Chapter 252 She is already in my shape!!

Shirakawa stopped.

He turned to look behind him and met Gin Jiu’s knife-like eyes.

“I admire you.”

Gin Jiu said lightly: “In the bar before, I dared to show my killing intent in front of so many people, and I haven’t seen much in these years.” ”

Shirakawa didn’t answer, wanting to see what this guy was about to say when he was full and had nothing to do.

Gin continued: “You should like absinthe bar very much? ”


Shirakawa spoke, this is to be admitted, there is nothing to hide.

Gin Jiu’s expression was still indifferent, as if he had already known that this would be the answer: “When vodka was disrespectful to her just now, your eyes changed at that moment, so I judged it.” ”

When Vodka heard this, he was shocked.

He didn’t expect that the killing intent that his eldest brother said turned out to be aimed at him, and subconsciously he looked at Shirakawa Ye, and his face turned ugly.

“But one thing you may not know is that absinthe is untouchable for a woman. There were many people who used to like her, but they all died in the end. ”

“And then what?”

“It’s simple, follow me. As long as you work under me, I will give you tasks, and if you can survive, you can have your own code name. In this way, you can boldly pursue her, will not be troubled by the difference in identity, and the success rate will be great. ”

The corner of Shirakawa’s mouth twitched.

He looked at the gin wine at this moment, and inexplicably wanted to laugh in his heart, this guy actually played this kind of brainwashing.

But it’s normal to think about it, his subordinates don’t have any shots, and it is normal to see a person who meets his heart and want to be accepted as a subordinate.

Who let this guy often kill his own people, so that he has such a big reputation now, and the result is still quite miserable, and he needs to personally do everything.

He laughed and said, “Is there anything else?” ”

“It seems that you have made a choice, I hope you don’t regret it.”

Gin Jiu took a deep look at him, knew that the other party was Belmode’s person, did not say anything, took his little brother into his car, and left directly.


Shirakawa Ye looked at the car in the distance, shook his head speechlessly, and muttered: “Sharon is already in my shape, you are still talking about a yarn.” ”


Just as he was about to enter the back door.

Two footsteps came from inside, and after a while, Chianti and Koukoen came out.

Chianti was slightly stunned when he saw Shirakawa, and then a funny expression appeared on his face and slowly came to him.

Next second.

She raised her hand and made a pistol movement aimed at Shirakawaha’s forehead.



Chianti spat out such a voice from his mouth, and said with a smile: “You are dead, or a headshot.” ”

Shirakawa Ye was helpless, it seemed that there were really a lot of neuropathy in this black-clothed organization, and said quietly: “You laugh so ugly.” ”

The smile on Chianti’s face suddenly froze, and the phoenix-tailed butterfly pattern next to his left eye suddenly became hideous, and said coldly: “What do you say?” ”

Shirakawa Ye said word by word: “I said that you laugh so ugly.” ”

“Huh! Huh! ”

Chianti began to laugh again, lowering his head in laughter, and his laughing shoulders shrugged for a while.

Cohen looked at his partner like this, silently moved to the side, and continued to remain silent, as if none of this was his business.

“You’re good.”

Chianti said these three words inexplicably, and the next moment, he directly pulled out the pistol on his waist, and the speed was so fast that it could be said to be an electric flint.


She’s fast, someone is faster.

Just as she took out the gun, Shirakawaha’s pistol was already against her forehead, still the same sentence just now: “You laugh so ugly.” ”

Chianti remained motionless,… He looked at Shirakawa with a surprised face.

She never expected that a low-level person who came over with a box, a guy who didn’t have a code name, would let herself suffer.

“Who the hell are you?”

Although she usually looks crazy, it doesn’t mean that she is stupid, and while saying this, her eyes glanced at her companion next to her.

Cohen noticed his partner’s eyes and said very calmly: “Here, no one dares to shoot.” ”

It also fell as soon as his words fell.

Footsteps came from the back door again.

Then Amuro walked out, looked at the scene in front of him curiously, and ridiculed: “Everyone is their own people, there is nothing to use any guns.” ”

Chianti said coldly: “Bourbon, don’t pretend to be a good person here, it makes people feel disgusting.” ”

“Okay, then you guys continue.”

Amuro calculated his shoulders and slowly walked towards the parked car not far away, but his eyes still looked at Shirakawa from time to time, with a solemn look in his eyes.

He felt that Shirakawa Ye was very unusual, and felt that the black-clothed organization was about to produce another core member, and it was able to suppress Chianti more.

Thinking of this, he wrote down the appearance of Shirakawa Ye’s face now, and was ready to draw it when he went back, and then send it back to prepare his group.

As soon as he left.

Just like the dam was released, the people inside followed out one by one.

First there was the tequila, he just glanced at it, said nothing and left, then Shui Wu Helpless, smiled and nodded at the two, and then left The next one was Riesling, who didn’t care about himself and hung high.

Just when the atmosphere between Shirakawa and Chianti is getting more and more tense,… A woman’s voice came.


Curacao appeared at the door of the back door, looked at Shirakawa Ye with a calm face, and said lightly: “I think she has learned a lesson, and if she goes on like this, she will really make a vengeance.” Moreover, you are a vermouth person, and this will cause her trouble. ”

“Quite good at talking.”

Shirakawa shrugged and looked at Curacao, a smile flashing in his eyes.

He hadn’t seen this woman for a long time, but he didn’t expect to meet here again, and the world was really wonderful.

He looked at Chianti, put the gun on her forehead back, and said with a smile: “Don’t laugh again next time, it’s quite uncomfortable.” ”

Chianti’s chest rose and fell for a while, and his eyes looked like they were about to breathe fire.

But since the other party had already put down the gun first, and it was still in this place, she couldn’t do it again, she just looked at Shirakawa Ye with murderous intent for a while, and finally strode past him with Cohen.

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