Chapter 150 Concubine Yingli Lost Kiss!!

Time flies.

Eight o’clock in the evening.

In the coffee shop.


Concubine Yingli couldn’t help but yawn and subconsciously lay on the table in front of her.


Shirakawa asked.


Concubine Yingli nodded.

She looked at the man opposite, and a flash of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

The reason why she is so sleepy is that everything has something to do with the guy in front of her, because she hadn’t slept well last time, and when she closed her eyes, her mind was full of things about Shirakawaba.

For the first time, she felt that as a woman, she should not be so smart, because if she is too smart, there will be troubles, and these troubles still belong to herself, and she can’t get rid of them.

“Or will I lend you a shoulder to lean on?”

After Bai Erye finished speaking, she got up directly and sat next to her, not giving her a chance to react at all.

Concubine Yingli returned to her senses, looking at the glass wall next to her, and then at the other side of Shirakawa Ye, this time she was sure that her only way out was blocked, and she couldn’t help but feel a little flustered here at this time.

It’s just the two of them.

Yukiko accompanied Xiaoran and Yuanzi out to buy dinner, and she stayed because she was not in good spirits.

“Yukiko, come back quickly” Concubine Yingli shouted in her heart for a while, although she had a lot of thoughts in her heart, she was very calm on the surface, and she pushed her glasses leisurely, and said politely: “Officer Shirakawa, in fact, I don’t need to, I feel good now, I don’t want to sleep.” ”

“I see.”

Shirakawa Ye smiled and said, “Don’t be embarrassed, just treat me like wood.” ”

Concubine Yingli almost vomited out a mouthful of blood: “I’m not embarrassed, I’m telling the truth, you don’t want to make up your own brain.” ”

“My experience tells me that women often say no, they just want to.”

Shirakawa Ye said serious nonsense: “So I understand Miss Concubine very well.” Come on, rest assured. ”

Concubine Yingli hammered him on the shoulder angrily, and said helplessly: “Officer Shirakawa, chat well, don’t tease me anymore.” ”

“Okay, okay, have a good chat.”

For a while, Shirakawa Ye couldn’t actually find any good topics, and he didn’t know how to close the distance between the two.

“Jingle Bell”!

The coffee shop doorbell rang.

The two subconsciously looked up, thinking that it was Yukiko and they had returned.

What was surprising was that a beautiful little boy with a laptop in his hand walked straight towards them.

“Hey, why are you here?”

Shirakawa looked at the little boy and was very surprised.

The little boy in front of him is Hiroki Sawada.

“Brother Shirakawa.”

Hiroki Sawada shouted softly, glanced at Concubine Eiri again, and lowered his voice a little.

“It was Brother Kuaidou who asked me to call you, saying that everyone is here, and we will meet later in the parking lot behind the clock tower.”

“Okay, I see.”

Shirakawa Ye patted his little head melon: “That guy is really true, he doesn’t need you to come, and he called you over.” ”

“It’s okay, I’m fine at home anyway, follow along.”

“Okay, go find them, I’ll come back later.”

Shirakawa Ye began to rush people, after all, it was difficult to get along with Concubine Yingli alone, how uncomfortable it was to have a light bulb here.

Hiroki Sawada was very sensible and left holding his laptop.

“This kid…”

Concubine Hideri didn’t react until this time, watching Sawada’s back disappear in amazement.

Can’t help but look at Shirakawa Ye, staring at his eyes deadly, trying to see some answers from his eyes.

Shirakawa Ye didn’t mean to hide it, and said with a smile: “That’s what you think.” ”


Concubine Yingli exhaled a long breath deeply, and her mood was indescribably complicated: “Sure enough, you are now in front of me, and you can’t hide it.” ”

If you still hold on to luck before.

That is basically determined now, Thomas Schindler’s death is 100% inseparable from Shirakawa Ye.

Shirakawa Ye quietly looked at her side face, to be precise, it should be appreciative: “I don’t know what you’re talking about, you can also pretend not to know, there is no need to be so real.” ”

“But I already know.”

Concubine Yingli muttered,… The more you don’t want to, the more you want to think about it.

“Remember the last time?”

Shirakawa Ye took the initiative and wrapped one hand around her waist.

Fei Ying idealized that he had said everything for herself before, and didn’t care about the hands around her waist, and lied: “I forgot a long time ago.” ”

“It’s okay.”

Shirakawa Ye directly took her into his arms and said sarcastically: “I can help you remember.” ”

At this moment, Concubine Yingli finally came back to her senses.

I wanted to break free from the strong embrace in front of me, but I found that it was too tight.

Looking at the slowly approaching face, she was very panicked and hurriedly said: “Officer Shirakawa, don’t mess around, maybe Xiaolan and they will come soon.” ”


Shirakawa Ye smiled evilly, his eyes glanced subconsciously, and his expression was stiff.

Concubine Yingli immediately noticed that something was wrong, hurriedly turned her head to look at the glass next to her, and saw Xiaolan and them carrying bags outside under the light of the distant street lamps, and they were walking this way with a smile.

“Ah! Let go of me! ”

She was shocked in her heart, but she didn’t dare to let her situation be seen by her daughter and good girlfriend at this moment.


Shirakawa Ye sighed, and wanted to let go of Concubine Yingli, but felt unwilling, and kissed directly while there was still a little time now.

Concubine Yingli stared, her hands did not know where to put them, one hand subconsciously climbed on the back of the man in front of her, and the other hand was placed on the other party’s waist, twisting it fiercely.


The corners of Shirakawa’s mouth twitched, and he tasted it lightly, without going too far, and sat back on the opposite side.


As soon as Concubine Yingli had a word, she was interrupted: “I’m sorry, since you already know my true face, you should know that I am a villain.” ”


“Okay, they’re back.”

The words just fell.

“Jingle Bell”!

The door of the coffee shop opened, and Xiaolan’s voice also came: “Mom, Officer Shirakawa, we bought a lot of delicious food.” ”

Concubine Yingli hurriedly stabilized the expression on her face, glared at Bai Chuanye, and temporarily put the matter just behind her, but did not dare to show her flaws.

“Sorry, I have something to do, I have to leave.”

Shirakawa got up, refused Ran and Yuanzi’s reservation, and left under Yukiko’s suspicious gaze.

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