Chapter 294: Miwako, you turned out to be a traitor!!


Metropolitan Police Department.

It’s time for lunch again.

In the office.

Shirakawa lies in a very leisurely position, as long as he waits for the time to come, he will leave immediately.

“Officer Shirakawa.”

Chiba He stretched out and put the document on the table: “I have completed the task you gave me.” ”

Shirakawa Ye opened it and looked at it, and nodded with satisfaction: “Chiba, the completion is very good, I am very satisfied.” For this sake, if you talk about any difficulties, maybe I can help you. ”


Chiba and Shin Han scratched his head, showing a very expectant expression.

“This one…”

Shirakawa Ye thought about it for a while, and felt that he still had to leave a way back for himself, not as full as he said: “As long as I can do it, I will help you.” ”


Qianye He’s eyes began to drift, and he subconsciously put his hand on his big belly, and finally said: “If you can, can you fulfill your promise to invite me to dinner?” ”

Shirakawa Ye: “…”


Miwako Sato next to him directly squirted out laughter and covered her mouth deadly.

If it weren’t for the wrong scene, she would have started laughing out loud, and even taunted Shirakawa fiercely.


Shirakawa coughed twice, forced a smile on his face, and said in an extremely kind tone: “Chiba, it’s not that I don’t want to invite you.” You see that you are fat now, and you are about to catch up with Officer Twilight. If you don’t control your appetite, it will be difficult to find a girlfriend in the future. ”


Qianye He Shin glanced down at his figure, found that he couldn’t see his toes, and nodded in agreement: “I know, I will try to lose weight.” Of course, you have to eat enough to have the strength to lose weight. ”


Miwako Sato on the other side couldn’t help but be even more handsome, and simply lay directly on the table, her shoulders shrugged.


Shirakawa shook his head in amusement, also amused by his colleagues.

He opened his drawer, took a card and handed it over: “Oh, I mean what I say.” This is my meal card, I haven’t eaten for almost several months, let you help me solve this card. ”

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.”

Chiba Kazu took it with a happy face, turned around and walked towards his place.

Wait for him to leave.

Miwako Sato came over, immediately put on a straight face, and said very seriously: “Shirakawa Haba, I have been paying attention to you for a long time. ”

“Officer Miwako, I wonder what you’ve been paying attention to me for so long?”

“Ahem, you give me a little more serious.”


Shirakawa Ye raised his eyebrows, immediately straightened his waist, pressed over with a momentum, and directly came with an anti-guest move: “Miwako Sato, I have also paid attention to you for a long time.” ”


Miwako Sato was taken aback, looking at Shirakawa Ye’s expression that didn’t look like a fake, her heart felt weak for a while, and asked uncertainly: “Did you see me eating snacks at work?” ”

Shirakawa Ye was directly stunned.

For a long time.

He jerked out his hand and opened Miwako Sato’s drawer, looking at the full of snacks inside, his heart ached so much that he couldn’t breathe.


Miwako Sato smiled awkwardly, grabbed a handful of beef jerky and put it on his table: “That, or do you want to taste it first?” ”

“Miwako, you really can do it!”

Shirakawa’s face darkened, he casually picked up a package of beef jerky, tore open the package and threw it into his mouth, chewing while saying: “No wonder I said to go up for breakfast in the morning, you said no.” It turns out that things have been prepared for a long time, and they are really cunning enough! But you shouldn’t have been able to tell me that you didn’t tell me, leaving me starving for a morning. I ask you, doesn’t your conscience hurt? ”

“Hey, hey…”

Miwako Sato accompanied the smiling face, but she was actually happy in her heart.

I’m excited that I have pit a handful of Shirakawa leaves today.

Especially thinking that he was not found until noon, the whole person seemed to float lightly, and he did not take a look at Shirakawa leaves.

Of course, it is discovered at this moment, and it is still necessary to admit it when it is time to confess.

“That’s right.”

Shirakawa Ye looked at the pile of snacks in front of him and said curiously: “I remember that we have been together all this week, when did you hide from me to buy so many snacks?” ”

“Kudo Shinichi sent…”

“Huh? What the? ”

“I said Kudo Shinichi sent it.”

“Okay… You! ”

Shirakawa Ye was almost laughing, no wonder he felt so wrong in the past week.

As long as he goes out, no matter where he goes, Kudo Shinichi can appear in the shortest possible time, it turns out that the traitor is inside.

He never thought that this stupid woman would be bribed by some snacks.

Miwako Sato hurriedly said: “Ye, I just lied to him, don’t be angry.”

“It’s not this that I’m angry about.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m angry that you don’t distinguish me? We can totally cooperate and blackmail Kudo Shinichi, you are stupid. ”

Miwako Sato’s stomach was all held in her throat, blinking her innocent big eyes, and looking at the man in front of her in shock.

Before she could react.

The man opposite had already stood up abruptly and strode outside: “It’s time, let’s eat.” ”

“Wait for me.”

Miwako Sato put everything else behind and quickly chased out.


The two walked out of the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Then, he was blocked by the three women in front of him.

Concubine Yingli, Yukiko, the last one is Xiaolan.


Shirakawa Ye came to the third daughter: “Why are you here?” It can’t be that something happened, come and report it, right? ”

Concubine Yingli held the big box in her hand and smiled: “I came to bring you lunch, I made it all by myself.” ”

The smile on Shirakawaha’s face disappeared, and his heart couldn’t help but twitch fiercely, as if he had been stabbed with a knife.

He looked at the large box in front of him, this box was much larger than the ordinary box, and he knew at a glance that there must be a lot of things inside.


The scene just fell silent.

Everyone didn’t speak, but everyone’s eyes seemed to be staring straight at Shirakawaba, waiting for him to react.

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