Time flickered.

At night.

The Kudo family’s villa.

A sports car rushed in, and when it came to the parking space, it flicked its tail directly, and a row of pitch-black tire marks were worn out on the ground.


The car door opened, and Yukiko, wearing sunglasses and stepping out of her slender legs, came out.

She looked back at the man who was still in the passenger seat, and the corners of her mouth outlined a beautiful arc:

“Officer Shirakawa, are you okay yet? Does it take that long to get off the bus? ”

Although today broke his word.

In the afternoon, Shirakawa Ye accompanied her to go shopping by herself.

But now looking at the other party’s uncomfortable look, Yukiko feels that she can break her word, at least she is comfortable in her heart.


Shirakawa calmed his violently beating heart, unbuckled his seatbelt, and got out of the car.

Just two steps away, I was stopped by Yukiko:

“Officer Shirakawa, help me get it, I can’t take this so many things alone.”

He even showed pitiful eyes.

Blinking gently at the beautiful eyes, it is like an electric discharge.

Shirakawa turned his head and looked at the pile of bags in the back seat of the sports car, his brows furrowed slightly.

“Officer Shirakawa~” Yukiko came directly to him, her tone screaming.


Shirakawa Ye’s body shook in fright, and he was about to leave directly, taking his own things by himself.


Yukiko took his hand, her whole face was almost in front of him, and said with a straight face:

“It’s not a man, isn’t it? You think I was beaten by you last night, and today I forgive you. Now I just ask you to help me take down things, and I don’t give face. And I didn’t mean it, it’s really quite a lot, I can’t take it alone, can’t you see it? ”

Shirakawa looked at the face that was close at hand.

Although wearing sunglasses, it still looks good, especially the burst of aroma, constantly drilling into the nose, and the heart is not arguably quickened a little.

He tried to keep his face open and not let himself lose his mind.


Shirakawa coughed, took half a step back, subconsciously sniffed the aroma in the air, and the expression on his face was no longer so ruthless:

“Okay, I can get it for you.” But there is Kiko-san you remember, just this time. After all, I’m only here to protect you, not your servant. ”

“Yes, yes, remember.”

Yukiko clapped her hands and smiled, not paying any attention to his words.

Then I opened the back door of the car, took a few bags in one hand, and then stood there with a smile, my beautiful eyes turning from time to time.


Sighing, Shirakawa began to take out the bags in the back of the car.

After a while….

The hands were full, and even then, there were several bags left that could not be taken.

Just when he was about to ask Yukiko to take it herself, he saw this woman make a move:

“Officer Shirakawa, I’ll help you.”

Yukiko smiled and picked up the bag on the ground and put it directly around his neck.

After doing all this, she almost couldn’t hold back her laughter, because the Shirakawa leaves in front of her were almost drowned by bags.

“Let’s go.”

Yukiko nodded with satisfaction and walked towards the gate of the villa.

Shirakawa Ye understood at this moment, this woman is still teasing him, it is estimated that these things are deliberate, probably just to see his embarrassed appearance now.

The two walked into the villa.

At this time, the lights are on.

As soon as she arrived in the hall, the smile on Yukiko’s face disappeared at once, and she walked to a separate sofa and sat down, with a straight face.

Shirakawa took a step slowly, glanced at the situation in the hall and didn’t care about anything, just found a place for these bags on his body and put them all, and then sat next to Officer Twilight.

Not bad.

Officer Twilight and Yusaku Kudo are back and are now sitting on the couch.

Kudo Yusaku smiled kindly at Shirakawa Ye, and then looked at his wife:

“Yukiko, it seems that you got along quite well with Officer Shirakawa today, so I’m relieved.”

“Don’t worry?”

Yukiko’s whole person laughed angrily, glanced at Kudo Yusaku, twisted her head, and said coldly:

“Last month, for example, have you forgotten how my sports car got into the garage? It was deliberately bumped by a criminal organization because people found out that you were investigating and wanted to teach you a lesson. Isn’t that lesson enough? ”

Kudo Yusaku was silent for a moment, and then a gentle smile appeared on his face: “Don’t worry, I have a measure.” ”


Yukiko was disappointed and didn’t want to pay attention to him anymore.

Especially last night I was still taken advantage of, although I knew that it was an accident, I was still very guilty in my heart.

As a result, seeing that Kudo Yusaku was still performing this picture, the guilt in my heart disappeared, and instead there was a pleasure of revenge.

“Officer Shirakawa.”

Kudo Yusaku looked at Shirakawa, felt out a pistol and handed it over: “You can’t bring a gun here, use mine.” I think with this, it should be more secure. ”

“Just in time.”

Shirakawa Ye was not polite and took the pistol.

Originally, he was more or less uncomfortable because he did not have a gun on his body, but now Kudo Yusaku solved this trouble for him, which is really timely.

He withdrew from the magazine and looked at it, and found that there were only thirteen bullets, but it was barely enough.


Kudo Yusaku stood up:

“I just came back to deliver the gun, and we will continue to investigate.” Yukiko, give me a little more time, it will be over soon. ”

Yuki Zili ignored it and was indifferent.

Officer Twilight patted Shirakawa on the shoulder and left with Kudo Yusaku.


The scene was quiet again.

Shirakawa leaned back on the sofa and showed a comfortable expression, after all, he was really tired after a day of walking the streets.

Suddenly, he thought of Sharon Wynyard during the day.

The face of his girlfriend appeared in his mind.

As soon as he thought of this, he felt out his mobile phone, clicked on the photo album, looked at the photos of himself and his girlfriend inside, and couldn’t help but show a warm smile at the corner of his mouth.

Compared with Sharon Wynyard during the day, his own Sharon is more beautiful.

“Your girlfriend?”

Suddenly, Yukiko’s voice came from the side.

Shirakawa Ye Yuguang glanced, and then found that I don’t know when, Yukiko came over and was staring intently at the photo on his phone.

“How’s that, pretty, huh?” Shirakawa smiled smugly.

When Yukiko heard this, her expression suddenly praised, and she said unconvinced:

“How is that possible? A beauty of this level, I wouldn’t believe it was your girlfriend. ”

“Hey, I don’t need you to believe it.”


Yukiko gritted her teeth angrily.

Then her eyes lit up, and she looked at the big beauty in the photo, and a conspiratorial smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

She thought of a good idea, and she could definitely avenge last night.

“I’m upstairs.”

After saying it quickly, Yukiko couldn’t wait to stomp upstairs, leaving behind an inexplicable Shirakawa leaf.

“Strange woman…”

“Oh, Sharon, when are you coming back…”

Shirakawa complained a few words, shook his head and sighed and went upstairs, also ready to sleep.

Time passes little by little.


Late night is coming.

Shirakawaha’s room.

Because there are no curtains, the bright moonlight can clearly illuminate the room.

Shirakawaha, who was sleeping soundly, felt that someone was standing by the bedside in the dark, looking at him.

Shirakawa Ye thought that he was sleeping, because he did not feel malice and killing intent, but instinctively, he opened his eyes.

When he adjusted to the darkness for a while, with the bright moonlight, he saw his bed clearly, and sure enough, there was a person standing, and he was suddenly startled.

But when he was about to touch the gun, subconsciously raised his head, and saw the person in front of him clearly, his eyes immediately widened:

“Sha… Sharon? I’m not dreaming, am I? ”

Sharon didn’t answer, just smiled.

No, or rather, Yukiko, who is easy to make, does not know what kind of Sharon voice is in Shirakawaha’s mouth, so she does not open her mouth to avoid revealing flaws.

Looking at the confusion and disbelief in the eyes of the man in front of her, she felt very happy in her heart, and she took revenge again.

Just when she was secretly smug.

Shirakawa pounced on her and pressed her to the bed.

“Sharon, what have you been doing this month? I’m really worried about dying. ”

Before she could reply, she had already lowered her head and pecked down.

Yukiko’s eyes widened and she hurriedly reached out to push.

It’s a pity that the huge power made her unable to push at all, and suddenly only two words appeared in her mind – it’s over!

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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