
Mihua Hotel.

Thirty-fifth floor, room five.

There were two people in the room.

In fact, it is a woman with long hair, silver hair, wearing a white blouse, and a dark blue skirt, a dark blue bow tied at the neckline, high heels on her feet, two-tone pupils, blue left eye, transparent right eye, sharper eyes, she is – Curacao.

“Why, still not telling the truth?”

She was now facing a man in his forties with glasses who was tied to a chair in a room.

The man’s name is Itakura Table, and his appearance at this time is very miserable, his body is bloody, his face is unusually pale, and he seems to be going to die at any time.

He coughed twice and replied in a weak voice:

“I… I didn’t speak… I really haven’t developed it yet…”

“I advise you to tell the truth, if you haven’t developed it, why do you want to pack up your things and flee abroad?”

“Because… Cause… because…”

Itakura table was a little unspeakable, although there were countless excuses in his heart, but he knew that the woman in front of him would not believe it at all, and he could not tell the truth, although he did not know what the group of people wanted to do, but “for the sake of all mankind”, he would not hand over that thing.

Also at this time.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Curaçao frowned, took a towel, blocked the mouth of the Itakura table, quietly came to the door, and saw the people outside through the cat’s eye.

It was a woman in overalls and a hat, with her head down, holding a box in her hand.

Just when she was about to be silent and wanted to make people outside think that there was no one inside, the woman outside actually spoke:

“Excuse me, is Itakura-san here?” Here’s his stuff. ”


Curacao’s eyes were sharp, and he instantly took out the pistol at his waist, opened the door, and aimed it at the person at the door.

The woman outside the door did not have any fluctuations, as if everything in front of her did not exist, and strode in.

Curacao closed the door and asked coldly

“Who are you? Where did you get this name? ”

The woman took off her hat, revealing long silver hair and, at one time, a pretty face.

Curacao looked at the strange woman and had already opened the safety on the pistol:

“Answer me, who are you?”

“How… The hair has changed color, changed face, changed voice, don’t you know me? ”

After the woman finished speaking in a playful tone, she reached out and pinched Curacao’s chin, but her eyes looked at her calmly.

Curacao’s pupils shrank, his eyes fluctuated violently, and the memories hidden by himself instantly appeared in his mind, but soon, these memories were hidden by her, and his expression became calm, frowning:

“Absinthe, what are you going to do? I remember that this matter has nothing to do with you. ”


Belmode smiled, withdrew the hand that pinched her chin, and said lightly:

“I’m here to save your life.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not interesting, it’s just that you have been discovered by people from the Ministry of Public Security and the Metropolitan Police Department, and a huge net is being laid here.”


Curacao shook his head directly:

“The only people who know my actions are among us, unless…”

Suddenly, she stopped talking, thinking of a certain possibility, and her brows were almost twisted.

Belmode said coldly:

“Looks like you should have understood, there are little mice among us. There are clothes for you in the box, and I have prepared them for you as I came in and left. However, I think they should not let you go so fast in order to ensure the success of this operation, so you need to stay in the Metropolitan Police Department for a while and wait to be released. ”

Curacao frowned and thought for a while, but finally picked up the box placed on the ground and walked into the bathroom.

Five minutes of time.

Curaçao, who had changed her clothes, came out, she glanced at Belmode, who had a calm face, and left directly.

With her departure.

The room fell silent.

Belmode slowly came to the front of the Itakura table, ripped off the towel from his mouth, and looked at him calmly.

Itakura Table had panic in his eyes at this time, because he had heard all the previous conversations, so he was even more afraid, because he could not know these things, and the result of knowing them would only be death.

Belmode looked at the frightened look of the person in front of him, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he spoke in a different tone:

“Itakura-san, long time no see.”

“You… You…”

As soon as Itakura heard this voice, his eyes showed incredulity, because this voice was so familiar.

He has heard it many times, and it can be said that people who often watch movies in New York are too familiar with the voice in front of them, after all, it is too famous.

He pursed his lips and said two words tremblingly:


“Huh… It seems that Mr. Itakura has not forgotten me yet. In this way, my plan to retire in front of people over the years has not been successful. ”

“You… You…”

Itakura wanted to say something, but the pain on the wound on his body still made him close his mouth weakly, and his heart gradually accepted his fate.

Belmode slowly came to the window, through the slight gap in the curtain, looked at the city below as if there was no change, and said calmly:

“Mr. Itakura, we will not pursue the matter this time, and you can also survive. We don’t know if you really developed it or not, after all, we didn’t find a clue. Anyway, there is not much time left for you, and when the stipulated time comes, if we do not get something, the consequences will definitely be ten million times more serious than what you face today. I think that through today’s lesson, you should not play any more tricks. ”

Itakura’s desktop was as pale as earth, and he lowered his head in a deep voice.

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