Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 81 Zheng Diyuan and Zhou Lintian! The Mo Dynasty Yuanying Conference!

But anyway,

Despite today's disaster, An Yixuan still fulfilled his promise! Help Liu Lin block it! And then, of course, it’s time to catch up in this depressing atmosphere!

Time passes day by day,

everything that happens here,

It has also been passed back to Chaoyang Palace...

And it's not just Xuance Peak. This time, even the other two main peaks of Chaoyang Palace - Taixuan Peak and Linglong Peak, they have also received news of this matter!

As a result, the situation gradually became serious.

Even gradually getting out of control!

A few days later,

Somewhere in Taixuan Peak, one of the three main peaks of Chaoyang Palace,

In a huge and magnificent cave room,

There are two people in the room at this time!

They are a young and handsome young man and an old man,

Among them, that young man looked like he was only in his twenties or thirties! Handsome appearance! Very eye-catching! He was wearing black clothes, with short, thorny hair, and earrings in his ears.

In addition, his head, neck, hands and arms, and even other exposed skin, have blood-red lines emerging on them, sparkling, appearing and disappearing,

These lines exude an amazing sense of oppression! The momentum is amazing,

It’s chilling and astonishing!

"Zheng Diyuan, who asked you to come here? Do you believe that I will kill you now? Huh! This is our Chaoyang Palace! We do not welcome you scum of the Blood Spirit Sect...

Suddenly a voice sounded! It seems to contain some coldness, even murderous intent! Suddenly, the temperature in the room seemed to have dropped a lot, and the atmosphere seemed somewhat solemn!

The other old man in the room,

At this moment, he was staring at Zheng Diyuan with an unkind look on his face... It felt like he would suddenly explode at any time if he just disagreed! It's like killing someone with your hands,

It feels very tense!

But the young man Zheng Diyuan was not angry either.

Instead, he looked at the old man in front of him with a smile, half-smiling but not smiling!

"Senior Zhou, Master Zhou! Actually, I don't think you need to be so hostile to us...after all!"

"If it hadn't been for what our Blood Spirit Sect did back then, would your Taixuan Peak have the status it has today, as the 'leader of all the peaks in Chaoyang Palace'? I don't think so, right?"

Zheng Diyuan naturally understood that the old man in front of him was no one else.

It is none other than the current leader of Taixuan Peak, the leader of the Chaoyang Palace peaks—Zhou Lintian! Zhou Lintian is over a hundred years old, and he is already a world-famous foundation-building Dzogchen expert!

So this is definitely a real big shot,

It can even represent the entire Chaoyang Palace...

You can imagine what this concept is!

Of course, apart from that, he himself is not a simple person!

He also has some background, and even has a profound background!

His name is Zheng Diyuan!

He is one of the three golden elixir ancestors of the Blood Spirit Sect and a direct disciple of the Blood Claw ancestor! At the same time, he is also a strong person in the late stage of foundation building! It also has a pivotal position within the Blood Spirit Sect.

Very extraordinary!

If not, Zhou Lintian, the majestic master of Taixuan Peak,

How could it be possible to meet him in person?

But Zhou Lintian is a little angry now,

"What did you say?"

Zhou Lintian's face darkened, he stared at Zheng Diyuan and said coldly! "Zheng Diyuan, you'd better stop talking nonsense! Otherwise, even if your master is the Blood Claw Ancestor, he won't be able to save you!"

"You have to understand, this is our Chaoyang Palace! Don't be too arrogant..."


Zheng Diyuan sneered incredulously,

But he did not continue to provoke Zhou Lintian, but changed the topic and said calmly.

"Senior Zhou, I only have one thing to ask you for this time..."

"whats the matter?"

"I would like to invite you, Chaoyang Palace, to attack Qingyun North together with our Blood Spirit Sect!"

Zheng Diyuan said slowly,

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Lintian was stunned for a moment, and then his whole body trembled, his face full of absurdity!

"Attack Qingyun North?!"

"That's right!"

Zheng Diyuan nodded and said with a smile! "Senior Zhou, I think your Chaoyang Palace should also be very dissatisfied with your current situation! You should even be a little worried, right? And now, this is a God-given opportunity!"

“This is definitely a great opportunity!”

"Senior Zhou, you also know that there is no one above you and me now..."

Zheng Diyuan smiled mysteriously, then narrowed his eyes and said! "Some time ago, the great figure of the Mo Dynasty, Kunwu King Mo Dangwu! Successfully broke through! He reached the realm of Yuanying! Taking this opportunity, the Mo Dynasty announced to the world that they would convene the Yuanying Conference! Invite the powerful Jindan experts from thousands of miles around to come and prepare for the Yuanying Realm. He congratulates, preaches and teaches Dharma at the same time, and discusses Yuan Ying and Jin Dan Dao!"

"Our three ancestors from the Blood Spirit Sect have all gone, and I think your ancestor from Taixuan Peak should be no exception!"

"So now we have no one above us. Isn't this a good opportunity for us to show off our talents? It's a rare opportunity! If you miss this time, it won't be so easy next time. What do you think? Senior Zhou?"

The Mo Dynasty is a well-known top power in Cangzhou. In the vast and vast territory of Cangzhou, the Mo Dynasty is a behemoth second only to the Yuan Dynasty!

Cangzhou is known as the ‘Top Ten Powers’!

They are the three sects of the Three Kingdoms and the two sects! One faction! A tower!

Three Kingdoms, Mo Dynasty, Chifeng Ancient Kingdom, Hongya Kingdom,

Three sects, Hengluo Sect, Blood Demon Sect, and Tianluo Demon Sect,

Two schools, Qingxu Sect, Longjue Sect!

One faction, Shenwu Sect!

One tower, Skeleton Demon Tower!

In other words, if we exclude the Great Yuan Dynasty! Even if we look at the entire Cangzhou, the Mo Dynasty is definitely one of the top ten giants in Cangzhou! There are very few who can compare with it!

You can imagine what this concept is...

"What are you kidding, Zheng Diyuan? Do you think I'm stupid?"

Zhou Lintian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Zheng Diyuan coldly! "Revenge on Qingyunbei is your Blood Spirit Sect's business, what does it have to do with us? Why should we, Chaoyang Palace, help you?"

"Help? No, no, no, this is called mutual benefit! This is called cooperation! Do you understand?"

Zheng Diyuan shook his head and said lightly!

"Now your Chaoyang Palace only has one Jindan ancestor who can't support it alone. To put it bluntly, after a hundred years, or if something happens to him, will your Chaoyang Palace still be qualified to be compared with our Xueling Sect? Hehe..."

"That's impossible!"

"So now is your last chance!"

"While your Taixuan Peak's ancestor is still alive! Cultivate a second Jindan strongman as soon as possible!"

"Only in this way can the future of your Chaoyang Palace and everything you have now continue! Otherwise, hehe... Senior Zhou, I believe you know the consequences, right?"

Zheng Diyuan said this with a smile,

but at this time, Zhou Lintian's face has become particularly ugly...

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