Chapter 222 Yukiko is pregnant!!


Yukiko was in an unusually panicked mood, her hands were dead behind her back, and her face was a big smile: “It’s not because I see you, I feel happy.” ”


Shirakawa Ye rolled his eyes angrily, how could he believe such a lie.

Usually when I meet each other, my eyes are not my eyes, my nose is not my nose, and when I am so polite today, it is not right to look at it.


Shirakawa coughed twice, noticed her hands hidden behind her back, and slowly moved to her side.


He moved.

If you have Kiko, you will move.

Throughout, the two maintained a face-to-face position.

Shirakawa took another step in a different direction.

Yukiko followed suit, changing directions.


The behavior of two people seems childish, almost like playing a game.

“Miss Yukiko.”

Shirakawa Ye decided not to go around with her and said straightforwardly: “What are you hiding behind your back?” ”


Yukiko stretched out her right hand and waved, then hid her right hand behind her back, stretched out her left hand and waved, and smiled sweetly: “Look, there is nothing.” ”

Shirakawa Ye’s whole face darkened, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice: “Miss Yukiko, do you take me for a fool?” Can you take both hands out together? ”

“What are you talking about?”

Yukiko directly began to play tricks, pretending to know nothing, and betting that Shirakawa would not dare to do anything.


Shirakawa smiled, the kind of smile that rolled his eyes, and he definitely felt that this woman had something important hidden behind her back.

So, he thought of a way, first diverting his attention slightly: “Miss Yukiko, what are you doing in the hospital?” ”


Yukiko is now in a very chaotic mood trying to think of excuses.

She knew very well in her heart that the man in front of her was doubting herself.

But in this short period of time, she really has no good excuses.

Especially the guy in front of him is still a policeman, and his attention and observation ability are not ordinarily strong, and he may lie as long as he tells a lie, and then he will be immediately debunked.

“Do you want to say it directly?”

Yukiko thought that it was better to show him directly.

But if she showed it to him directly, she felt very embarrassed to feel like she had compromised.

“Hard to answer?”

Shirakawa said with a smile, “I remember Kudo-san was still hospitalized here.” ”

Yukiko’s expression stiffened slightly, just now she suddenly forgot that her son was still in this hospital, what a good excuse.


Her face turned red, and she said in a very small voice: “Actually, I really came to see Shinichi.” ”


She chose to break the jar and break it.

Anyway, as a mother to see her son is completely correct, it can’t be said that the other party reminded him to say it, as long as there is nothing wrong.

“Don’t be faced, huh.”

Shirakawa Ye stared straight into Yukiko’s beautiful eyes.

He didn’t expect this woman to be so thick-skinned, he said it casually, and he really used it, he remembered that it was not like this before, when it became like this.

Yukiko was happy in her heart, but she said unhappily: “How can you scold people?” Why don’t I have a face, I’m telling the truth, okay. ”

Speaking of this, her momentum soared: “Let me ask you, is Shinichi in this hospital, can I come to see him?” ”

The corner of Shirakawa’s mouth twitched: “Then why didn’t you say it before, but you said it after I reminded you?” The way you looked before was thinking of excuses, and you were still thinking about how to fool me. If you really came to see Kudo-san, you should just say it, and you can’t hesitate for so long. Am I right? ”


Yukiko muttered fiercely in her heart.

She felt that this man was a roundworm in her stomach, and she thought the same as he said.

At the moment, she was thinking about whether to run directly and not pay attention to him at all, but she felt that she might not be able to run if she ran like this.

“You’re not right.”

Yukiko continued to play this trick of not admitting it: “Okay, I’m going upstairs if you’re okay.” ”


Shirakawa got out of the way.

Yukiko kept her eyes on him, passing by him little by little, keeping her face to face him the whole time, her hands hidden behind her back.

Then she entered the elevator.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Shirakawa Ye ran in, closed the door along the way, and pressed the button on the fifth floor.

“You” Yukiko glared.

“Me what?”

Shirakawa smiled back.

Yukiko clings to the wall of the elevator and says angrily, “Shirakawaha, how can you do this?” What kind of skill are you to bully me as a woman like this? ”

Shirakawa Ye said with a smile: “Why did I bully you, I don’t seem to touch you?” ”


Yukiko pouted.

Just ignore him anymore.

Anyway, she had already thought about it, as long as she waited to stay away from this hateful guy, she would tear the paper in her hand to shreds, and then there would be nothing.

Silence fell in the elevator.

The floors are also going up one after another.


The fifth floor arrived.

The elevator door opened, but neither of them left first.


Shirakawa gestured to Yukiko.

Yukiko’s mouth opened, wanting to let him go out first, but she felt that he would not agree, and finally could only face him and exit the elevator door little by little.

“It’s now!”

Yukiko’s eyes lit up, and she pressed the button outside, turned around and ran towards the corridor.

Can be the next second.

A strong big hand grabbed her, and then she was pulled into an embrace, and a smiling voice came to her ears: “What are you running?” ”


Yukiko looked at him in surprise, and then glanced at the elevator door that was slowly closing behind him, and her heart was like ashes.

“Let me see what the hell are you hiding.”

Shirakawa Ye held her hand, slowly raised it, saw a list in her hand, and gently read out the words on it: “Pregnancy test report”

The words stopped abruptly, and his eyes widened, staring at Yukiko with a crimson face: “Are you pregnant?” ”

At this moment, a roar came from the corridor next to him: “Shirakawa Ye!” I fought with you! ”

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