Chapter 273 Relieves Sharon of the Siege!!

Tiwuzin River.

Highways along the coast.

At this time, a Maserati was speeding here, followed by four or five cars.

However, the horsepower of the two sides is different, and Maserati has always led the way in front and seems to be at ease.

“These stinky rats follow so tightly.”

Maserati’s owner, Belmode, glanced in the rearview mirror and couldn’t help but frown.

“Who the hell leaked the news.”


“No, it can’t be her. If she really did this, her sister would not be long before she was killed by ginjiu~. ”


Belmode’s mind flashed one by one, and finally roughly identified several people, but he still couldn’t accurately determine who it was.


She remembered the last time Mihua Park happened.

“Could it be Bourbon?”

Belmode thought so, a murderous intent flashed in her eyes, she was certainly not sure that Amuro was the leaker this time.

Instead, it was determined that the last time, Amuro was very problematic, and since there was a problem, then this time he was most suspected of leaking.

Thinking about it, the corners of her good-looking mouth grinned a cold loneliness and muttered

“Don’t let me find the evidence… Bourbon! ”


Follow in the nearest car.

Yuya Kazami was holding the walkie-talkie and yelling loudly: “Is it arranged?” Is it laid out? ”

“It’s already arranged, just waiting for you to come over.”


Yuya Kazami is now very excited.

He stared at the Maserati in front of him.

The idea is to catch the people inside, as long as it is to catch a core member, no matter what the price is, it is worth it.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.


I saw that on the far road, two cars were blocked on the road side by side, and several plainclothes people stood next to them with pistols, aiming at Maserati, who was rushing quickly.


Several round things fell from the sky, and as soon as they landed, clouds of smoke burst out, blocking all the view here.


Yu Kazami was also very surprised, but because the roof of the car was blocked, he couldn’t see what was in the sky at all.

But Maserati is different.

It’s a convertible.

Belmode clearly saw a white figure in the sky overhead, dropped a few smoke bombs, and then turned his glider and left.


In the area of the two cars shrouded in smoke, there were bursts of screams.

When the smoke cleared, two figures with smoke helmets appeared, and four unconscious people lay on the ground.

After these people pulled to the side of the road, they got into two cars stuck in the road, quickly drove away and got out of the way.

“It’s very good.”

When Belmode’s Maserati passed by the two cars, she glanced at a man and a woman on the car, and muttered: “I retract my last evaluation of you, you are not so useless.” ”

As she spoke, she opened the door, and her speed dropped sharply, leaning over to the side of the road.

Next second.

A figure quickly pounced and fell directly on the co-pilot’s position.

And Belmode stepped on the gas pedal again and galloped away.

“Your group of partners is pretty good.”

“Of course.”

The figure in the passenger seat spoke, it was Shirakawa Ha.

He slowly took out the pistol, checked it one by one, and finally took out the magazine, put on a mask, stood up directly in the position, and aimed at several cars coming behind him.

“Bang bang!!!!”

“Bang bang!!!!”

Several magazines were shot in one go, and even if they did not hit the driver, they successfully lowered their speed and did not dare to keep up closely.

Of course, the opposite side also wanted to fight back, but because it was driving quickly and it was very difficult to operate, they finally gave up the idea of pursuit.


Shirakawa let out a long breath, sat down in his position, glanced at the smoking pistol, threw it directly out, threw it into the Tiwuzin River, and asked at the same time: “Where to go now?” ”

“Go to that abandoned Nishimoto pier.”


“Can some of your friends keep up?”

“You want to see them?”

“See you.”

Belmode said lightly, if it was still the same as last time, she would still answer last time and would not meet them.

But this time is different, after all, the other party has already dared to take this kind of risk to help, even if he really doesn’t care, for the sake of Shirakawaba, he has to meet one more or less.

Although even without the help of these people this time, she is very confident that she can leave safely, at most it will only take some means.

While they were talking, two cars, one left and one right, followed, the two who helped before.


With the unbridled departure of the Maserati and two cars.

Yuya Kazami gradually stopped the car, got out of the car one after another, and watched each other leave with ugly faces.


I don’t know who sighed, like a virus that spread rapidly, everyone couldn’t help but sigh.

“It’s my fault this time.”

Yu Kazami also took the initiative to stand up and back the pot: “It’s me who thinks things too simply, thinking that the other party is just a person, and I didn’t think that someone would take it or something like that.” When I go back, I will seriously reflect and try not to make the same mistake again. ”


He is the leader of this team and must comfort his colleagues.

Otherwise, if they accidentally hit their self-confidence, they will encounter this kind of thing in the future, and it will even have an impact on their subsequent actions.

But his trick still worked.

As soon as he said this, everyone was no longer able to slump their faces, and they all said words of self-blame, and they all stepped forward to comfort Yuya Kazami.


Yuya Kazami also looked at this scene, let out a long breath, and a big stone in his heart also fell.

After that, he greeted everyone and picked up the colleagues who had been knocked unconscious and took them back to their cars.

But at the same time, there are some puzzles in my heart.

Because they know the black-clothed organization very well, it can be said that they kill people without blinking, they really can’t figure out what is going on this time, they didn’t kill them, they just knocked these people unconscious.

“What the hell is going on…”

Yuya Kazami looked at the clear Tiwuzin River and fell into deep contemplation, but in the end he was still puzzled and simply stopped thinking about it.

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