Time passes.

It was dark.

The moonlight began to envelop the world.

Metropolitan Police Department.

There are not many people here at night, leaving only a few people on night duty.

At this time, in the ventilation duct of the women’s toilet of the Metropolitan Police Department, a pair of sharp eyes were staring here without blinking.

The owner of these eyes does not know how long he has been in ambush here, but the other party’s figure is motionless and does not make any sound, which shows that perseverance and patience are top-notch.


The door of the women’s toilet is knocked.

A female police officer walked in.

And the eyes in the pipe also lit up instantly, like a fierce beast that finally waited for its prey, ready to attack at any time.

While the female police officer turned around and was about to take off her pants, the fence of the ventilation pipe quietly opened, and a figure fell instantly, and a hand knife slashed at the back of the girl’s neck.

The female police officer didn’t snort, and fainted so straight.

Curacao did all this without hurry, listening carefully to the movement outside the toilet, making sure that no one was alarmed, and then began to rip off the other party’s clothes and change himself.

To make sure nothing was wrong, she also tied the other party strongly, gave her sleeping pills, and finally put duct tape on her mouth, and then strode out of here.


Curacao let out a breath, glanced at the quiet corridor, and strode upstairs.

She had already investigated before she came.

The evidence room where things are stored, on the fifth floor.

When she arrived at the door of the evidence room, she found the door locked, but this did not bother her, and she easily let her pry it open with a wire.

Push the door, enter, close the door.

The three movements were made in one go, and no sound came out.

Curacao looked at the rows of shelves in the room, looking for them one by one.


On the shelf in the last row, she found the name of [Hideaki Nakajima], which was also her goal of this trip.

Just when Curaçao was happy to find the USB flash drive, she didn’t notice at all, a figure came out from behind the shelf next to her, reached out sharply, and leaned a handcuff on her wrist.

This is a sudden change.

Scared Curacao’s body shook.

Just when her other hand was about to be handcuffed, she finally reacted and kicked at the lower body of the figure in front of her.


Shirakawa Ye gasped, his legs clamped hard, and he clamped the kicked foot deadly, and his forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat.

This woman has such a ruthless heart.

It even uses such indiscriminate means.

If he was kicked, he felt that his life would be over.

A nameless anger rose in his heart, he retreated sharply, and at the same time pulled out the pistol at his waist, shouting:

“Don’t move! The police! Hold your head in your hands, or I’ll shoot. ”


The door was also knocked open at this time, and the light in the room was also turned on instantly, suddenly bright as day.

Just as Yuya Kazami and Officer Medu rushed in with three or four people, holding pistols and pointing them at the woman in police uniform in front of them.


The situation turned around in an instant.

Ordinary criminals, in the face of this encirclement, and so many guns pointed at them, are estimated to have surrendered long ago, but the woman in front of them is very calm.

Shirakawa Ye stared at the woman and at the same time at the same time.

He had long silver hair, and his hands covered his face, revealing only a pair of peculiar eyes.

He could see clearly, the other party’s left eye was blue, and his right eye was transparent.


Three words came to his mind – Curacao.

Shirakawa Ye clearly remembers that when he watched the theatrical version before, a very stunning female character appeared, and the other party’s eyes were like this, and he also had silver hair.

Even if the other party only appeared in the theatrical version, it made a very deep impression on him.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that it was the other party who appeared here anyway, and it almost killed him.

Just at this moment.

Curacao found an opportunity, rushed directly to the side, shattered the glass, and fell from the fifth floor.

“What?!” Officer Twilight exclaimed, not expecting this to happen.

Shirakawa Ye finally came to his senses, ran to the broken window and looked at it, and saw the other party sliding down the drainage pipe on the top floor in a strong posture.

Without much thought, he also threw himself out directly and slid down the drainage pipe.

“Shirakawa! No! Wait a minute! This action startled both Yuya Kazami and Officer Twilight, who did not have this kind of skill and could only climb the stairs.

Shirakawa Ye just landed safely.

I saw that Curacao had already got into a car that had been waiting for a long time outside the Metropolitan Police Department and walked away.

At the same time, a red Mazda RX rushed out of the Metropolitan Police Department, roaring and following with its engine.

Shirakawa Ye also hurried to the car he had chosen in the morning and quickly chased after him.

Unfortunately, when they chased out, they couldn’t even see the headlights of both sides, and they could only gallop all the way in their direction.

Ten minutes later.

When he caught up with Miwako Sato in front of him, he found that she had stopped on the side of the road, staring blankly at the large river in front of him.

Under the moonlight.

The surface of the river is sparkling, and there is a pair of bright lights in the center of the river, which is a pair of car lights that are on.

Obviously, there was a car falling into the river.

“What did you do?” Shirakawa came to Miwako Sato’s side.

“It’s not.”

Miwako Sato shook her head and frowned:

“It was the other party who took the initiative to drive into the river. Obviously, there is still a road ahead, and there are no accidents on the road, why did you take the initiative to drive into the river? Even if I chased closely behind, I didn’t give her such a big sense of pressure to take the initiative to drive into the river, right? ”

Also at this time.

Officer Twilight and Yuya Kazami drove their car, and finally arrived belatedly.

When I saw this scene in front of me, I was also very surprised.

“What’s going on?” Officer Twilight asked hurriedly.

“That’s right…”

Shirakawa briefly explained the process.

Hear out.

Officer Twilight hurriedly ordered:

“Hurry up, call people down and take a look, maybe you can save people.” If you slow down, you may be strangled to death. ”

“It’s not that simple.” Shirakawa turned his head and said, “Officer Kazami, look over there.” ”

Yuya Kazami went back to the car and took out his laptop, opened it, and revealed such an expression:

“Officer Shirakawa is right, it’s not that simple, there is no one in the car anymore.”

“I’ll take a look.”

Shirakawa Ye came over, looked at the fast-moving red dot on the laptop, and said in surprise:

“I swam so fast, I will soon reach the Tiwujin River.”

Officer Twilight also understood at this moment.

It turned out that this scene in front of me was the other party’s golden cicada shedding its shell, if it weren’t for what they prepared in advance, maybe it would have really been deceived.

Shirakawa continued:

“Let’s go according to plan, although the other party took the waterway this time, but the result is the same, let’s hurry up and prepare.”

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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