Chapter 112 Amuro who was shot!!


It’s time for the evening.


In the mountains and forests, Shirakawa and they wear black Haori and black smiley masks, including Black Feather Kuaidou and Ireland.

All of their eyes stared at the road below through the dark night.


On the mask that Black Feather Kuaidou slapped on, he glanced at everyone and said helplessly: “Obviously there is still snow here, why are there mosquitoes?” And only bite me alone? ”

Several people looked at him curiously, with a smile in their eyes, and did not say anything.

“Here it comes.”

Shirakawa said suddenly.

Everyone instantly held their breath.

I saw the dark road.

A beam of light came from far and near, and when I got closer, I saw that it was a black Mazda.

“Just a car?”

Shirakawa looked at Ireland.

Ireland said lightly: “Normal, this should be a pathfinder, the gin wine is still behind, it is estimated that there are still ten minutes to pass by here.” ”

Shirakawa’s face turned green, and although he couldn’t see it with a mask, he said in a helpless tone: “We should trust each other, you should have said earlier, we should have put this car over.” As a result, now there is such a big tree in front of it, that is troublesome. ”


Ireland said seriously: “These are the core members, if you don’t solve them first, when we clash with Gin Jiu, they will quickly come back to help.” ”

“Forget it.”

Shirakawa Haba sighed, things are already like this, then it will be wrong.


On the highway.


The driver was Amuro, and in the passenger seat sat a foreign woman with short blond hair, her code name was – Riesling.

“You say, why is Gin here here?”

Amuro asked quietly.

Riesling squinted his eyes and said lightly: “Bourbon, don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, we just need to carry out the order.” ”

“Haha, liven up the atmosphere. Riesling, don’t always keep a straight face, it will age faster. ”

Amuro was still mouthful, but as soon as he turned a corner, he saw a large tree across the road in front of him, which made his face change and slammed on the brakes.

“Go down and take a look.”

Amuro unfastened his seatbelt and came to the tree in front of the road.

Riesling also got out of the car, followed the trunk to the root part, and then found a neat cut, secretly said in his heart, and said loudly: “Be careful!” ”


It’s already late.


On both sides of the dark road, there were bursts of smoke, and the smoked two had to close their eyes, hold their breath, and stand motionless in place.

Tens of seconds later.

When the smoke disappeared, the two opened their eyes, only to find that they were surrounded by a strange group of people, each pointing a pistol at them.

Amuro looked at the group of people wearing black Haori and black smiley face masks, a flash of surprise flashed in their eyes, and said with a laugh, “There is something to say, there is something to say.” I’ve seen you guys on the news, from the retro group. Well, we shouldn’t have any enmity, I don’t know what you mean now? ”

“Amuro, it’s this guy.”

Shirakawa said in his heart.

He didn’t expect that the person walking in front of him to open the road turned out to be an undercover agent of the public security, and seeing the other party’s hippie smile with a bit of flattery, he felt particularly interesting to think about

As for the short-haired blonde woman next to him, he was not impressed.

“Hehe~” Shirakawa Ye smiled deeply: “We are waiting for you specifically, please cooperate.” ”

When Amuro heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, it seems that the other party is not ready to kill, otherwise he would not say the word [cooperate].

With so many pistols blocked, still at such a close distance, he had no way to dodge.

He just wanted to cooperate, but glanced at Riesling next to him, immediately gave up this idea, immediately changed his face, gritted his teeth and said: “I am not convinced, we have the ability to single out, if you win me, I will cooperate honestly.” ”

Yuji Suwa’s eyes narrowed, and he subconsciously wanted to step forward, but he was stopped by Shirakawa Ye: “Musashi, let me come, I’ll play with this guy, you guys back off a little to hear the words.” ”

Everyone did not speak, and tacitly retreated to both sides of the road, vacating the venue.

Shirakawa lowered his pistol and pinned it in a visibly distant place around his waist.

Amuro’s eyes lit up, and he looked at the position where the other party put the pistol without moving, and had a plan in his heart.

“Come on!”

With a loud gulp, he rushed straight forward and punched Shirakawa Haba’s mask.

Shirakawa Ye was not in a hurry, and even twisted his neck, and when he saw that his fist was about to hit his face, he swung out a fist and collided with the other party’s fist.



Amuro screamed, covered his hands and retreated, his pupils widened, glanced at Shirakawaba’s fist, his whole face turned green, and gritted his teeth: “Can’t you play?” How can you still wear a finger tiger! ”


Black Feather Kuaidou didn’t hold back and laughed.

The people next to him couldn’t help but laugh one by one.

Even Riesling, who was with Amuro, had a straight face at this time, and his expression twitched from time to time, trying not to laugh out loud.

“That’s a lot of nonsense!”

Shirakawa Ye stroked the finger tiger, with a smile in his eyes, and took the initiative to rush over: “Come!” Go on! ”

“Wait… Ahhhh…”

“Don’t hide!”

“Big brother! There are good words., ah…”

Amuro screamed again.

At this time, he dodged the flying fist one by one, but no matter what

The block, the sharp horn of the finger tiger, hit it so painfully, he jumped up and down in pain.

It’s just a short time.

His body was blue and purple, and he was even punched in the face.

Finally, he found an opportunity.


Amuro endured the pain of being beaten, hugged Shirakawaha’s waist, reached out and wiped his waist, and the pistol was pulled over, and he threw it hard behind him: “Riesling!” It’s up to you! ”

The pistol streaked a parabola in the air, and Riesling moved at this moment, swooped forward like a cheetah, took the pistol, pointed it at Shirakawa, and shouted: “Don’t move, or I’ll shoot.” ”


The others around ignored her, but stared at her with a playful expression.

The scene fell silent.

Amuro breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, released the waist holding Shirakawa Ye, and said slowly: “This gentleman, it’s better to let us go, so that everyone is safe.” ”

“Come, fight.”

Shirakawa Ye grabbed the already relaxed Amuro Toru, blocked it in front of him, and said with a smile: “If you want to shoot, you can only kill your companion first.” ”


Riesling looked at Shirakawa Leaf unexpectedly, he didn’t expect the guy in front of him to have such a tough attitude.

She looked around and suddenly found that the trunks of the trees on the road next to her were thick enough for her to turn over and hide behind, which should be able to escape the dead knot in front of her.

Thinking of this, she shot without warning.

“Snap” three times.

A series of three strange gunshots, bullets hit Amuro’s body.

If it was the same as Riesling had imagined at the beginning, she should have turned over and hid behind a tree after shooting at this moment, but now she was standing motionless and her eyes widened.

Because, she found that the gunshots were wrong.

The person in front of him is fine, normally speaking, at such a close range, the bullet hitting Amuro must have passed through his body and hit Shirakawa Haba’s body behind him.

Nothing happened.

Even if you look closely, there are three round plastic bullets on the ground.

“This is?”

Riesling glanced at the gun in his hand and said in amazement: “Imitation gun!” ”

This moment.

She finally understood, no wonder when she caught the pistol, none of the people on the other side panicked, but still looked like they were watching a play.


Amuro’s face darkened, and when he saw the other party shoot without hesitation, he almost scared his soul out.

Even now he is confused, what kind of person is this, his own people are decisively disconnected.

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