At night.

Miwako Sato came home from work.

Instead of going to Shirakawaha’s house first, she opened her own home.

As a result, there was no accident, and he was kicked out by his mother, still the same sentence, when he had a boyfriend, when he could go home.

“Boyfriend! Boyfriend! ”

Miwako Sato muttered unhappily, and only then took out the key given by Shirakawa and opened the door of his house.

“I’m back.”

Subconsciously said, she changed her shoes at the entrance and walked in.

“Ready to eat, right away.” In the kitchen, Shirakawaba’s voice came out.

Miwako Sato went to the bathroom to wash up and asked curiously, “I thought you weren’t back, but I didn’t expect dinner to be ready.” ”

“Miss Concubine is not alone, she must also have a family, and I can’t stay there forever.”

“Oh, is she awake?”


“This way.”

Miwako Sato finished washing, came to the kitchen door, looked at Shirakawa who was busy in an apron, and said with a smile:

“Is the compensation matter settled?”

“Of course.”

Shirakawa Yetou said without replying: “Miss Concubine is still very good, everything is normal compensation, I have reported it to Officer Twilight.” ”

“Count your luck this time, next time I see if you dare to leave me, just your car skills, now know my good.”

“Yes, yes, your car skills are good.”

Shirakawa Yeyan said involuntarily.

Although Miwako Sato’s driving skills are really good, there are probably few people who dare to sit.

Anyway, if you let him choose, it is better to drive yourself, although you may not be able to catch the prisoner, but it is better than losing your life.

As far as Miwako Sato’s speed is concerned, if something happens, I am afraid that there will be no chance of entering the hospital.

“By the way, let’s have lunch tonight. If you’re not used to it, get a little more yourself. ”

“I’m fine, I’m not picky.”

“Do you believe what you say? Last time I patrolled with Yumi, the three of us, and when I ate a donburi at noon, then why did you throw all the green peppers into my bowl? ”

“Okay, okay, I’m not a picky eater except for green peppers.”


“Say, Ye. Why do you like Chinese food so much? It’s really a strange hobby. ”

Miwako Sato has always been curious about this matter, and usually did not have time to ask, but now she finally has the opportunity.

“This one…”

Of course, Shirakawa Ye will not say, in fact, he is an oriental, and eating Chinese food is a normal thing.

Moreover, it has been several years, although it is safe to meet now, but I still remember the previous things and miss the previous world, so eating Chinese food has become a good sustenance.

He didn’t want to say this, and was ready to make up a random reason to fool the past.

As soon as I looked back at the kitchen door, my eyebrows were raised, and I asked:

“What’s going on with your face?”

“This one…”

Miwako Sato reached out and touched the wound on her right cheek and said nonchalantly:

“There was a case this afternoon, when the prisoner was arrested, he was accidentally scratched because the other party resisted. It’s okay, it won’t be good in a few days. ”


Shirakawa shook her head, untied her apron, stepped forward and took her hand and walked outside.

“Oh, it’s really fine.”

“Hehe, if you leave a scar when the time comes, don’t regret it.”


Miwako Sato suddenly froze, still very concerned about this matter.

So he didn’t resist anymore, allowing Shirakawa to press himself on the sofa and sit down, watching him turn around and go into the bedroom.

For a while.

Shirakawa came out with the medical kit left by his girlfriend last night.

“Okay, don’t move.”

“Got it, wordy.”

Miwako Sato was disgusted on the lips, but her body was still very honest.

She watched Shirakawa Ye very seriously take alcohol to disinfect her wound first, little by little.

That look, unexpectedly handsome.

I couldn’t help but have a hint of shame in my eyes.

The psychology hinted not to look at him, but the more I thought about it, the more I couldn’t control my eyes to look at him.


She didn’t dare to gasp, and her cheeks gradually turned red.


Shirakawa put a band-aid on her face and smiled, “Okay.” Oh yes. ”

Saying that, he searched in the medical kit again, found out the medicine his girlfriend gave him last night, and handed it over:

“Just eat this again.”


Miwako Sato responded softly, and took it without asking what kind of medicine it was.

Shirakawa didn’t notice that something was wrong with her, and after getting it done, she went on to make dinner.

After dinner, Miwako Sato looked quiet and very ladylike.

Eat and drink enough.

The two sat on the sofa and watched TV silently.

What is playing on TV is a detective drama, and the heroine is also an acquaintance of Shirakawaha, who is the female star who recently exploded – Yoko Okino.

Of course, an acquaintance here means that he knows each other, after all, he has known each other since he watched anime before, but the other party does not know him now.

“That’s right.”

Shirakawa Ye suddenly spoke up: “Miwako, is there any result of the things that you asked you to help investigate in the morning?” ”

“There are results.”

Miwako Sato took out her police manual, opened her own record for today, and read it out:

“Hideaki Nakajima, twenty-six years old, is a member of Mangtian Game Company.”

Finish talking.

The scene was quiet for a while.

For a long time, Shirakawa Ye raised his eyebrows and said, “It’s gone?” ”

“It’s gone!” Miwako Sato shrugged: “At present, according to this information, the other party is an ordinary office worker who cannot be in an ordinary office and does not have any criminal record.” ”

“This way.”

“Eh~” Miwako Sato got closer, gently bumped him on the shoulder, and whispered, “What the hell is the situation, tell me about it.” ”

“It’s nothing. Also, it’s just the two of us here, why are you so quiet? Afraid others will hear you? ”

“Humph! I don’t think there is any secret, and talking like this is more ceremonial, don’t you think? ”

“I don’t think. Well, I went to sleep and my head started to hurt. ”

Shirakawa Ye was not ready to talk to her more, reached out to cover his gauze-wrapped head, and slowly entered the bedroom.

Miwako Sato pouted unhappily and waved her small fist at his back.

However, when I thought of the seriousness of the other party cleaning up the wound for myself before, I decided to temporarily forgive the other party for crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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