Chapter 298: Concubine Yingli who wants to break off the relationship!!

Shirakawa Ye and Concubine Hideri left the ward together and found a row of empty chairs in the hallway to sit down.

He also took the large box in Fei Yingli’s hand very gentlemanly,——— and took the six dishes she had carefully prepared today.

“Thank you.”

Seeing Shirakawa Ye’s so considerate appearance, a gentle smile appeared on her face.

Concubine Yingli ruffled a strand of hair hanging down on her face and sat gently on the chair: “Officer Shirakawa, you can taste it first.” ”

She didn’t move her chopsticks in a hurry, but waited for the man to move first: “Few people give me reviews of my cooking, in fact, I never know how to improve, or what is wrong.” ”

“Don’t worry.”

Shirakawa Ye smiled and nodded: “Just leave everything to me, I will carefully experience these six dishes, and strive to say everything I can understand.” I also sincerely hope that Miss Concubine’s cooking skills can improve by leaps and bounds and make a better taste than today. ”


Concubine Yingli replied slightly, and quietly glanced at his face.

I saw that the other party’s eyes had always been fixed on him, and the meaning in his eyes was no longer the usual calm and relaxed.

Now it has changed, and it has become the spoiling of a unique husband looking at his wife.

After this week of calming down, she has already thought about how to deal with the relationship between the two.

First of all, the first point is age.

In any case, this is a problem that can never be overcome.

After thinking about it, she said, “Officer Shirakawa, we…”

When the words come to this, it is a little difficult to say.

After a pause, she slowly continued: “I think the two of us will still get along the same way as before.” ”

“So it is?”

Shirakawa Ye was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: “Miss Concubine, it’s no longer up to you to decide, everything is up to me.” From the day I succeed, I won’t listen to anything you say again. Whether I can abide by what you say depends on my mood.


Concubine Yingli blinked her eyes blankly.

As a strong woman, she was also overwhelmed by Shirakawa Hado’s answer at this moment.

It’s a bit overbearing.

Even if he says that he has a little bad feeling, he doesn’t listen to other people’s words at all.

Fei Yingli took a deep breath, feeling that it was just a pity that she should be tough.

Shirakawa Ye took the lead and spoke: “I said Miss Concubine, let’s eat first, and talk about other things later, okay?” ”


Concubine Yingli was caught off guard again: “I think it’s better to say it now, after all, we all have time now, and no one happens to bother yet.” Next time I have such a good opportunity, I don’t know when it will be, after all, both of us have jobs. ”

While saying these words, she also tried to put on a serious look.

She wanted to use her attitude at this time.

Let Shirakawa Ye understand that Yuji is serious.

I want the other party to understand that it is not okay to continue to mess around like this.

“That, I’m moving.”

Shirakawa Ye did not answer her words head-on, but just picked up a pair of chopsticks and started on the dish in front of him.

He was still as usual, and when he brought it to his mouth to chew, he had already transferred to the system space: “Miss Concubine, you can eat quickly, if you don’t eat, I can’t solve it by myself.” ”


Concubine Yingli lowered her head decadently, her cheeks flushed a little.

She felt that she was too failed, obviously so many years older than the other party, and it was somewhat humiliating to be led by the nose in this kind of thing.

I didn’t think about her anymore, but I also picked up the chopsticks next to her and gulped down the dishes I made.

“Horrible woman…”

Shirakawa Ye looked at this scene straight and gave such an evaluation in his heart.

He didn’t even know what was wrong with this woman’s sense of taste, it was so unpalatable to eat like poison, and he didn’t feel anything when he ate it.

It is no wonder that after so many years, the other party has never suspected that there is a problem with their own cooking, the fundamental reason is that they can’t eat it, and they don’t believe much what others say, and they have always believed that they are very good.

“Give, eat more.”

Shirakawa said, picking up a fried lobster and putting it in her bowl.

Fei Yingli took the hand of the chopsticks, a warm feeling flashed on the tip of her heart, and said softly: “Thank you.” ”

“There is no need to say thank you between us.”

“Thank you.”


Shirakawa Ye shrugged, not ready to fight with this woman: “I estimate that after eating here, I may have to leave the hospital.” ”

Concubine Yingli nodded: “I know, the work of the police is indeed busy.” Of course, look at you are actually very idle. ”

“Haha, it’s okay.”

“Being lazy is also a skill.”

“Then thank you for the compliment.”

For the next period of time, until the two of them had eaten everything, no one came out to disturb them.

It is estimated that thinking of such a terrifying dish, no one may dare to face it, so other people dare not come out.

Shirakawa Ye didn’t eat a bite, and all went into the system space.

And Concubine Yingli is different, she is really full of food, and she doesn’t want to move a little while sitting in her position.

However, her good education told her that she could not go on like this, so she diligently began to clean up the empty dishes in front of her and put them back into the big box one by one.

“Concubine Yingli.”

Shirakawa suddenly spoke.


Concubine Yingli wondered why this guy called his full name, and when he looked up, he found that he had already come to his face.

Then I felt a gentle touch.

Himself was kissed.

A voice also sounded in Tong Nai’s ears: “Concubine Yingli, don’t think about it next time, if you don’t burn, you won’t be let go so simply.” ”

After Shirakawa Ye said this sentence seriously, he showed a handsome smile at her, and turned around and entered the ward not far away.

He was going to find Miwako Sato, and it was time to leave.

“This guy…”

Concubine Yingli came to her senses, shook her head funny, and muttered: “It’s not the second year of high school students, how can I still play handsome, I don’t feel mature at all.” Really… Why didn’t you resist in the first place? If I resisted, he would not succeed. ”

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