Chapter 282: Sharon Coming Home!!

Shirakawa Ye sent the two daughters home.

Of course, I also managed to stay here for dinner and fill my stomach before going back.

Wait when you get home.

I saw Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto sitting at the table, happily eating sushi.

“You can’t do this kind of behavior, you secretly ordered sushi takeaway from me.”

Shirakawa Ye naturally sat beside the two women, although they had already eaten, it was not recommended to accompany the two women here to eat again.

Looking at the sushi in front of me, the variety is really rich.

What salmon sushi, chicken sushi, and even squid sushi have appeared, I can only say that these two women eat a lot of tricks.

“It’s none of our business.”

Miwako Sato gave him an angry look: “It’s you who have been gone for too long, and we can’t wait for the sushi we ordered.” ”

“That’s right.”

Miyamoto Yumi echoed, “You won’t let us skip eating here, just wait for you to come back, right?” ”

“Can’t you?”

Shirakawa asked righteously.

However, the answer was two beautiful white eyes, and if the eyes could kill, he would have died at least twice.

Miwako Sato said quietly: “You took us into a car accident this morning, in fact, you should have invited guests to dinner to apologize.” None of us said anything to you, you even dare to leave a face here. ”

“Yes, don’t face.”

Yumi Miyamoto held back a smile from the side.


Shirakawa was left speechless by this topic.

It’s really a pot that doesn’t open which pot.

Although I didn’t mean what happened in the morning, it still feels embarrassing to say it like this.

“That’s right.”

Miwako Sato asked what she was most concerned about: “Since you are all back, how are things handled?” ”

Miyamoto Yumi followed: “Tell me about it, I also want to know about this matter, you wolf don’t hide it from me.” ”

“It’s hard to say.”

Shirakawa Ye shook his head: “Anyway, tonight’s things are quite strange, making me all confused, nothing sharp.” ”

Miwako Sato was not happy: “Ye, don’t you think you are a little hateful?” ”

“I don’t think it’s hateful.”

“Think about it yourself, before I said I wanted to follow, you didn’t let me go, let me stay here. I promised you at the time, so I stayed here. Now I want you to tell me something, but you don’t tell me. You see, not too much? ”


Shirakawa Ye looked at Miyamoto Yumi, picked up a Taoji and took a bite, and asked, “Do you think I’m excessive?” ”

“Of course.”

Miyamoto Yumi replied without the slightest hesitation.

Shirakawa picked up a sushi again and took a bite, nodded and said, “In that case, it seems that there is indeed a little.” ”

Finish the sentence.

He swallowed the sushi in his mouth, re-stretched his evil hand, and continued to hold the sushi on the table.

It’s a pity this time.

Held down by a tender little hand.

Miwako Sato had a black face, and her tone was very unspeakable: “You guy doesn’t want to fool around like this and finish our dinner, right?” ”


When Miyamoto Yumi heard this, she immediately came back to her senses, subconsciously looked at the sushi in front of her, and immediately said distressedly: “Okay, you abominable fellow, you gave us a small half without paying attention, you are really bad.” ”


Shirakawa Ye smiled awkwardly, withdrew his hand directly, and changed the topic seriously: “Okay, since you want to know the evening so much, I’ll tell you about it.” ”


The next ten minutes.

Except for the part where there was Kiko and Concubine Eiri, he told all about what happened tonight.

After speaking, he also looked at the two women and asked, “How is it, are you satisfied now?” ”

Miwako Sato nodded thoughtfully: “So, tonight’s incident is really related to that black-clothed organization?” ”


Shirakawa nodded incredulously.

The matter of the black-clothed organization, he believes that Miwako Sato must also be very impressed, and it is estimated that he will ask more questions after he is sure.

After all, what happened at Shigehiko’s mansion last time cast a shadow on the hearts of everyone who attended the Metropolitan Police Department that night.

“What is the black organization?”

Yumi Miyamoto was the only one on the scene who didn’t know anything, and the curiosity in her heart was like a cat scratching: “Hey, Miwako, tell me quickly.” I don’t think it’s a secret, can you tell me about it? ”

“Yumi, it’s better if you still don’t know, it’s good for you.”

“Where’s the benefit?”

“Uh… Ignorance is bliss. ”


Miyamoto Yumi almost vomited a mouthful of blood, and looked at her best friend with a resentful look.

Miwako Sato touched her nose awkwardly, and knew that she had said the wrong thing, so after thinking about it, she said it: “Actually, the Black Organization is just a name between us.” Here’s the thing…”

The next period of time.

Miwako Sato gave her best friend a hard science about the black-clothed organization.

And he did not choose to hide it, and told all the people he knew for a long time.

She asked, “Look, what do you think now?” ”


Miyamoto Yumi’s body couldn’t help shaking, and said weakly: “I didn’t expect that there is such a dangerous terrorist organization in our country.” It seems that in the future, I will see that the guy in black will stay away a little, maybe it may be the organization you are talking about.

Also as soon as her words fell.

There was a knock at the door.

“It won’t be Officer Kazami again, will it?”

Miwako Sato couldn’t help but complain.

“I’ll take a look.”

Shirakawa Ye got up and slowly walked to the door, and when he opened the door, he saw the woman in front of him and said in surprise: “Sharon, why are you here?” ”

“Come as you want.”

Belmode glanced lightly at the little man who had been drunk, glanced at the two pairs of women’s shoes at the gate, sneered, and walked in slowly with elegant steps.

And inside.

When Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto looked at Belmode’s monkey who came in, their expressions froze one by one, as if they were frosted eggplants, and they suddenly became listless.

They understood that as soon as this woman appeared, it seemed that it was time for them to leave.

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