Chapter 211: The Second Miyano Shiho!!

Shirakawa glanced to the side.

When he saw the appearance of the girl who called herself, her face showed such an expression.

“Xiaolan, it’s you.”

He said hello and looked at the girl who had just confessed.

At this moment, he already understood who this girl was, and he could only say that the headband was really amazing, and he was able to seal his appearance so thoroughly.

“Hee hee~”

Xiao Lan came over with a smile: “Officer Shirakawa, are you frightened by the appearance of the garden?” ”


Shirakawa Ye was very emotional.

Fortunately, he didn’t call out the four words “Shiho Miyano” before, otherwise he might be embarrassed now.

“Ye, why did you run here.”

Miwako Sato heard a voice and walked over with Yumi Miyano.

As soon as the four women met, they all greeted each other.

Especially when they saw Suzuki Sonoko who seemed to have changed her face, Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto were taken aback.

“Really fake?”

Miyamoto Yumi played with the headband in her hand: “This thing is so powerful?” ”


Yuan Zi took his headband, tucked it up again, and put it on his head.


The appearance changed again in an instant.

The cute appearance just now is gone, and it has become another face that is also cute, but not as cute as before.


Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto couldn’t help but exclaim, the scene in front of them was really amazing.


Sonoko smiled triumphantly, took off her headband, and re-looked like Shiho Miyano.

She looked at Shirakawa Ye, her cheeks were slightly red, and said weakly: “Officer Shirakawa, did you just mistake me for someone else and came to talk to me?” ”


Shirakawa Ye suddenly froze, he thought that he was not exposed, but he did not expect to be discovered by the girl in front of him.

At the same time, he also noticed that the three women next to him all looked over one after another, looking like they were watching the show, waiting for him to answer.

“Actually, it’s not~.”

Shirakawa Ye said helplessly: “The garden is what you are now, very similar to someone I know, I just misidentified you.” ”


Yuan Zi himself didn’t believe it much, and subconsciously said: “Officer Shirakawa, can you introduce me to it if you have a chance?” I was also curious about what kind of person I looked like. ”

“Let’s talk about it when I have a chance.”

Shirakawa shook his head.

Meeting Shiho Miyano is not so easy to meet, unless the other party has time to go out shopping, otherwise they basically hide in the laboratory to do experiments.

And that iceberg girl, he himself is not easy to contact, let alone other things.


Yuan Zi nodded obediently, his big eyes turned a few times, and then a smile appeared on his face.

She felt that Shirakawa Ye was lying again, and she was sure that she had changed her dress and was accidentally fascinated by her, so she came up to build the mountain.

Thinking of this possibility, her whole face began to get hot, her legs were clamped, and she subconsciously began to narcissis, fantasizing about the possibility of marrying Shirakawa Ye in the future, what names for boys, and what good names for girls.

“Officer Shirakawa.”

Xiao Lan spoke at this time: “Let’s all share the table and have fun together.” ”

The garden returned to his senses and clapped his hands: “Yes, yes, how lively it is for everyone to sit together, come on, come on!” ”

Shirakawa smiled at each other, smiled at each other, pulled out a chair and sat down suddenly.

The smile on Yuanzi’s face froze, and his eyes gradually widened, his finger pointed to the door of the restaurant, and he stammered: “Really… It’s true… Shirakawa… Officer Shirakawa didn’t lie! ”


Everyone looked at the door of the restaurant.

I saw two beautiful women coming in at this time, one looked soft and weak, and the other looked extremely cold.

And the one who is cold is very similar to the garden that does not wear a headband now, just like a pair of twins.

Their gaze.

It was also discovered by two women.

When they looked at them, especially when they noticed the appearance of the garden at this time, they were all stunned by each other.

For a long time.

I don’t know what was whispered.

Two women came over.

Shirakawa Ye looked at them and sighed helplessly, he didn’t expect that they were really the two sisters Akemi Miyano and Shiho Miyano.

“Officer Shirakawa, long time no see.”

Akemi Miyano came to the front and said hello to Shirakawaba, and then looked at the garden.

“You” Sonoko finally came back to his senses at this moment, staring at Shiho Miyano, and said incredulously: “It really seems like ah, I didn’t expect the two of us to look so alike, it seems that Officer Shirakawa didn’t lie.” ”

As soon as she heard Akemi Miyano say hello, she already understood that the friends Shirakawa Ye said must be the two in front of her.

Xiao Lan and the others are now also looking back and forth between Yuan Zi and Miyano Shiho, and they all nodded subconsciously, and their eyes couldn’t help but show surprise.

Miyano Shiho looked at the headband in Yuanzi’s hand and said lightly, “Put it on and I’ll take a look.” ”


“Put it on and I’ll see.”

“Why should I listen to you?”

The real eldest lady of the garden came, and suddenly her temper came up: “You are very rude, you will talk nonsense here as soon as you come.” Don’t think that if you look like me, I will let you. ”

“Sorry sorry.”

Akemi Miyano hurriedly stood up, glared at her sister, and apologized to Yuanzi: “Sorry, this young lady, my sister has a bit of a strange temper, I hope you don’t mind.” In fact, she said this for her own purpose. Please, can you bring a headband to show us? Sorry to bother you. ”

“What’s going on?”

Yuan Zi frowned, looked at Xiao Lan, and then looked at the others, and found that everyone except Shirakawa Ye looked puzzled.


Shirakawa Ye made a sound, he probably knew what was going on, and after thinking about it, he also persuaded: “Garden, you better put it on and take a look.” I think Miss Hirota has her own reasons for saying this. ”


Since Shirakawa helped speak, Sonoko agreed.

But Shiho Miyano didn’t buy it.

Just coldly opened his mouth and said: “I give you a word of advice, you better not dress up like this, otherwise there will be times when you regret it.” ”

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