Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 87 An Wenqing recognized the master? Wujimen was disbanded!

Otherwise, once the Chaoyang Palace or even Emperor Zheng gets angry,

They will definitely be the first to suffer! By that time, it will be a complete disaster and a dead end!

"Third Grandpa!" At the same time, An Wenqing on the side was also a little anxious and couldn't help but say,

But was quickly interrupted!

"Okay, Wenqing, shut up!"

"You have no right to speak here!"

After scolding, An Yixuan looked towards Liu Lin,

At the same time, he also had a more pleading look on his face! road! "Liu Xiaoyou, you don't need to worry about anything else! I just want to ask you one thing! I hope you can promise me,"

"What's the matter? Just tell me, senior!"

"As long as I can agree to it, I won't refuse!"

Liu Lin also nodded. Although it had nothing to do with him, after all, the Wuji Sect was so big that it was about to be disbanded. He was still a little soft-hearted!

So as long as it’s not something excessive,

He plans to accept it!

Just think of it as tit for tat.

"Liu Xiaoyou, I want to ask you to help me take care of Wen Qing!"

"Even if it means being a slave..."

"Please take Wenqing with you!"


An Yixuan bowed to Liu Lin solemnly,

The attitude is extremely humble,

"Third Grandpa, what are you talking about? I won't leave! I want to be with you!"

An Wenqing's eyes were red.

I couldn’t help but say!

But he was slapped in the face instantly!

The slap was extremely loud!

"Can't you hear me tell you to shut up?"

"If you still recognize me, just do what I say, otherwise! I won't have you as my granddaughter!"

An Yixuan roared!

Moreover, his slap also wiped out An Wen.

Even Liu Lin was stunned!

"No, I didn't refuse either. It's not like it's not..."

Liu Lin couldn't help but press her cheek, as if she was a little embarrassed.

But he still nodded! road! "Senior, if you want me to take care of her, you can... I promise you! From now on, just let Wen Qing stay with me!"

"Thank you, Xiaoyou Liu! Thank you!"

An Yixuan bowed to Liu Lin again,

Then he looked towards the tearful An Wenqing...

Another sigh! Why!

"Wenqing, from now on you will be a maid by Liu Xiaoyou's side! Do your job well and take good care of Liu Xiaoyou! As for the future...if you want to come to me in the future!"

"You can go to the ancestral land!"

"If nothing else happens, I should take people there! Also,"

"Remember what I said to you before, about revenge! Think about it in the long term, do you understand?"

An Wenqing's eyes were red.

Tears are also rolling in my eyes,

But at this time, it was obvious that An Yixuan's intention was understood... That's right! That is revenge! Then she nodded, and then bowed solemnly to Liu Lin in front of her!

"Little girl An Wenqing, please see the master!"

"Okay, okay, get up!"

Liu Lin also felt a little uncomfortable with this. With a wave of his hand, a stream of spiritual energy rolled out,

He immediately dragged An Wenqing to his feet.

At the same time, he took another deep look at An Yixuan in front of him, his eyes flickering. Obviously he was not stupid. He understood that the other person's words were actually meant for him.

But it didn't matter to him.

After all, it is only correct if there are conditions and requests.

That’s human nature!

If you don't ask for anything,

On the contrary, it is even more problematic!

revenge? Forget it, we'll see what happens later. If you can help, you can help. If not, forget it. He has the initiative! There is no need to force it.

So next, he cupped his hands towards An Yixuan in front of him and said slowly!

"Senior, in that case! Without further ado! I'll take my leave first! In addition, thank you for what happened earlier! I, Liu Lin, am naturally not a ruthless person. I owe you a favor for this matter. If you do it in the future, If you have any needs, you can come to Qingyun Beiwu Longmen, or use this thing to come to me!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and patted it!

Then there was a gathering of spiritual light! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz... In an instant, all these spiritual energy rays of light merged together and turned into a colorful five-color talisman!

This is the gathering of the power of the five dragon souls in his body! If you are not someone who also practices the Five Spirit Transporting Technique, and you must have the Five Spirit Apertures, otherwise it should be difficult to imitate it!

Although in his opinion,

In fact, this matter is not really that big of a favor, but!

Seeing how An Yixuan protected him before,

He still decided to keep a good relationship,

Maybe it will be useful in the future...

Looking at the Five Dragon Soul Talisman in front of me,

An Yixuan opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something? But he finally swallowed it and just nodded! Then he stretched out his hand to grab it and directly pocketed it!

"Liu Xiaoyou, I leave this useless little granddaughter to you!"

"Next...please take care of yourself!"

Liu Lin nodded,

Then he bought the flying magic weapon at the Langcang Mountain auction - Yunlin Speeding Car! Take it out! Then there was a loud bang, and the Yunlin Speedster appeared out of thin air.

Then transformed,

It turned into a majestic warship and speed car!

"Let's go! It's time to go!"

Liu Lin glanced at An Wenqing behind him,

and then walked towards the Yunlin flying car...

"Third Grandpa, take care!" An Wenqing bowed solemnly to An Yixuan in front of him, then turned around and left, following Liu Lin into the Yunlin flying car!

Then he quickly soared into the sky,

turned into a ray of light and left the sky above Wujimen!

And seeing this scene,

looking at the distant light in the sky,

An Yixuan also squinted and smiled! Muttered to himself! "Big brother, second brother, I don't have the ability to give you, to avenge our An family, but maybe Xiao Wenqing can!"

"You are down there, you should bless him more!"

"Maybe this is really a great opportunity for her! I hope so..."


A voice came,

Liu Daoyun appeared behind An Yixuan, with a complicated expression!

"Are you really going to disband Wujimen?"

"Daoyun, are you willing to leave with me?" Looking at the disciples in front of him, a trace of guilt appeared in the depths of An Yixuan's eyes! "Sorry, I am sorry for you, but..."

"Don't say it, Master..." Liu Daoyun shook his head and said calmly! "Without you, there would be no Liu Daoyun today. Wherever you go, I will follow you! But what about others?"

"Don't force it!"

An Yixuan shook his head and said lightly! "Take away those who are willing to leave with us. If they don't want to, it doesn't matter... Go and take out everything in the treasure house and share it with them!"

"I don't want it. This time, I am sorry for them!"

"I hope they can understand me..."

"Yes! Master, I'll go now!"


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