Chapter 179 gives Shirakawa a chance to pursue!!

At night.

Shirakawa Haba family.

On the sofa, two women sat here whispering, and from time to time they glanced at the kitchen, and there was a little disbelief in their eyes.


Miyamoto Yumi touched her face and said proudly: “I should be beautiful today, otherwise that guy wouldn’t have taken the initiative to cook for me.” You say, should I give him a chance to pursue me? ”


Miwako Sato’s face darkened all of a sudden.

She really didn’t know how to answer her best friend, where did the confidence come from, and what caused her to have the idea that Shirakawa would make dinner for her.

“That… Yumi! ”

Miwako Sato kindly reminded, “Have you forgotten something very important?” That guy has a girlfriend. And the girlfriend is still a super big beauty, last time you said that it was a world-class beauty, you won’t forget it so quickly, right? ”

Although I am embarrassed to hit my best friend, it is not convenient to say it directly, but it is still okay to remind me from the side.

For example, Shirakawa Haba, the beautiful girlfriend she has seen a little jealous, should be able to return her best friend Yumi Miyamoto to normal.


Miyamoto Yumi didn’t realize it at all, but said with a grin: “Of course I remember.” It is because I remember that I think that the two of them may not be together for a long time, and there are many people chasing beautiful women of that level. As far as the guy Shirakawa Ye is concerned, it seems that he has no advantage except for being handsome. But there are many handsome men in the world, as well as rich and powerful men, who secretly glanced at the kitchen, and came to Miwako Sato and muttered in a low voice. ”

“You said, he won’t be dumped today, so make dinner to vent, right?”

Miwako Sato was silent.

But I don’t know why, I always feel that this point that my good girlfriend said may really happen, but it should not be this day.

“Forget it, you watch TV here, I’ll go in and take a look.”

She thought about what had happened in the morning, maybe it had something to do with it.

So, I sorted out my clothes, slowly relaxed my steps, and walked into the kitchen.

into the eye.

It is the busy figure of Shirakawa Ye.

Miwako Sato took a few steps forward and naturally asked, “How many dishes are there tonight?” ”

“Four dishes and one soup.”

Shirakawa said without looking back: “I’m in a good mood today, let you taste my cooking skills again.” ”

“That’s a blessing.”

Miwako Sato stepped forward to look at the red tongtong meat in the pot and asked without a trace: “What happened in the alley this morning, do you still have anything to say?” ”

“No, I said everything I should have said.”

“But I always felt that something was wrong with Nari.”

Miwako Sato really felt that something was wrong.


She looked at Shirakawa Ye’s skillful stir-frying action, and immediately thought that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: “Wait, a robber who only has an imitation gun in his hand, how did you let it go at that time?” I don’t believe that the other party alone scares you. ”


Shirakawa Ye smiled, looked back at her, and said mockingly: “At that time, I came with two big beauties, do you say that I am willing to let go?” ”

Miwako Sato opened her mouth, unable to speak.

If it were other police officers, she wasn’t sure what kind of development it would be.

But if it was Shirakawaba, and thinking of the appearance of the other party hugging the two big beauties in the morning, she could answer very definitely, this guy must have done such a thing.

When she thought of this, her face turned red with anger, and she said angrily: “Ye, you disappointed me too much. As police officers, we should fight criminals. You actually let a prisoner go for a little of your own selfish desires, and I kind of look down on you. ”

“And then what?”

“What then?”

Miwako Sato was puzzled.

Shirakawa Ye took a piece of braised pork from the pot with chopsticks, brought it to her mouth, and smiled: “Is it that if you look down on me, do you want me to eat the dishes I cooked?” ”

Miwako Sato looked at this action that can only be done between couples, couldn’t help but beat faster, subconsciously opened her mouth to hold this piece of meat, chewed her cheeks hot, and muttered: “I tell you, don’t think that you can buy me with food.” I’m not going to take back what I just said, unless…”

“Unless of what?”

“Unless you make dinner every day.”

After Miwako Sato finished speaking, she turned her face sideways, not daring to look at him.

Shirakawa Ye said with a smile: “I said Miwako,… How are you as naïve as Yumi. Oh no. You two are good girlfriends, you can play together, sure enough, there are the same places to attract each other, the same naïve. ”


Miwako Sato tilted her head, thinking about her best friend, no matter what, she couldn’t see that she was naïve.

In the end, she only thought of one possibility, and said with resentment: “You guy, shouldn’t you say she’s stupid.” So you’re also saying I’m stupid, right? ”

“That’s not what I said, you said it yourself.”


Miwako Sato was just about to get mad, Shirakawa Ye once again picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and sent it over, and interrupted with a smile:

“Ah~ open your mouth.”


Miwako Sato’s cheeks were slightly red, but she still opened her mouth, just as she was about to eat this piece of meat.

Hurried footsteps sounded behind her.

Then a strong wind hit, and another shadow flickered.

“Okay, Miwako,… You are here alone to steal food. ”

Yumi Miyamoto appeared in the kitchen, counting her best friends while chewing on the meat in her mouth.

Miwako Sato blinked, looked at the empty chopsticks in front of her, and then looked at her good girlfriend who was squirming with her cheeks.

First stunned, in, angry, directly pounced: “Yumi! I fought with you, you already dare to eat my flesh. ”

“Stop! Don’t make trouble here. ”

Shirakawa stood between the two, one hand wrapped around Miwako Sato, who pounced, and the other hand around Yumi Miyamoto, who was about to dodge.

In this way, he held the two in his arms and finally threw them directly out of the kitchen.

The two women who were thrown out of the kitchen were still a little confused at this time, and couldn’t help but glance at each other, and then turned their heads away in unison, and red appeared on their faces visible to the naked eye.

Miyamoto Yumi pouted, her face was faintly shy, and muttered.

“Damn guy, don’t make trouble and look like you’re taking advantage of me.”

Miwako Sato just heard it, and the shyness on her face disappeared, and it directly turned into speechlessness.

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