Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 94: Yun Zhenzhen's regret! Robbery of the Golden Silkworm Society!

Like Wu Youxian, Master Langcang and others,

She didn't go to the original battle,

Originally, in order to be cautious, she would not get involved in such things. It was nothing more than buying and selling information and betraying information about some customers. In her opinion, this is all harmless!

But everything that happened next,

But it frightened her!

I also regret it very much,

After all, she never expected,

Liu Lin's strength is actually so powerful, even comparable to the middle stage of Foundation Establishment! If she had known this was the case, she would never have been stupid enough to sell the other party's information!

But now that the matter has come to this, there is nothing she can do about it.

She can only pray that the other party does not know these little actions she made...

Don't argue with him,

"It's okay, it should be okay!" "And I'm a member of the Golden Silkworm Society. Even if he knows, he probably won't come to me!" Yun Zhenzhen murmured, then slowly stood up and raised his hand,

Her beautiful figure was immediately covered with a thin layer of gauze.

Looks particularly charming,

Then she stepped forward with a calm face,

Went out,

There was a squeak,

The door opened,

There was a large garden inside the house, and there was a pavilion in the garden. Yun Zhenzhen glanced at it casually, and then froze!


It's like a bucket of cold water being poured on your head.

"You, you, you..."

Yun Zhenzhen's face changed drastically,

It was cold from head to toe!

It seemed like he froze all of a sudden!

She was trembling all over and stared inside the pavilion, because there were two figures there who shouldn't be there at all! She said in a trembling voice:

"Yes, it's you?!"

It turns out it's not a nightmare,

It's a real warning,

Liu Lin looked at the frightened Yun Zhenzhen with a half-smile but not a smile.

Then he said with a smile! "Miss Yun, long time no see. Didn't you ask me to come find you? What, why are you so scared when you see me?!"

As soon as these words came out, Yun Zhenzhen suddenly trembled, and his mentality immediately broke through.

As if she couldn't bear the pressure at all, she quickly fell to her knees with a bang! Begging for mercy:

"Dear Fellow Daoist Liu, yes, I'm sorry, please forgive me. I just sold some information about you. This is the rule of our Golden Silkworm Association. I can't help it! I didn't do anything else..."

"Please spare me!"

She knelt on the ground pitifully. Spring suddenly appeared, so pitiful.

But Liu Lin started to laugh a little.

"The rules of the Golden Silkworm Association? What a rule of the Golden Silkworm Association..."

"But, are you afraid of Jin Canhui but not me? But it's true that you were not afraid of me at the beginning..."

Then he changed the subject and asked!

"Let me ask you a question, are Wu Youxian and Master Na Langcang involved in my matter?"


Yun Zhenzhen said without hesitation!

"The private affairs of Langcang Mountain Auction have always been their mastermind. I was just forced, and I couldn't help it! Please, forgive me, I know I was wrong..."

"Thank you for answering me, Miss Yun..."

Liu Lin smiled mockingly,

Then, a beating flame suddenly appeared in front of him. The flame was filled with terrifying high temperatures, as well as the colorful five-element attributes.

As soon as I saw this scene,

Yun Zhenzhen became even more frightened!

With a shocked face, he begged frantically for mercy.

"I'm sorry, please let me go, please, I can atone for my sins, I can do anything... please!"

Before the words fell,

Sounds of piercing the air came from behind, and in a split second, more than ten ice blasts penetrated her body! He killed him on the spot, and then slowly fell to the ground...

Become a corpse!

"Do you know you're wrong? I don't think so. You just knew you were going to die, so you were afraid!"

Looking at Yun Zhenzhen’s corpse,

Liu Lin sneered, and then he stood up directly. The flames in front of his eyes dispersed instantly, as if a spark of fire surrounded him. He is extremely handsome!

"Let's go, rob this Golden Silkworm Club first! There should be a lot of good things here, and then go find other people. They don't know I'm coming, so they probably won't run away!"

He still lacks water-attribute and fire-attribute spiritual materials.

So he put hope,

I am placing my trust in the Golden Silkworm Association in front of me...even though it is only a branch! But after all, it is a multinational chamber of commerce force, so if you are lucky, maybe it will give him a surprise?

So next, he directly robbed the entire Golden Silkworm Association branch in Cangyun City! Just loot them all, and then start a new round of searching!

Logically speaking, the Blood Spirit Sect branch should be located in Cangyun City.

But the place was found, yes, but the person was not found! Both Wu Youxian and Zhang Yuan seemed to have disappeared from the world and were neither here.

"Did he run away?"

Liu Lin's face looked a little ugly,

He came here specifically to take revenge. If he ran away and was not here,

That would be embarrassing,

"Master, maybe they are in Langcang Mountain?"

An Wenqing said, his eyes twinkling! "If it is not within Cangyun City, there is only one possibility, and that is Langcang Mountain! Otherwise, it really is not here..."

"Go and see!"

Liu Lin nodded, and then directly destroyed the Blood Spirit Sect branch, killing everyone! He burned it with a fire, and then headed toward Langcang Mountain as quickly as possible...

At the same time, in the mansion of Master Langcang in Langcang Mountain, Wu Youxian, Zhang Yuan, and Master Langcang are all here!

It turns out that since they found Zheng Diyuan, they have not cared much about or interfered with Liu Lin's affairs, because Zheng Diyuan took over, and for them,

Liu Lin must be dead!

They are too lazy to waste any more time on this...

Just in case,

They decided to stick together for a while first. In this way, if Liu Lin really broke the pot! Come to them to take revenge! They are not alone either! Thus being defeated one by one...

But just today,

But they suddenly realized something was wrong,

With a whoosh, a bloody light swept from the sky and rushed straight into Master Langcang's mansion! Falling in front of Wu Youxian, Wu Youxian's expression immediately changed.

Then grab it,

torn apart,


"What's going on? What happened!?"

A voice came, and Zhang Yuan looked at Wu Youxian with a solemn expression!

Even a little nervous!

Because he knows that bloody light! That's their Blood Spirit Sect's communication talisman! and! Unless it is an emergency, this thing is generally not used!

In other words,

I'm afraid something is wrong!

At this moment, Wu Youxian's face darkened! He said through gritted teeth!

"Something happened in Cangyun City!"

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