Chapter 234: You Guys Are Pretending to Be a Couple!!

Metropolitan Police Department.

Toshiro Odagiri in his office.

He looked at Shirakawa Ye in disbelief: “You really solved it so quickly?” ”


Shirakawa handed over the report written in his hand: “Minister, this is the whole process that I started after receiving the task, if you can’t understand something, you can ask me.” ”

“I’ll take a look.”

Toshiro Oda Kiri took it and looked at it seriously.

Ten minutes later.

After reading it, he looked at Shirakawa Ye, his eyes full of appreciation.

“Alas, Matsumoto has always told me that your ability is strong, but I thought it was just ordinary strength. I didn’t expect it at all, it was already strong to this extent. ”

Even he was thinking that if only his son had half of the other party’s ability, and he didn’t have to worry so much about himself.

Unfortunately, in the end, all this is just fantasy, the son will always be someone else’s good, and his own family is like a waste.

“Minister, don’t praise me so much, I’m just lucky.”

Shirakawa Ye did not take these things very seriously, and said flatly: “Actually, I just happened to think that the deceased looked a little annoying, so I inexplicably thought about whether someone who had an enmity with him did it.” So I decided to find someone to test it, but I didn’t expect that it was the murderer who accidentally hit the murderer. ”

The corners of Odakiri’s mouth twitched slightly, but he still said righteously: “Shirakawa Police Department, you don’t have to be modest, luck is often part of strength.” Moreover, you can judge that he may have been killed by a vendetta at this time, but it is not as simple as luck, and it all has a lot to do with your experience. ”

He is a minister, and he must say so.

Because it concerns his son, he has to report it.

If the people above look at the report and say that everything is solved by luck, then there is one thing that cannot be said, and it may even make people suspicious.

“Shirakawa Police Department, don’t say such modest words in the future. If someone asks you, don’t say what luck it is, just boldly admit that it is your own strength. ”

In the end, he still characterized this matter, so it is the most perfect.

“Okay, I see.”

Shirakawa Ye felt casual: “By the way, minister, this time the matter is not all my own credit.

Medusk 13th Police Department, Sato Miwako Police Department supplement, they all helped me a lot. Without them, I wouldn’t have been able to resolve this one so quickly. ”

In fact, he just wanted to count Miwako Sato, after all, the relationship between the two is very good.

But if you talk about her alone, it would be a little hard to forget Officer Twilight.

Although this big fat man is usually very pitted, and he didn’t say it today to let him step on a pit, but he is still very good to talk when he usually takes leave, and this time he is nothing.

“I see.”

Toshiro Oda Kiri is even more satisfied with Shirakawa Haba.

This kind of person who is not greedy for credit is the person who can really be worth interacting.

He had also been promoted from this rank, had seen a lot of conspiracy methods, and was able to rise to the current position, but it took a lot of effort.


Toshiro Oda Kiri thought of another thing, and his rare face showed embarrassment: “I heard that you came back with the concubine lawyer, and she even helped catch the murderer Kyosuke Kazato.” ”


“That is, Shirakawa Police Department, can you help me apologize for the concubine lawyer later.” I really didn’t expect my son to be so stupid as to threaten her with wild words. Alas… I really am…”

When Toshiro Oda thought of this, he only felt that his scalp was numb.

An undefeated queen in the legal world, how terrifying the gold content is, he knows very well.

However, his stupid son blatantly threatened to do it, as if he had never died.

So as soon as he saw that Shirakawa Ye and Concubine Yingli had a good relationship, he wanted to ask the other party to apologize for him, after all, no matter what, his son was always his son, and there was a part of him if he was not disciplined well.


Shirakawa Ye gave him a strange look and smiled, “Minister, if there is nothing to do, I will leave.” ”

Toshiro Oda Kiri thought about it and shook his head slightly: “No, you go and get busy out of the office.” ”

Shirakawa went downstairs to the interrogation room.

Because Fei Yingli is still there to take notes.

When he arrived here, he was stopped by Officer Mudu: “Brother Shirakawa, Minister Odakiri actually played real and really locked up his son.” ”

“Didn’t I say that in the morning?”

Shirakawa Ye shrugged his shoulders carelessly, and shook his head funny: “The order for me to do this was all given by him, I didn’t lie, you didn’t believe it.” ”


Officer Twilight was suddenly speechless.

He suddenly felt a little regretful, because the matter of Oda Kirito’s extortion had long been investigated, and they all knew about it between the police department.

But in the end, because of Toshiro Odagiri’s relationship, everyone did not do it.

Although long ago, Toshiro Oda Kiri affirmed again and again, saying that he would not give his son a little to do if he caught him.

But none of them believed it, after all, the police department of their Metropolitan Police Department had survived for many years, and they knew some of the powerful relationships, so they didn’t dare to take this risk.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that in the end, I was arrested so simply, and even the murderer of the case was arrested by the way.

This is two credits, I don’t know how many people will envy ah.


Officer Twilight had nothing to say, so he could only sigh deeply and lament that his life was not good.

As for the next time such an opportunity appears, will you dare to take the initiative to take over.

Officer Twilight felt that he still didn’t dare, so he couldn’t eat this credit anyway.



The door in front of him opened, and Miwako Sato walked out with Princess Hideri.

“Lawyer Concubine, return the mobile phone to you, I have already copied a copy of the video.”

Miwako Sato politely handed the phone back.

“It’s okay.”

Fei Yingli waved her hand.

“You two really fight, you even pretend to be a couple.”


Concubine Yingli replied softly, her face already red.

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