Chapter 287 was disliked by Xiaolan and Yuanzi!!


Shirakawa Ye was directly speechless, facing the eyes of two young and lively girls, he was really embarrassed to say things.

If only I told her.

In fact, I did all this by myself, I accidentally took a group of people into a car accident early yesterday morning, everyone was more or less injured, only I didn’t get anything at all, which is very embarrassing.


Shirakawa tried to open his mouth twice, but still felt a little difficult to say.

It’s a pity that his appearance made the two girls very curious in their hearts, and they unconsciously got closer again, flashing big eyes and staring watery.

“Officer Shirakawa, what’s going on?”

“yes, what’s going on with my mother?”

The two girls’ inquiries left and right, brought no less pressure than the two wives.

Concubine Yingli watched this scene interestingly in a wheelchair, and her mood suddenly became much better, and she was not ready to help Shirakawa Ye solve the siege, just watching this guy in this single distress.


Shirakawa Ye appeased the two girls: “Xiaolan, Yuanzi, it’s not that I don’t want to tell you, it’s just that this matter is a little long, and it can’t be said in a short time.”

When we are at noon, we can talk slowly when we find a place to eat, there is no hurry now. ”

“Then why is my mother in a wheelchair?”

Xiaolan is most concerned about this matter.

But fortunately, her mother didn’t seem to be doing anything at all, just in a wheelchair, so she didn’t act too anxious, just wanted to know what the reason was.

And she looked at Shirakawa Ye’s hesitant look, and she knew that this tanuki matter must not be simple, which made her want to know even more.

“Of course, it’s because of this guy.”

Yukiko and Belmode slowly came to them, with a little playfulness on their faces.

Xiao Lan hurriedly asked, “Aunt Xizi, can you talk to me?” ”


Yukiko didn’t have so many concerns, raised her eyebrows at Shirakawa Ye, looked at the two girls and slowly said: “Things have to start talking about yesterday morning…”

In the next few minutes.

In the dark face of Shirakawaba, Yukiko recounted his glorious deeds.

Finally, a summary was made.

Facing the two girls, he asked, “Xiaolan, Yuanzi, if I gave you a chance today, would you still ride in Officer Shirakawa’s car?” By the way, a final reminder to you. Officer Sato of the Metropolitan Police Department said that this kind of car accident is not accidental and has happened many times. ”


The girls looked at Shirakawa Leaf blankly, and then very tacitly, they retreated to the side of several adults in unison, just like the chicks seeking the protection of an old hen.


Shirakawa Ye’s face darkened even darker now, and he was deeply hurt by the actions of the two girls.

Of course, the culprit is still Kiko, so he can’t help but glare viciously, and in his heart, he is thinking about waiting for the opportunity to find it, and he must clean up the other party.


Xiaolan naturally took over Shirakawaha’s job, came to the back of her mother’s wheelchair, and said softly: “It’s too unlucky for you to share this.” ”

“Okay, it’s just a minor injury.”

Concubine Yingli smiled and patted her daughter’s hand, it was already a very happy thing to go out shopping, but now that she met her daughter again, she was even happier in her heart.

Belmode looked at the happy mother and daughter, a flash of envy flashed in his eyes, and he took the initiative to speak: “Xiaolan, Yuanzi, this store is not suitable for you, let’s take a look at another store.” ”


Yukiko strongly agrees with this.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked at each other, smiled embarrassedly at each other, and playfully stuck out their tongues at everyone.

And then.

Just send samples.

Three big women, two small women, they walked out of the store together.

And Shirakawa Ye, as if forgotten, no one greeted him.


The corners of his mouth twitched and silently followed.

When I first came outside.

Shirakawa Ye suddenly saw a figure in front of him, staring at each other in amazement, he really didn’t expect the other party to be in this mall.

And the person on the other side also froze.

He is ——— Amuro.

As a part-time working emperor, he works all day long, and it is normal for him to work in this shopping mall building.

It’s just that he never expected that he would meet Shirakawa Ye here by coincidence.

“This guy should recognize it, right?”

“Do I run, run, or run?”

Amuro silently put the box he was carrying at his feet, stared at Shirakawa leaves with dead eyes, and slowly retreated.

Then he saw Shirakawaba’s face change, and he yelled at him to get up: “Little…”

When Amuro heard the first word, he instinctively turned around and ran.

But when he turned around, he felt that a dark shadow had come to his eyes, and because it was too close, he couldn’t react at all.

Just listen to the “bang”.

It’s a good start, very loud.

Amuro stood in place stunned, his body began to shake slightly, tilted his head to look at the teenager holding the baseball bat in front of him, and spat out a few words with difficulty in his mouth: “Good boy…”

After speaking, he fell straight to the ground.

This sudden scene frightened all the people around this floor of the mall, and they looked at it one by one.

Including Concubine Yingli and Belmode, they all looked at this but when they saw the teenager, their expressions changed slightly, obviously recognizing each other.


The young man snorted proudly, and raised his eyebrows at Shirakawa in the distance.


Shirakawa Ye sighed speechlessly, looking at Amuro who was knocked out because he didn’t pay attention, and he was also a little crying and laughing.

Obviously a powerful person, as a result, because he always paid attention to himself, he did not notice that someone was approaching behind him, so he capsized in the gutter.

“Shinichi, why are you here?”

Someone called out the boy’s name, and the person who spoke was the other party’s mother, it was Yukiko.

And what about the boy who stunned Amuro in front of him.

I just don’t know why Kudo Shinichi is in this mall building, but it’s strange to think about it.

Belmode looked at Amuro lying on the ground, his eyes flashed, naturally recognizing the guy codenamed “Bourbon” in his organization.

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