Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 98: Kill them all! Underground treasure house! Blood Demon Fire Lotus!

"Where do you want to go?!" A sneer came, and in an instant, countless ice blasts and needles came like an overwhelming rainstorm, nailing him to the ground in an instant, and blood spattered!

But he's not dead yet...he's still alive,

"No, don't kill me!"

"Kill me, and the Blood Spirit Sect won't let you go!"

Wu Youxian roared, his face twisted,

But it's not a beg for mercy, but a threat,

"Why do you always like to talk such useless nonsense?" Liu Lin flew over and kicked him out with a whip, which instantly exploded his head.

There was a dull thud,

It exploded like a watermelon, and the bloody brain shot out, staining the ground red.

Now he is finally really dead...

Liu Lin glanced at the corpse in front of him with some disgust, and then with a bang, the spiritual energy on his body flashed and melted instantly! Cleansed away the filth from the body.

Logically speaking, he wouldn't dare to do this.

A little dirty,

But this kick is still pretty cool.

With a bang, his head exploded! One for each foot.

"Boom!" Then he stretched out his hand, and the spiritual energy rolled! Suddenly, rays of light quickly swept away all the treasures in Wu Youxian's storage bags! After getting the loot! Liu Lin also flew up directly. At the same time, he also controlled the power of the Five Dragon Transformations in the sky to get rid of the remaining foundation-building vampires one by one!

"Hey, what a bunch of beasts!"

Liu Lin sighed and cursed,

I was in a good mood! But after seeing these disgusting things, I really can’t feel better. Although the great path is ruthless, the methods of these demonic and evil Blood Spirit Sect members,

It did still make him feel a little uncomfortable.

What a bunch of beasts...

Then Liu Lin waved to Yunlin Speedster in the sky,

"Boom!" Suddenly there was a flash of light! The sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and the Yunlin Speedster descended quickly,

And An Wenqing is already standing at the highest point on the deck!

"The old rules are Wenqing! Dig down and dig deep! Take away all the treasures you can find! If you can find spiritual materials, that would be the best! Hurry up and start..."

Liu Lin said,

Then he started searching everywhere,

For him, wealth or not, treasure or not, spiritual stone or not, these are not important, what is important is! He is in urgent need of spiritual materials with water and fire attributes! to fill his last two vacancies,

As long as the things are done, he can run to Wulong Gate and stay there forever!

By then! Three or four years at most! His five dragon souls can definitely break through to the red level! Ten or twenty years at most! His five dragon souls will definitely be able to break through to the golden level of Dzogchen!

As long as the five dragon souls are full, even the ancestor of the Golden Pill! He is not afraid either! That’s how confident you are!

The only thing that's a bit of a headache is that,

So far,

No news from spiritual materials!

The previous Heron Mountain Bai family had disappointed him...

There is also the previous Golden Silkworm Association, Cangyun City branch! He was disappointed there too! None of them have spiritual material! Therefore, this Langcang Mountain is his 'only hope'!

If it doesn't exist here, there's nothing we can do about it.

Then he can only go back to Qingyun North first.

Let’s go back to Wulongmen to think of a solution first.

But fortunately, God still opened his eyes occasionally, and soon, under the scanning of his spiritual power, he found a secret base buried deep underground!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the door full of powerful restrictions was blasted open by Liu Lin with a slap. Suddenly, the brilliance of the treasures and creatures blinded Liu Lin and An Wenqing's eyes!

"Here, here is...there are so many?!"

An Wenqing opened her mouth with surprise on her face.

The scale of the treasures in front of you is simply piled up like a mountain! It was completely beyond her imagination...

But then she seemed to realize something,

Then his eyes flashed and he said! "I understand, this should be because the Langcang Mountain auction has just ended, and these items from the Golden Silkworm Association haven't had time to be shipped to the headquarters!"

"You said this is something from the Golden Silkworm Society?"

Liu Lin asked curiously.

"That should be right!" An Wenqing nodded and explained! "Master, Master Langcang is an important figure in the Golden Silkworm Association! Especially the Langcang Mountain auction that takes place every ten years will bring huge wealth to the Golden Silkworm Association! Therefore, this should be the treasure house of the Golden Silkworm Association. wrong……"

"Then why?"

Liu Lin said subconsciously,

He wanted to ask why he hadn't seen many of the things here at previous auctions? But as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly realized that this was a very stupid question.

After all, who keeps their underwear hanging out all day long? Isn't that an idiot?

Hiding is normal.

Human nature is like this,

Then he immediately took action!

"Treasure house, treasure house...I'm here! Liulin dives in to look for it. He's not interested in other things! He only wants spiritual materials, so please...

"Hey, I found it! Great job!"

Soon, a sparkling bloody lotus appeared in Liu Lin's spiritual power. This thing looked like it was refined, but it was actually blood red all over, as if it were a flame.

Constantly burning and beating, filled with astonishing temperature,

And it's even a little chilling, as if it's not fire, but low temperature...

It feels like this thing is a bit evil! Yes, it is evil,

"What the hell is this?"

"Why does this look like it's not a good thing?"

Liu Lin murmured,


An Wenqing on the side was also a little surprised, and her expression changed! Shocked!

"This seems to be the legendary blood, Blood Demon Fire Lotus?!"

"Blood Demon Fire Lotus"

Liu Lin glanced at her and asked!

"Tell me, what is this?!"

"Yes..." An Wenqing took a deep breath! Then he said!

"The Blood Demon Fire Lotus, it is said that this is a sacred object of the demonic path that only grows in the land irrigated by demonic blood! And in this blood demon fire lotus! It also contains extremely terrifying demonic power, especially for the demonic monks, this level Power is absolutely priceless..."

She paused after saying this,

Then some looked at Liu Lin with solemn expressions! "Master, we seem to be in trouble? Blood Demon Fire Lotus, this thing is even more valuable than Huang Yun Magic Iron!"

"If the Golden Silkworm Society or even the Blood Spirit Sect finds out that we took away the Blood Demon Fire Lotus..."

"I'm afraid something bad will happen!"

"Something bad happened? Are you scared?"

Liu Lin looked indifferent.

Even a little disdainful! He sneered, what he needed most now was spiritual materials! I'm lucky enough to find one, so this is a happy event! What a happy event!

Not good!

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