Chapter 232: How is my boyfriend?!!

The time was close to noon.

Mihana Yakushino Hospital.

Office of the Department of Cardiology.

Outside in the hallway.

Concubine Hideri is talking to the attending doctor here, Kyosuke Kazato.

Kyosuke Kazato asked, “Miss Concubine, what does your boyfriend do?” ”

“He is a police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department, and he was promoted to the police department only yesterday.”

Fei Yingli had a worried look on her face: “But in the past week, he has nightmares every day as soon as he sleeps, causing insomnia, and I can’t help it.” ”

“Okay, I kind of understand. You can follow along and take a look, but you are not allowed to speak. ”



Kyosuke Kazato nodded and pushed open the office door.

Fei Yingli’s eyes flickered, and she followed in, while closing the door inside.

Shirakawa Ye sat on a chair, his face looked a little pale, and the whole person seemed to be tired.

Kyosuke Kazato sat down across from him and said like an old friend of many years, “Officer Shirakawa, don’t worry, psychotherapy is not as amazing as you think. The only thing is that you have to say what you care about, let’s have a good chat and analyze it. ”


Shirakawa simply spat out a word.

Kyosuke Kazato frowned, feeling that things were a little tricky, and began to follow the seduction: “Officer Shirakawa, relax, you must relax.” So let me ask you, what is the thing that has made you feel bad lately? ”

“Bad thing…”

Shirakawa repeated, the expression on his face constantly changing.

Kyosuke Kazato said very appropriately: “You don’t have to worry, we are healing now, you just need to treat me as a stone, or as if I am talking to yourself.” ”


Shirakawa Ye sighed and looked compromising: “Actually, the reason why I have been like this recently is related to a case a week ago. ”

“A week?”

Kyosuke Kazato’s eyes narrowed, and he asked quietly, “Can you tell me specifically what it is?” ”

“Of course.”

Shirakawa lowered his head, and a strange smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

He remembered this theatrical version very well, and the guy in front of him was the murderer, so he deliberately came here to prepare for fishing.

As for whether he can catch fish, it depends on his next acting skills.

“A week ago, a doctor named Hitanoho was killed, and after that, the case was handed over to me.”

When Kazato Kyosuke heard the three words “Ninoho”, he subconsciously held his breath, and his body tensed.

Half ring.

He asked gently:

“Isn’t it normal for you to encounter cases when you are a policeman? Why can’t I sleep? Still having nightmares? ”


Shirakawa sighed, stared at Kyosuke Kazato, and said quietly, “Because the suspect in the case is related to the son of our criminal minister, I can’t investigate at all.” ”

“He’s preventing you from investigating?”

“Yes. He gave me an order to find a substitute for the dead ghost.

But I was a policeman, and I didn’t say yes right away. So for the past week, I’ve been struggling with whether I should agree to this matter. ”

Kyosuke Kazato was silent and did not participate in such a topic.

He doesn’t speak.

Shirakawa continued: “But my persistence is useful, and after a week, the case has made new progress. ”

“What is it?”

Kyosuke Kazato couldn’t help but ask.

“That Dr. Ninoho doesn’t have a very good reputation in the hospital. So according to my judgment, it is possible that he died in a vendetta. When I go back today, I will investigate the people who have had conflicts with him in recent years. I have a feeling in my heart that the real murderers are among these people. ”

When Kazato Kyosuke heard this, he looked at Shirakawa Ye, and a murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes, but he asked with a smile on his face: “After saying these heartfelt words, is it much more comfortable?” ”

“It’s really comfortable, and all of a sudden sleepiness comes up.”


Kyosuke Kazato rolled his eyes, thought of a good way to kill, took out a bottle of sleeping pills from the drawer, and said with a smile: “Officer Shirakawa, it’s better to take some sleeping pills and rest first.” Then find a place to sleep and we’ll check again in the afternoon. ”

After speaking, he took a glass of water, took two sleeping pills and handed them over.

“Thank you.”

Shirakawa Ye said gratefully, took the water and sleeping pills and swallowed them, of course, transferring them into the system space.

Concubine Hideri, who had been quiet, stepped forward and hugged Shirakawa at this time, and said to Kyosuke Kazeto: “Doctor Kazedo, I’ll send my boyfriend back to the car first and let him sleep.” ”

“Yes, Miss Concubine. By the way, please come back after Miss Concubine has sent Officer Shirakawa, and let’s talk about your boyfriend’s condition. ”


Concubine Yingli nodded and helped Shirakawa out of this office.


The two walked very slowly.

Shirakawa Ye clings to Concubine Yingli, smelling the body fragrance coming from her body, his mood is particularly pleasant, and he can’t help but wrap one hand around her waist.

Concubine Yingli didn’t care about his advantage, but whispered nervously

“Are you sure it’s him? I feel normal. ”

“Please, who would write the three words abnormal on their face? If you could see it, there would be no need for police in the world. ”

“That’s right. But will he really be fooled? ”

Fei Yingli was a little skeptical of his plans.

Shirakawa Ye said lightly: “Trust me, no problem.” Pay attention to your acting skills, and don’t look back, otherwise you may be spooked. ”

“I still don’t think it’s reliable.”

Fei Yingli shook her head.

“How is it unreliable?”

Shirakawa Ye said with a smile: “He lied in the end just now. You even asked you to come back after sending me back to the car, isn’t that just waiting for you to stagger this time difference, so that you can start with me? ”

“It seems to make sense.”

“Hehe, even if he doesn’t dare, he will dare to see where we park”

“No wonder.”

Concubine Yingli suddenly nodded: “No wonder you want to park your car in a place like the underground parking lot, but he won’t wonder why we don’t park in the doctor’s parking lot?” ”

“There will be no doubt. I’m afraid that some of the things in his mind now just don’t want to be exposed, and such a good opportunity will not think so much. ”


Concubine Yingli said no more.

Anyway, as for whether it is true in the end, it will not be long before the answer is revealed.

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