Chapter 268: Miss Concubine, Kiss Goodbye!!

Time is a little further forward.

The other side.

Shirakawa Leaf they are back.

Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto and the two of them go back first, and Shirakawa has to send the other two injured ~ big beauties home.


The taxi came downstairs to the apartment where they were staying.

Yukiko was only slightly injured, so the first one got out of the car first.

But Fei Yingli can’t, although she was only slightly injured, but the injured part is the waist.

At first, it was fine, but after these hours, I can’t stand up straight at the moment, and it hurts badly as long as I exert myself.

In addition, Yukiko is just a woman, and her strength is not very strong, so Shirakawa Ye has a use, that is, to carry Concubine Eiri upstairs.

“I’ll open the door first, you guys hurry up.”

Yukiko said, took out the key and walked to the apartment.

Shirakawa Ye held Concubine Eiri and walked slowly behind, looking very leisurely When he was sure that Yukiko did not look back, he quickly pecked the face of the woman in his arms, revealing a bad smile.


Concubine Yingli was helpless, her cheeks reddened slightly.

If she hadn’t broken through the relationship, she might have pinched Shirakawa Leaf and even been angry for a while.

But after breaking through the relationship, she now has full tolerance, and she is only coquettish and disgusted about Shirakawa’s behavior.

That’s why.

Shirakawa Ye likes this woman very much, and can’t help but want to bully her, and the appearance of the queen Fan before is almost like the two.

“Don’t mess around, it’s not good to wait until Yukiko finds out.”

“Don’t worry, I have a measure.”


Concubine Yingli sighed, simply ignored him, and leaned on his strong shoulder silently, thinking of the wound on it, and couldn’t help but say: “Why didn’t you stop me from biting you last night?” I didn’t hear you when I was bleeding, wouldn’t it hurt? ”


Shirakawa Ye smiled and said full of coconut, “Of course it hurts and is happy.” In that case, I could only choose to be happy and leave the pain behind for the time being. ”

After speaking, he also turned the woman who was holding him upside down.

Concubine Yingli’s expression was dumbfounded, and then she couldn’t help but blush even more, and simply didn’t chat with him, trying to calm her mood.

She felt that it was better to keep a little distance from this man, and she was always thinking about some unhealthy things in her head.

“Hey, hurry up, if you don’t hurry up, you will close the door.”

Yukiko shouted from the elevator.

“It’s coming.”

Shirakawa hurriedly quickened his pace and walked in.

From beginning to end, Yukiko did not find anything wrong with the two people, and thought it was just a normal thing.

A few minutes later.

They finally returned to where they lived.

As soon as Yukiko arrived, she ran back to her room, not knowing what to do.

Shirakawa Ye put Concubine Eiri on the sofa, stared into her beautiful eyes, and smiled

“I’m back at the Metropolitan Police Department.”

“There you go.”

“Have a kiss goodbye?”

“Let’s go.”

Concubine Yingli would not agree to his unreasonable request, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands, staring at him with big bright eyes.

Shirakawa shrugged and simply kissed her directly on the forehead before leaving.

He just left.

Yukiko just came out of the room with her clothes: “I’m going to take a bath, and I didn’t take a bath last night but it made me uncomfortable to death.” Yingli, do you want to join me?” ”

“No thanks. Wash it yourself first, I’ll wash it slowly later. ”


Yukiko nodded and entered the bathroom, not paying attention to how Shirakawa had disappeared.

Concubine Yingli watched her good girlfriend go in, and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

She didn’t dare to agree to this request today, because last night’s incident had not yet had time to be cleaned, and if she was accidentally seen, it would obviously be found that something was wrong.

No matter how big Kiko is, she will see at a glance that something is wrong.

Not ready to be exposed to her girlfriend, she still thinks how long it can be full, as for whether it will be exposed in the future, then leave everything to time, anyway, time will give the answer.

Metropolitan Police Department.

Shirakawa quickly returned here.

As soon as he sat down in his place, Officer Twilight came over with a kind face and said softly:

“Brother Shirakawa, you came back just in time, let’s write a report first”

“What report?”

Shirakawa raised his eyebrows.

Officer Twilight handed over the prepared documents and explained harmlessly

“Of course, it’s the reason why the car is scrapped, you have to finish the process, and then it’s good to report.”

“… Can’t you just write it? ”

“Brother Shirakawa, have you forgotten?”

“Forgot what?”

“You’ve been promoted!”

Officer Twilight patted him lightly on the shoulder: “Now we are not a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but a relationship of the same rank.” So in the future, if something happens to you, you need to get it yourself, and I can no longer help you back the black… Ahem, it’s my own business anyway. ”

Shirakawa didn’t know what to say.

Suddenly, he missed it very much, nostalgic for the time when the police officer was his boss, anyway, he just had nothing to do with him.

As a result, now that the two of them have the same positions, there will never be anything like that again, which is simply a blood loss.


Shirakawa Ye suddenly remembered something: “Officer Twilight, you said that we are in the same position, why do you bring it to me every time I have my own task?” ”

It’s fine not to mention this.

As soon as he mentioned this twilight police officer’s whole face darkened, he couldn’t help but shake his fat belly, and said quietly: “Brother Shirakawa, think about it yourself, every time I bring the documents over, are you in the office before?” ”


Shirakawa blinked, thought about it, and smiled awkwardly: “It seems that it is really not there.” ”

Officer Twilight said angrily, “Isn’t that it.” If you are not there, you can’t find anyone on it, so you can only find me first.” ”

The words just fell.

The phone in his place rang.

No longer chatting, he hurriedly walked over to connect, but when he heard the content inside, his expression changed for a while.

After a while, Officer Twilight hung up the phone and walked over, sighing: “Brother Shirakawa, someone has come to report the case, and it is still you who is looking for you by name.” ”

The corner of Shirakawa’s mouth twitched,… Subconsciously thought of the guy in Ireland, it won’t be that bastard coming again Six.

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