Chapter 305: Shirakawa Leaves Fool the Little Girl!!

Time a little further.

Yuanshan and Ye mixed their hands together, lowered their heads slightly, red faces, and slowly walked to Shirakawa.


She said two words softly, with a slight tremor in her tone, obviously shy: “Are you Officer Shirakawaba?” ”

“Uh… Yes. ”

Shirakawa Ye looked at this little girl curiously, not knowing how she suddenly approached him.

After thinking about the other party’s character in the original work, it should not be the type that comes up when you see a handsome guy.

“That… Officer Shirakawa, in fact, I admire you very much, can I get to know you…”

When Yuanshan and Ye finished this sentence, the whole person was like an ostrich, his head was lowered, and he did not dare to raise his head.


Shirakawa was confused by the girl.

But the next second.

I felt two lines of sight in the distance look over strongly, and Yu Guang glanced slightly, and found that Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji were staring here without blinking, as if expecting something.

He looked at the girl with her head bowed in front of him again, and seemed to understand something.


Shirakawa Ye smiled and said softly to the girl in front of him: “Toyama and Ye, look up at me.” ”

“Eh, you know my name?”

Toyama and Ye suddenly heard their name, and they were no longer shy, and curiously looked at Shirakawa Haba.

She is usually very bold, but she is more shy in front of some people.

Just now, purely because I came with a task, I was very uncomfortable in my heart, so I was subconsciously shy.

But now that he was suddenly called out of his name, the curiosity in his heart suddenly overcame shyness and returned to a little of his original nature.

“Of course I know your name, and I also know your father’s name.”

Shirakawa Ye said with a smile, “Your father is Ginjiro Toyama, the criminal minister of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters. By the way, the dark-skinned guy in the distance is your childhood sweetheart Heiji Hattori, and his father, the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters Police Inspector Heizo Hattori. How, am I right? ”


Yuanshan and Ye nodded dumbly, looking poisonous and stupid.

“Okay, tell me about your purpose in approaching me.”

“Uh… I didn’t. ”

“Yuanshan and Miss Ye, uh, don’t you mind calling you and Ye?”

“I don’t mind.”

“Okay then. And Ye, don’t blush when you lie, otherwise it will be easy to be seen. ”


Yuanshan and Ye touched their cheeks and found that it was very hot, needless to say that she also knew that her face must be very red now.

Now she finally understood.

He is not the opponent of Mr. Police in front of him, and his mind is seen through at once.

Thinking of this, she stuck out her tongue embarrassedly.


Shirakawa asked, “Let’s state your purpose, maybe I can help you.” ”

Yuanshan and Ye hesitated, but still said it: “It’s not to blame my childhood sweetheart, he wants to come here today to ask about the news of a case, but he can’t get in.” Then he met you again, Officer Shirakawa, so he wanted to hit you with the idea, let me deliberately approach you, and find an opportunity to set a set of words. ”

“Such a damn thing!”

“Do you think he’s hateful too?”

Yuanshan and Ye’s eyes immediately lit up, as if they had found like-minded comrades, and said very happily: “I thought the same at the time, it’s really disgusting that I used my childhood sweetheart.” ”

“Yes, I think so too. Kazuba, do you want to take revenge on him? ”

“How to retaliate?”

Distant mountains and leaves blinked with bright big eyes.

Shirakawa Ye showed a bad smile on his face: “Wait a moment when we make some intimate moves, how about he is angry?” ”


Yuanshan and Ye’s faces were a little better just now, and they immediately climbed red again.

“Don’t worry, it’s not a kiss or something, it’s not a hug or something.”

“Phew… That’s fine. ”

“I’m starting, don’t move.”

Shirakawa said, reaching out and touching her little head melon, and scratching her little nose fondly.

And the effect is presented.

It was the scene that Hattori Heiji saw at the end of the previous chapter, and his whole face subconsciously turned green, and he looked like he wanted to beat someone.


Shirakawa Ye withdrew his hand: “Let’s take a look back and take a sneak peek yourself.” ”


Yuanshan and Ye turned their heads slightly to glance at their childhood sweethearts, and sure enough, they saw that each other’s faces were very ugly.

Suddenly, his mood improved a lot, and he said proudly: “Stinky pingji, deserve it.” You just wanted to use me, and now you are angry with me. ”

“Okay, Kazuba, I’ll take you to meet some friends.”


“Follow me.”

Shirakawa Ye greeted Toyama and Ye and came to Concubine Yingli’s side.

After all, there are two girls of the same age here, and it is easy to blend in.

He guessed correctly.

I just introduced Yuanshan and Ye a little, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi chatted familiarly.

In just a few minutes, the three girls were already able to talk and laugh, as if they were old friends they hadn’t seen for many years, without any discomfort at all.

“Woman, amazing species…”

Shirakawa Ye looked at this scene and gave such an evaluation.

Maybe the other party is the same as a man, find a stranger passing by to borrow a fire, the next second the two sides can become friends, friendship this kind of thing, sometimes comes so suddenly.

Two high school student detectives here.

At this time, the smell of gunpowder is strong.

“Kudo Shinichi, if you don’t give me an explanation, be careful if I do it.”

Hattori Heiji directly put down harsh words.

After all, his childhood sweetheart just now really made him angry.

And the reason for this series is that the bad idea of this guy with the same reputation as him next to him is really too pitiful.

Kudo Shinichi had cold sweat on his forehead, and said with an embarrassed smile: “Hattori, don’t be angry, okay?” Besides, you see, although the process is a bit bumpy, your childhood sweetheart is still very strong, so easy to break into them. Moreover, you see that Officer Shirakawa, just touched his head, that kind of look is like a brother spoiling his sister, don’t think about it. ”

“Humph! I. ”

“Wait, look over there.”

Kudo Shinichi interrupted him suddenly: “The police officer Ayakoji came out with a document in his hand. ”

When Hattori Heiji heard this, he temporarily put aside the matter just now and turned his head to look over.

Sure enough.

I saw that Ayakoji Fumima had come to Shirakawa Haba…

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