden Soul! So..."

This time Zhang Yuan hasn't finished speaking yet.

He was immediately interrupted by Wu Youxian, whose eyes lit up the more he listened!

"Then what are you waiting for? Without further ado, let's set off directly and find Zheng Diyuan first!"

"It's his words..."

"This matter will be much easier to handle!"

He sneered, feeling much more relaxed inside.

Because he knows very well how powerful that guy Zheng Diyuan is, and he is also a real genius! Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to become the direct disciples of the Blood Claw Ancestor! Such a high status,

Those are all symbols of strength and ability! It's enough to explain everything,

So, doesn’t the opportunity come now?


"poor guy……"

He sneered a little in his heart,


genius? Even a genius is useless! This is the strength of their Blood Spirit Sect!

They lack connections, strong men, and wealth. Therefore, as long as they are willing to take action, unless the ancestor of the Golden Pill is the guarantor, everyone will die!

This is their confidence,

and great strength!

The next days passed day by day,

Soon it was half a month later...

Liu Lin has done nothing in the past half month.

Just did one thing!

That is to feed the five dragons spiritually! Practice hard! Because he also wants to know how long it will take him to upgrade the five dragon souls in his body to the third level of orange?

But soon he became a little 'depressed'...

"Sure enough, the upgrade speed is much slower now...

"It doesn't seem that easy to upgrade the five dragon souls!"

In the largest and best cultivation secret room of Wujimen Tianxing Pavilion,

Liu Lin opened her eyes,

murmured to himself,

Since this time,

He uses metal, wood, water, earth and fire at the same time! With these five attributes of heaven and earth treasures! Black Iron Golden Soul, Phaseless Dharma Leaf, Water Dragon Vine, Fire-subduing Sacred Wood, Huangyun Magic Iron, to feed and upgrade the five dragon souls in the body,

But the progress is very different.

First of all, there are two who are making the fastest progress! They are the golden soul and the wooden soul! That is, the corresponding black iron golden soul and phaseless method leaf! Next is the earth spirit soul!

The corresponding one is Huang Yun Huan Tie,

But Liu Lin still felt a little strange about this.

Logically speaking, isn't Huangyun Magic Iron better than Black Iron Golden Soul and Wuxiang Faye?

Why is the effect worse?

This is a bit strange,

But soon,

He figured out the cause of the problem,

Dual attributes? I'm afraid that's exactly where the problem lies!

The improvement and upgrading of the five dragon souls,

It requires the power of heavenly materials and earthly treasures with the Five Elements attribute. To be more specific, it is actually the power of the Five Elements attribute! And what the earth spirit soul needs, isn't it the attribute power of the earth attribute?

Therefore, although the Huangyun Magic Iron with dual attributes is more valuable,

But for the improvement of his earth soul,

But it is even weaker!

On the other hand, this is not the case with the Black Iron Golden Soul and the Formless Dharma Leaf.

These two things are very pure single-attribute treasures of heaven and earth! Metallic and wood properties, so they have the best effect, and the speed and progress are also the fastest.

And this theory,

It was also fulfilled on the following water dragon vine and fire-subduing sacred wood! In terms of value, the Fire-subduing Holy Wood is greater than the Water Dragon Vine, but in terms of effect and progress, the Water Dragon Vine is still better than the Fire-subduing Holy Wood!

However, the effect difference between them is not that big.

So, it’s still acceptable!

"According to my current speed, it should only take about half a year to upgrade the three series tokens of metal, wood, and earth to the orange level! But the remaining water soul and fire soul should be much slower!"

"More than two years? Can three years be enough?"

Liu Lin's eyes flickered, thoughtfully,


The levels of heavenly materials and earthly treasures used to feed and enhance the souls of the five dragons are different, and their effects are also very different! One takes more than half a year, and the other takes two or three years? Or even more? !

The difference is quite obvious!

more importantly,

In fact, much more can be inferred from this!

If we say, from gray level to orange level,

It will take two or three years to feed it with high-level foundation-building realm treasures of heaven and earth! Does it mean that it will take this long to reach the level from orange to red if it is fed with spiritual materials?

Also, what if it is a higher level from red to gold?

How long will it take?

Five years? Or even ten years? Twenty years?

Not much can be said at this time,

But it’s really a lot! What's more important is that he can only reach this point when his logistical training resources are completely full and can be consumed regardless of consumption...

You can imagine how difficult this is!

Think about it this way,

If you don't have a fortune as rich as a gold mountain or a silver mine, you will pile it on at all costs! I'm afraid I'm not qualified to touch this five spirit transport technique. I didn’t expect that this five spirit transporting technique is so powerful.

krypton! It’s also true krypton!

"Fortunately, I survived, otherwise I wouldn't be here today!"

Liu Lin sighed with emotion,

Then he continued to act,

Keep practicing!

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