Chapter 248: Shirakawa Leaf in the limelight!!

Tino Cabana opened the door of the gold shop and walked out with such a swagger.

Suddenly, the crowd of onlookers in the distance exclaimed one after another, and they took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Shirakawa Ye raised his eyebrows: “You are quite bold.” ”


Tino Cabana smiled disdainfully; “If you police dare to move me, maybe two people will die inside, you ~ say that I am bold?”

After speaking, he glanced at the end of the street, watched more than a dozen police cars and a group of policemen run there, and frowned: “What does this mean?” ”

“Show our sincerity.”



Shirakawa Ye nodded and pointed to the bulletproof car next to him: “We have given way to you, and the car is ready for you, I only hope that you can do what you say.” ”

“Hahaha… Well, that’s good. ”

Although Tino Cabana said this, a pair of tiger eyes looked around vigilantly.

For a long time.

He looked at Shirakawaba: “Since your people are gone, why are you still here?” ”

“I’m waiting for half of the hostages you said, and I won’t worry you alone, right?”

“No, no, no, on the contrary, I’m more worried, because this look is not normal, I’m not a fool.”

“You can search your body.”

Shirakawa raised his hands: “I don’t have any weapons on me.” ”

Tino Kabana did not speak, he did not have any gentlemanly style, and directly searched Shirakawa Ye.

After a while, he stopped his movements and said with satisfaction: “It seems that what you said is true.” ”

Shirakawa shrugged: “By the way, go and see the car, but don’t wait to say what we are doing.” ”

Tino Cabana walked towards the bulletproof car, opened the door and went straight in.

He checked carefully.

First of all, I looked at whether it could be started, what brakes, clutches and these were tried, and even the fuel tank was not spared.

It can be said that the whole car up and down, front and back, was carefully checked by him, and only after making sure that there was no problem did he return to Shirakawa Ye: “Very good, wait here.” ”

With that, he walked into the gold shop.

A few minutes later.

Tino Cabana slowly walked out with three men with guns and six hostages.

They are still very vigilant, hiding behind the hostages one by one, even if there is no one around, they are still observing each other left and right.

“Okay, three hostages for you.”

Tino Cabana said, pushing Akemi Miyano out first, and then pushing a man and a woman out.

As soon as the three people got away from them, they all ran behind Shirakawa Ye and grabbed the corners of his clothes tightly.

He couldn’t help frowning and said softly: “You guys go to the end of the street, don’t stay by my side, go over there to safety.” ”

When the three of them heard this, they suddenly realized, and one by one they rushed to the twilight police officer.

Shirakawa glanced at Akemi Miyano’s back, glanced at the three remaining hostages, and asked, “When will you release these three?” ”

Tino Kabana looked at the fact that there were no accidents until now, relaxed his vigilance a little, and said lightly: “Don’t worry, as long as we are”

Just as he said this, the word “shoot” sounded in the Shirakawa leaf headset.


His wrist flicked, and a pistol slipped down his sleeve into his palm.

Tino Kabana’s pupils looked at this just a blinking action, and secretly said in his heart that it was not good.

But before he could react.

A gunshot rang out.

There is an extra blood hole in the head.

Bang bang bang bang!!!bang bang

In the next moment, three more gunshots rang out in succession, and before the three subordinates could blink, they fell straight to the ground, leaving only three frightened hostages.

Moldy time.

The whole world seemed to be quiet.

Countless people on both sides of the street stared at the Shirakawa leaves with wide eyes holding the gun in their hands motionless, and a trace of white smoke slowly emitted from the muzzle.


Shirakawa exhaled lightly and slowly put the gun down, while firing the safety.

This action is like a switch that turns on the world.



Countless cheers, the crowd on both sides erupted, and they all looked at Shirakawa like heroes.

“Hurry up! Go up! ”

Officer Twilight was also happy, beckoning a group of police officers around him to rush over.


Miwako Sato was the first to run in front of Shirakawa and said happily: “You are so powerful, you will definitely put the newspaper tomorrow.” ”

“I don’t want to be in the newspaper.”

Shirakawa shook his head.

Open guns are easy to dodge, but dark arrows are difficult to guard.

He felt that it was better not to be too smart, otherwise it would be the same as last time, let Gin Jiu think of the matter of him being shot by himself, and if he came to find nothing to do, he would simply die speechless.

Without thinking about it, he looked at the tall building behind him.

At the very edge of the top floor, he saw Shuichi Akai standing there, the two looked at each other, and nodded gently in unison.

As for Shuichi Akai, his eyes couldn’t help but look at the figure protected by the police at the end of the street in the distance.

After looking at it stunned for several seconds, he bent down to pick up the two shells on the ground and left here directly.

Time passes.

Three o’clock in the afternoon.

At the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Officer Twilight stood here happily, surrounded by a group of reporters, excitedly answering questions.

And inside the hall, three men looked here and did not choose to join in.

They are Shirakawa Haba, Matsumoto Police, and Minister Odakiri.

Matsumoto Kiyocho was puzzled: “Shirakawa, why did you refuse to participate in this press conference? This time our Metropolitan Police Department is in the limelight, but it’s all your credit.

Besides, at that time, so many people watched photos and videos, in fact, everyone knew that it was yours. ”

Shirakawa Ye counted his shoulders: “No need, I don’t want to be too showy anyway, the report will be written in full, just know it from above.” ”


Toshiro Oda patted him on the shoulder, and then said, “I just don’t know if the interrogation side will ask if something will come out.” ”

Words fall.

Miwako Sato came over and said solemnly to the three: “Minister Odakiri, Matsumoto Police, Shirakawa Police Department, there is still no clue.”

We have questioned the six hostages, investigated them clearly, and none of them are lying. ”

Oda Kiri Toshiro frowned, “It’s been five hours, we have no reason to lock them up, in that case, let’s let them all go.” As for the missing gold, let’s check it slowly. ”


Miwako Sato nodded and turned to leave.

Shirakawa Ye’s eyes narrowed slightly, not knowing what he was thinking about.

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