Chapter 182 Sharon did it!!

Half an hour later.

The police car stopped in front of a small detached building.

Shirakawa and Yukiko got out of the car, came to the door of the small building, reached out and knocked.

After a few “knock knock” sounds, the two stood here waiting.


The door opens.

Judy appeared at the door, looked at the two of them, and said in surprise: “Officer Shirakawa, Miss Yukiko, why are you here?” ”

Shirakawa Ye smiled and said, “Ask you guys something, is it convenient to go in?” ”


Judy gave way to her position.

Shirakawa and Yukiko were not polite and walked in together.

In the living room, it was different from the last time I came, and this time there were a lot more things in it.

What walkie-talkies, monitors, a lot of large and small boxes.

Shuichi Akai was maintaining the pistol, and when he saw these two people come in, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and asked, “Is there something?” ”


Yukiko was just about to speak, but was pulled by Shirakawaha’s arm, and then showed her a “give it to me” look.

He came to sit down opposite Akai Shuichi and asked with a smile, “Mr. Akai, has Kudo-san come to bother you in the past two days?” ”

Shuichi Akai was silent.

He looked at Yukiko, who was looking at him, and seemed to understand something and understand their intentions.

He didn’t say anything, just looked at Judy and nodded at her.

Judy laughed helplessly and made everyone a cup of coffee before slowly saying, “Officer Shirakawa, you’re right. In fact, Kudo-san came again that afternoon when you took him away, and he was dead pestering us. Whatever you say, you have to work with us on the case, even if it is just a small favor. ”

“This stinky boy!”

Yukiko gritted her teeth as she listened to her, but she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

As long as it’s not a real disappearance, even joining the FBI is better than missing it.

When she thought of her son’s headache personality, she couldn’t wait to beat Kudo Yusaku, after all, if it weren’t for his influence, she felt that her son would not have this kind of character.

But now it’s too late to say anything, and this kind of personality is estimated to not change in a lifetime.

Shirakawa Ye said lightly, “I think you should have agreed.” ”


Judy glanced at Shuichi Akai and then at Shirakawaba, her eyes flickered, and she said, “He told us,… Officer Shirakawa told him about the Black Organization. ”

“Said some.”

Shirakawa Ye didn’t care about this kind of thing, but said in a mocking tone.

“I also told him that the people in this organization are mainly black, and they are all dressed in black. He was also told that he could call them wineries, because the code names of the people inside were all named after the wine. I remember, as if I had told him before I went to New York. ”

After speaking, he glanced at Yukiko next to him.

This look of his successfully reminded Yukiko of what happened in New York, and his eyes immediately fluttered, not daring to look at other people.

After all, it’s all about sleeping with Shirakawa Ye, which is really shameful.

Shirakawa continued: “Did you tell him about the horror of this organization, but he still didn’t think about it, and even got excited. ”


Judy nodded.

When she thought of the kid who didn’t know the height of the sky, she felt a headache.

At that time, it was persuaded for a long time, but in the end it was useless, but it was Akai Shuichi who spoke, which made him stay to help, but it was only a small favor.

Yukiko finally couldn’t help it and asked, “Where is he now?” He hadn’t answered my phone for a day and a night, and I was already in a hurry to call the police, which is why I came here with Officer Shirakawa. ”


Judy was silent.

Shuichi Akako’s expression also changed slightly.

In an instant, the atmosphere became different, and even if no one spoke, they knew that something was definitely wrong inside.

Yukiko chuckled in her heart and asked nervously, “He. Is he… Something went wrong? ”


Judy sighed, took out a photo in her arms, put it on the table and said: “This is a photo he took yesterday afternoon, saying that this person is suspicious and has been walking around the street, and then he said to follow up for a while.” But just like that, there was no more news. In fact, we were all discussing it just now, if we don’t get a response by the evening, we will notify the Metropolitan Police Department, but I didn’t expect you to come so quickly. ”

Shirakawa looked at the photo on the table, and when he saw the people inside, his eyes flickered.

This is a man dressed in black, wearing a hat on his head to cover most of his face, but you can clearly see that his skin is slightly dark, and his hair color is actually golden.


Yukiko looked at the person in the photo, suddenly thought of what happened two days ago, and hurriedly looked at Shirakawaba: “This is not…”

“Don’t worry, I remember him.”

Shirakawa hurriedly interrupted her and squeezed her eyebrows, successfully quieting her.

Then he looked at Shuichi Akai and said with a smile, “Thank you for the clues, and leave the rest to our Metropolitan Police Department.” ”

Finish talking.

Took Yukiko’s hand and left here.

Judy looked at Shirakawaba’s back and asked softly to the person beside her, “Shuuichi, just now there was Miss Kiko’s performance, maybe you know this person in the photo.” And Officer Shirakawa, it seems that something is also wrong. ”


Shuichi Akai just replied lightly and didn’t say anything more.

He looked at the man in the photo on the table and suddenly returned to a long time ago, thought of many things, and also thought of someone who had died, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.


As soon as it comes out.

Yukiko couldn’t wait to ask, “This is the man who pointed a gun at us last time, did he arrest Shinichi?” ”

“Anla, leave it to me.”

Shirakawa soothed, walked into the distance, took out his mobile phone and dialed his girlfriend.

As soon as he connected, before he could ask, the other side already knew what he was going to ask.

“Did you ask that little devil about something?”

“Sure enough, you did it.”

“It’s just a boy who doesn’t know the height of the sky. If it weren’t for Yukiko’s face, I would have sent him to hell. ”

“Or, let him go?”

Shirakawa asked in a whisper.


Belmode said coldly: “I will throw him in the previous place and find it myself.” ”

As soon as the words fell, he hung up the phone.

Shirakawa Ye looked at the phone and knew that it must be because of Yukiko, which was jealous.

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