Chapter 243 The culprit is myself?!!

Shirakawa almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

He doesn’t know what’s wrong today?

How can someone always snitch.

Can’t help it, he looked at Concubine Yingli, and he felt that it might be Xiaolan notified by this woman.

After all, Concubine Yingli was very vigilant at that time, maybe it was very likely to secretly send a message while he was not paying attention.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was wrong, but they came back directly after eating, Xiaolan lived farther than here, it was impossible to come so quickly.

And at that time, Yukiko had already gone out, so the time when Xiao Lan came happened to be a short time after Yukiko went out, so it was more certain that it was not notified by Concubine Yingli.

“Who the hell could it be?”

Shirakawa Ye racked his brains and couldn’t think of anyone ~ who would do such a lack of morality.

However, it does not seem to be a lack of virtue.

If Xiao Lan wasn’t there today, it might be dangerous, so I have to thank the person who notified him and indirectly helped him.


Shirakawa Ye looked at her with a smile on his face: “Can you tell me who informed you?” ”


Xiao Lan nodded: “Actually, Officer Twilight informed me.” ”

Shirakawa Ye was stunned.

In any case, he did not expect in his heart that it would be the big fat man who informed Xiaolan.

Usually it looks harmless to people and animals, but I didn’t expect to play careful eyes, come to such a trick.

“Is it because I played his tricks?”

Shirakawa thought of a possibility.

When he left the Metropolitan Police Department, they agreed to go to dinner together, and then he forgot about Officer Twilight and teased him by the way.

The more he thought about it, the more likely he felt, it must be for this reason.

“Good you guy!”

He had already thought of a countermeasure in his heart, and when he saw Officer Twilight again, he must let him taste what regret was like.

As for what indirectness I thought about before to help me, I have long forgotten it all at this moment.

“Officer Shirakawa, you are amazing.”

Xiao Lan continued to speak here, looking at him with an adoring expression: “Officer Twilight has already told me everything about what happened, you are simply amazing.” Unexpectedly, in just a few hours, the case that had plagued the Metropolitan Police Department for a week was solved. In the past, Shinichi often boasted that he was very powerful, and I don’t think he was as good as you. ”

“It’s okay. By the way, Xiaolan, then why did you run to your mother’s house? ”

“Originally, I wanted to go to you, but your phone can’t get through, so I can only wait here.”

“Can’t get through?”

Shirakawa Ye was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: “I remembered, it seemed that something really went wrong at that time, and there was no signal on the mobile phone.” ”

If memory serves.

When Xiao Lan wants to call, it should be when he asks Hiroki to help.

It seems that the little devil still understands himself very well, and knows that at that time, the mobile phones of the people around him have been interfered with, so that people cannot receive calls.


Shirakawa Ye was suddenly stunned, thought of a possibility, looked at one of the three women next to him, and said with a crying face: “Sharon, did you want to call me before, and then you couldn’t get through before you came over?” ”


Belmode returned a mysterious smile and said faintly: “When I can get through, I will receive that secret call.” ”

Shirakawa was numb.

It was too coincidental that he was still thinking about this day before, but he didn’t expect it to be all made by himself.

If he hadn’t asked Hiroki to help, Xiaolan’s phone would have been able to get through, and he wouldn’t have appeared here in the end.

Then my girlfriend’s phone was also connected, and I wouldn’t judge where I was going, so I wouldn’t meet Yukiko on the road, and then come here together.

If none of this had happened.

At this moment, he should have been lying on the bed, sleeping with the fragrant Concubine Yingli upstairs.

Of course.

If Hiroki is not asked for help, Ireland will be taken away by the FBI.

So to calculate it, today’s series of things seem to have been predestined by heaven, and you can only blame yourself for being unlucky.


Shirakawa Ye sighed, took a sip of the coffee in front of him, and then was scalded like Xiaoran before, sticking out his tongue there.

“Officer Shirakawa, I’m sorry.”

Xiao Lan asked cautiously, “Did I say something wrong?” ”


Shirakawa Ye shook his head and reached out to touch her head: “I just thought of something, and it has nothing to do with you.” ”

The words just fell.

He felt three death gazes, and only felt a chill in his back.

“So Xiaolan…”

Shirakawa naturally withdrew the hand on her head and smiled, “Don’t apologize to me, it will make me very upset.” ”

Next second.

The three death gazes disappeared, and he felt a lot more relaxed all over.

Shirakawa let out a sigh of relief, wiped a handful of non-existent sweat on his forehead, and felt a slander in his heart.

The three women are really spoiled Xiaolan, but they didn’t expect that they wouldn’t be allowed just by touching their heads, but fortunately he reacted quickly, otherwise it would be dangerous.


It’s not over yet.

As if he had become the master, Belmode directly began to give the eviction order: “Shirakawa Ye, I think you should go back to the Metropolitan Police Department, we don’t need a man to bother our eyes here.” ”

Fei Yingli’s words were much more polite: “Officer Shirakawa, you better go back, I think the Metropolitan Police Department needs you more.” ”

Yukiko said quietly: “Now that they have been promoted to the police department, they should be even more worthy of their positions.” ”


Xiao Lan felt stunned for a while, I don’t know what happened, her mother, an aunt, a beautiful big sister, the three of them suddenly began to target Officer Shirakawa.

She wanted to say something, but she felt that her status was the lowest, and she immediately dared not speak, and showed a helpless look at Shirakawa Ye.

Shirakawa Ye smiled at her, looked at the third daughter, and said unkindly: “Just go, when you regret it in the future, you will know when the time comes.” ”

After speaking, without waiting for them to criticize themselves, they proudly strode towards the door with their heads held high.

Anyway, there are so many people today, he feels that he has no chance to stay here, it is better to leave, just go back to clean up the twilight police officer.

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