Chapter 114 is playing me!!

Late at night.

A temporary stronghold in Ireland.

Shirakawa Ye’s eyes looked at the gray-faced Ireland and said quietly: “If you can hold on a little longer, maybe there is a hope to kill the gin, at least one vodka.” ”

The old Irish blushed red.

He patted the dust on his body and gritted his teeth and said: “Damn Chianti, I don’t usually see such accurate marksmanship when I kill people, and tonight’s marksmanship is too accurate.” As soon as I showed my head, he predicted my position, and since I only had a pistol, she couldn’t raise my head alone. ”

“That’s why you can’t last two minutes?”

“It’s not.”

Ireland shook his head and said a little embarrassed: “At that time, there were two helpers next to her, and she almost came over and outflanked me.” I only had time to empty two magazines, so I couldn’t resist it and ran. ”


Shirakawa Ye laughed helplessly, the result was already like this, it was useless to say anything.

Sure enough, as he thought, the marksmanship of the black-clad organization is first-class when it beats its own people, and Chianti is a good example.

“Toot toot…”

Suddenly, the mobile phone on Ireland’s body rang, took out a glance at the number, and made a silent action to everyone, and then connected the phone: “What’s the matter?” ”


“I see.”

Ireland hung up the phone and said to Shirakawaba, “Gin told me to meet, I have to leave.” ”


Shirakawa Ye hurriedly said: “It’s easy to be suspected when you look like this, so let’s change your clothes first.” Remember, don’t take a bath, just clean the ash from your body. ”

“I see.”

“Also, we will help you deal with gin in this situation this time, don’t refuse next time if you have difficulties.”

“I’m not that kind of person.”

Ireland said seriously, turned around and went back to the room.

Shirakawa looked at the others and said, “Let’s go overnight, we should be able to return to Higashizakura at dawn.” ”

Black Feather Kuaidou said speechlessly: “What is going on every day this day!” After a while, he said what to look for, and now he is eyeing a criminal organization, and he has to run away again in the middle of the night. Alas, I’m so tired, I’m sleepy right now. ”

“Are you sure?”

Shirakawa Ye teased: “You also saw the scene tonight, or you stay here for one night and leave tomorrow.” ”


Black Feather Kuaidou thought of the group of guys dressed in black, and suddenly shivered.

Although he was confident that he could maneuver with the other party, he didn’t want to provoke this kind of enemy, so he hurriedly smiled and said: “Forget it, I’d better go back with you, maybe you still need my transfiguration.” ”


Shirakawa Ye shook his head funny, then thought of one more thing, and said, “Kuaidou-san, you can help me investigate one more thing.” ”

“What’s the matter?”

Black Feather Kuaidou’s expression suddenly changed.

“Just help me ask if any company is developing virtual games. And the other party also adopted a computer genius little ghost, about eight or nine years old, estimated at this age. Musashi, Kraken, Doctor, you can also pay attention to it in normal times. ”


They nodded.

Black Feather Kuaidou asked, “Why investigate this?” ”

Shirakawa Ye said quietly: “Of course, for the next time I come here, since there is a surveillance camera, just find a master to control the surveillance camera.” ”

“Are you talking about the genius little devil you just said?”

“It’s indeed a genius, anyway, you investigate.”


Black Feather Kuaidou counts shoulders, investigate it, and in the end, if you can’t find anything, go and ask your mysterious female classmate.

The other side.

Inside a safe house.

Gin wine and their group are here.

“That’s all, we’re under control.”

Amuro spoke about everything that happened.

He also regretted that a group of people in the retro group did not solve the gin.

Riesling did not speak.

The main thing is that her previous behavior was very embarrassing, and after saying it, I am afraid that no one here will dare to team up with her in the future.

The most important point is that she does not know that Amuro is an undercover agent sent by the Neon police, although she is also an undercover agent sent by BND.

If the two sides know each other’s identities, maybe tonight’s cooperation may be much happier, and everyone can pose together and wait for people from other organizations to target the black-clothed organizations.


The bedroom door opened, Chianti walked out, and said into the gin: “There is nothing wrong with vodka, just some skin trauma, more blood flow, and almost a month of cultivation.” ”


Gin replied lightly.

The reason why I saved vodka at that time was because I was used to using it for this little brother.

Of course, there was also the fact that things happened more suddenly at that time, he was not ready to fight back, and if Vodka died, the situation on his side would be dangerous, so someone had to drag it.

“Gin wine, do you want to bandage your face?”

Chianti asked.

Gin Jiu touched the wound on his face that was beaten by the finger tiger, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: “No need, its existence will remind me that some people must die.” Also, tonight’s route…”

Speaking of this, his beast-like pupils swept the faces of those present one by one, and finally fixed on the faces of Amuro and Riesling.

These two people are currently the most suspect, but they are a little different.

Of course, there is another person who also knows the route, and that person still does not deal with him.

Just as he was thinking about it, the door was opened and the man appeared.

Exactly Ireland.

Gin turned his head and looked at him coldly, trying to see something from his expression.

When Ireland saw Ginjiu’s face, he seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then mocked: “Tsk, Ginjiu, your dress is really beautiful.” ”

“Found it.”

Curacao, who had been tapping on his laptop on the table, raised his head: “The numbers of the shell casings left at the scene belong to the police.” ”

Amuro Tou is very timely to make up the knife: “That should be right, it was said in the news before that the retro group robbed the police of more than a dozen pistols, maybe it was this batch.” ”


Gin Jiu muttered to himself, thinking about the last time he was shot in the arm, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a call.

“What’s the matter?”

A lazy voice came from the phone.


Gin Jiu said without emotion: “It’s been so long, why has there been no news about what happened more than a month ago.” ”

“Are you sure?”

“I just want to see the results.”

“Tsk, I’m not your subordinate, why don’t you ask Rum to see what he says?”

Gin Jiu didn’t talk nonsense, hung up the phone directly, took out a cigarette and lit it, his eyes flickered from time to time, I didn’t know what I was thinking…

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