Chapter 143 Sharon, what are you running?!!

Mermaid Island.


A homestay.

Shirakawa Ye lay on the bed, looked at the night outside, took out his mobile phone and looked at the time, waiting for the night to come.

Time passes.


It’s ten o’clock in the evening.

Shirakawa rolled over and got up from the bed, and lightly walked out of the room, observing the dark corridor outside.

After making sure that there was no one, I left here and came to the road ~ of the town outside.

At this time, the buildings in the town have basically turned off the lights, the shops have been closed, and there is not a single person on the road.

Shirakawa took advantage of the night, accompanied by the sound of the waves, and walked along the road.

“Shhh, and a little cold.”

He felt out the flashlight and didn’t turn it on, just in case.

Walked for a long time.

Finally on the side of the road, I met a stream, without much thought, I turned on the flashlight directly and walked all the way up the road by the stream.

About another ten minutes of walking.

Shirakawa heard the sound of “rumbling” water in his ears, and came to the mermaid waterfall that he saw in the afternoon.

His goal is not here, but the top of the waterfall, so he has to go around the side and climb to the top.

However, on both sides of the waterfall, there are roads repaired by people, which is still very good to go up, without any difficulty.

Above is a stream that leads all the way to the mountain, flanked by woods.

Shirakawa leaf flashlights shine on the trunks of these large trees, as if looking for something.

After a while, he stopped in front of a large tree by the stream.

“Sure enough, I guessed right…”

The big tree in front of you, the strangulation marks of the rope on the trunk, indicate that someone once tied a rope here, as for the use…


Taking a deep breath, Shirakawa Ye took out the prepared rope from the system space, tied it to this tree trunk, took out his diary and turned the first page, looked at it carefully, and after making sure that it was correct, grabbed the rope in his hand and jumped into the icy stream at once, which had no effect on his current physical strength.

Little by little, he approached the edge of the waterfall, and the closer he got, the greater the pressure, as if there were countless hands pushing himself in the water.

Shining a flashlight on the waterhole below again, he jumped directly, and suddenly the whole person was submerged by the stream.

The waterfall is more than 20 meters high.

Shirakawa Ye grabbed the rope in his hand, stepping on the cliff wall of the waterfall little by little, allowing the water above to wash down, and descending little by little.


After descending half the distance, the foot was empty, and a hole appeared in the cliff wall.

“This is it.”

Shirakawa Ye secretly said in his heart, kicked the wall, rushed out of the waterfall at once, and with the force of inertia, plunged into the waterfall and fell into the hollow in the cliff wall in the waterfall.


Spitting out a mouthful of stream water, Shirakawa looked at the hole with a flashlight.

It is about two meters high and basically two meters wide.

“The memory in the diary turned out to be true, which is interesting…”

After putting the rope away, Shirakawa Ye borrowed the light of the flashlight and walked straight to the hole.

The further you go inside, the wider it gets, and when you walk about ten meters away, a ten-meter-wide cave court appears.

In the middle of that there was a small puddle, and in the middle of the small pond there was a stone on which lay a humanoid skeleton that I don’t know how many years it had existed.

Shirakawa walked around the puddle and carefully checked the surroundings, this hole can only go here, this is the final destination.

Then he focused the light of his flashlight on the bones of the stone in the middle of the puddle.

Then he realized that something was wrong and muttered: “The bones in the left and right arms are gone, was it taken away by someone… Shouldn’t this be the skeleton of that Shimabukuro Mikoto? ”

I don’t blame him for thinking so.

The only one who can be buried here and make such a mysterious mystery is the Shimabukuro Mikoto, who is called the longevity mother.

And the current longevity is Shimabukuro Junhui pretend, the real longevity mother has been dead for many years, and it is normal to judge that this is the skeleton of the other party.

Shirakawa leaves shine light into the puddle of water, which is very clear, with a depth of about 30 centimeters, which can be said to be very shallow.


Suddenly, a dull sound came from the mouth of the cave, as if something had fallen into the waterhole.

“Shouldn’t it…”

Shirakawa raised his eyebrows and ran towards the hole behind him.

When he came here, he found that the rope was gone, and he was either pulled up, or he was untied from above and thrown down, and was carried into the waterhole by the force of the waterfall.

Obviously, the sound just now should be made by the rope falling into the waterhole.

“Don’t wait for me to catch you!”

Shirakawa said through gritted teeth, pinched his nose with one hand, jumped directly from the mouth of the cave, and fell into the waterhole.

After a while, he got up from the waterhole, threw the flashlight in his hand directly, took out a new one from the system space, opened it and shone it around.

I thought there would be no gain, but I saw a figure passing by in the woods next to me.

“I still want to run!”

Shirakawa Ye chased after him directly.

He is in a very upset mood now, and he must arrest this person.

Under the full burst of force, he was very fast, and he caught up with the figure at once, and under the illumination of the flashlight, he saw the long golden hair and graceful figure clearly, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Sharon! Don’t run! It’s me! ”

Hearing this, the figure in front ran faster.

“It’s me! Sharon! ”

Shirakawa Ye shouted and had already chased behind him, and with a force, he pounced and threw the figure on the fallen leaves under the tree.

“What are you running?”

The flashlight shined on this face, it was indeed his girlfriend, and he said in a bad way: “Did you untie the rope for me from above?” ”

The suppressed Sharon did not speak, but twisted his head to the side, not daring to look at him.

At this time, a figure came out from behind the big tree next to him, and said lightly: “If she is Sharon, then who am I?” ”


Shirakawa Ye was stunned, subconsciously shined the flashlight, and found that this figure was his girlfriend Sharon, and then shined the flashlight on the woman pressing under him, his eyes widened.

“You’re not Sharon! Who are you? ”

Saying this, a figure appeared in his mind, and he said uncertainly: “Are you… Miss Shimabukuro for a long time? ”

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