Chapter 197: Yukiko who broke the can and broke!!

The next day.


Mihua Station.

When Shirakawa and Belmode arrived, they found that Yukiko was already there.

Not bad.

Belmode also came.

Today she looks radiant and seems to be a little more beautiful than ever.

And Shirakawa next to her, his face was unconcealably tired, and he didn’t look at all mental.

“How, is it uncomfortable?”

Belmode is holding his boyfriend’s arm, his eyes are full of concern, and his acting skills are really good.

“It’s okay.”

Shirakawa shook his head with a bitter smile, looking at the lips coated with purple lipstick: “Why are you fighting so hard… You can see that your mouth is still slightly swollen. ”

This woman is crazy.

Yesterday he was tossed miserably, and he forced himself to break his defense several times with a mouth.

Now that I think about it, although I have enjoyed it, but after coming so many times, I have a fear in my heart, and I don’t let myself rest at all.

“I fight?”

Belmode shook his head slightly, kissed him lightly on the face, and said quietly: “You can say this wrong, no matter how hard I fight, I won’t fight with you.” ”

“Yes, yes, yes~”

Shirakawa Ye nodded hurriedly and couldn’t help but shiver.

If he is given another chance, he promises that he will not be so rampant, he will be humble and reasonable, and his girlfriend will be whatever he says.

At the moment, smelling the body fragrance coming from his girlfriend’s body, he felt that he was now a saint, as if the whole world had calmed down, and nothing would interest him today.


Yukiko’s expression darkened.

Watching the two people slowly walk in, their teeth crunching.

She tried to take a deep breath and warned herself in her heart not to be angry and to be calm, but in the end she still didn’t hold back.

When Shirakawa and Belmode came to her, she finally spoke.

“Why are you here?”

Yukiko glared at Belmode, her tone very unkind.


Belmode pretended to be surprised, and did not seem to have a sense of discord: “Aren’t you a big star with Miss Kiko?” ”

As he spoke, his tone gradually became mocking, and he continued: “Didn’t I make it clear to you last time?” This is my man, you were played by him for nothing, why haven’t you learned a lesson? ”


Yukiko was suddenly speechless, angry and wanted to hit someone.

Involuntarily, his eyes looked at Shirakawa Leaf viciously, wanting to unload him into eight pieces.

She always felt that there were words in this woman’s words just now, especially “play for nothing.” ”

Two words deeply touched her nerves.

After all, she had only been playing with Shirakawa Ye in a couple’s hotel for a few hours the day before yesterday, but today she was said by his girlfriend like this, and she always felt that she was pointing at Sang and scolding Huai.

Inexplicably, she thought that Shirakawa Ye must have told her girlfriend about it, so she gave herself a verbal humiliation.


Shirakawa coughed hard, understood Yukiko’s eyes, shook his head slightly at her, and squeezed his eyes again.

Anyway, the approximate meaning is that I didn’t say anything, I was wronged, but it’s okay.

Yukiko was still rational, more or less understood, and was in a slightly better mood, squinting at Belmode, deliberately choking: “Don’t be anything about your man.” You are not married to him, and it is useless for you to say anything now. ”

She was kind of broken and broken.

Since Belmode can’t be said, then simply hurt the enemy by a thousand and himself by eight hundred, and everyone is not happy.

“I don’t think you’re very good, you are blind with this face and figure.” I can’t even look at my own man, it’s really a shame for you. ”

After Yukiko finished speaking, a disdainful sound came out of her nose.

Belmode stroked his cheek and smiled, “It seems that you yourself admit that you can’t compare to me in this regard.” You might as well think, isn’t the creature of man looking at this aspect? Will I lose? ”

The corner of Yukiko’s mouth twitched stiffly a few times, and she scolded in her heart: “Don’t want a faceless woman, the skin is really thick, abominable bastard!” ”

Although the emotions in her heart were very rich, she smirked out with “ahaha” on the surface, made an orchid finger with her hand to her mouth, and said with a smile: “Miss Sharon, I see that you are really too confident.” Since you know that I used to be a big star, you should understand my charm. Why do you think you can be better than me? I see you’ve lost. ”

“Big star?”

Sharon couldn’t help but smile, the smile was very inexplicable, the smile was very meaningful, she ruffled her long golden hair, and slowly spoke: “Is the big star amazing?” And also a big star in retirement, or now it can be called a passing, I really don’t know where you got your courage. Excuse me, the big star who has been popular, Miss Kiko, can you tell me where the courage comes from? ”

“That, you guys…”

Shirakawa Ye spoke, wanting to appease the two people, but unfortunately the two women roared out in unison in a tacit agreement: “Shut up for me!” “×2。

Shirakawa smiled awkwardly, reached out and made a zipper motion on his lips, signaling that he would not speak again.

Belmode nodded with great satisfaction and looked at Yukiko: “In other words, the stalker over there is tracking you, right?” ”


Yukiko thought she was joking, and pouted disdainfully: “You think this trick can scare me?” It’s so young. ”

Shirakawa listened to his girlfriend’s words, looked into the distance, and sure enough, behind a roadside billboard, he saw a ghostly figure.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he nodded frantically at Yukiko, Nunu mouth.

“Really fake?”

Yukiko noticed Shirakawaha’s actions and couldn’t help but be startled in her heart, and her heartbeat involuntarily accelerated.

Subconsciously, she followed Shirakawa’s line of sight and looked over, but when she saw the sneaky figure clearly, the corners of her mouth twitched.


Yukiko sighed and strode over.

The figure seemed to see her coming, and was about to run into the crowd behind him, but was stopped by Yukiko: “Eiri, don’t run, I already recognize you.” Don’t think that I can’t recognize you with a hat and sunglasses, you really underestimate me. ”


The figure that ran two steps suddenly stopped, and finally turned around little by little, showing an unnatural expression on his face.

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