Chapter 59 Being the Old King Next Door!!

Shirakawa looked up.

Look out towards the villa gate.

In the light of the fire, I saw a black car parked there, and Curacao stood outside the car, packing up the bazooka that had just been fired.

“These ladies are crazy!”

Shirakawa Ye wanted to rush over and grab the other party, but unfortunately there were still two people under him, and he didn’t dare to run away at such a time.


I could only watch Curacao get in the car and leave.

“Let’s go.”

Shirakawa got up from the ground and pushed Yukiko and Ran into the untouched sports car.

This time he came to drive.

Waiting out of the villa a hundred meters away, this time stopped and looked at the flaming villa.


Yukiko covered her mouth, tears in her eyes: “The house is gone, such a big house is gone.” ”

“With Aunt Kiko, it’s fine if people are fine.”

Xiaolan comforted softly next to him.

“But… It’s so expensive! ”

Shirakawa almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

Feelings This woman cares about this, which is really in line with her lively and eccentric personality.

Not to mention, such a villa may be really expensive.

“Blah blah!”

Shirakawa Ye suddenly came to his senses, threw the idea just now out of the door, and secretly slandered: “I was almost taken crooked by this woman, now is not the time to think about this kind of thing.” ”

He felt out the mobile phone he had picked up before, flipped to a number, dialed it and connected it, and immediately explained the matter here: “Officer Twilight, Kudo’s house was blown up with a bazooka, you guys come back and take a look.” ”


Officer Twilight made a mistake in a shocked voice: “Let’s come right away!” Youzuo is not good! Your house was bombed…”

Shirakawa hung up the phone directly.

Rubbed some of the ears that were numb.

Turning his head to look at the two women in the back seat, he waited here silently, and at the same time thought about something in his heart: “No, I can’t salt fish here.” Sharon was shot in the abdomen and picked up by Curacao, and certainly won’t be seen recently. But the rest of the Black must be here, and I have to find them, find Sharon…”

Time passes. More than half an hour later.

The fire truck came to fight the fire outside the villa, accompanied by a small car, it was Officer Medu and Kudo Shinichi, Kudo Yusaku them.

“Brother Shirakawa, what’s the situation?”

Officer Twilight looked at Shirakawa and couldn’t wait to ask.

Shirakawa Ye thought for a while and said, “The woman who bombed the villa was the woman who wanted to go to the physical evidence room of the Metropolitan Police Department a month ago to steal things. ”

“It’s her!”

Officer Twilight was shocked in his heart, and immediately muttered to Kudo Yusaku next to him.

Kudo Shinichi was very excited at the moment, and did not care at all that his home was bombed, but jumped over and asked with an excited face: “Mom, Xiaolan, have you seen where people are running?” ”

Yukiko looked at her son’s excited appearance stunned, and only felt a cold in her heart, and there was an indescribable sadness.

His own son didn’t care about her as a mother, but about a prisoner?

At this moment, she felt that her heart had been buried with a haze. Xiaolan’s mood is similar.

There is no harm without contrast.

Kudo Shinichi and Shirakawa are far behind.

Ran thought about Shirakawa Ye’s concern for the wound on her neck, but Kudo Shinichi ignored it, and the worry and hesitation of Shirakawa when she was held hostage, and the way she was pressed under her when the villa exploded just now. Compared with Kudo Shinichi, who is excited at the moment, it is simply clear.

Beyond control.

Xiao Lan leaned on Shirakawa Ye’s side and grabbed the corner of his clothes tightly, which made him feel safe.

“Xiaolan, what’s wrong?”

Shirakawa turned his head and asked in a low voice.

Xiao Lan shook her head slightly: “It’s okay, it’s just a little scared.” But as long as you are by the side of Officer Shirakawa, you feel safe. ”

“Don’t worry, it will be fine, I will protect you.”

Shirakawa Ye patted her head lightly, also feeling a little distressed about this girl.

I was originally here to play, but in just one day, this series of things happened, I hope it will not leave her with a psychological shadow.

This way.

Officer Medu and Kudo Yusaku’s whispers also finished.

Kudo Yusaku came over and said, “Officer Shirakawa, let’s go to the hotel with us later, it’s safer and there are many people.” ”

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Yukiko was furious at this moment and shouted, “Kudo Yusaku!” You don’t have anything to ask? Is there anything to say? ”

“Yukiko, what’s wrong?”

Kudo Yusaku looked at his wife in confusion.

Yukiko’s eyes were full of disappointment: “Are you like this?” Don’t care about your wife when something so big happens? ”

Kudo Yusaku rubbed his somewhat swollen eyebrows, and said bitterly: “Yukiko, aren’t you very good, don’t mess around anymore.” The other party is rampant now, and we have to catch them as soon as possible. ”


Yukiko was stunned, nodded in a trance, quickly calmed down, and said with an expressionless face: “Yes, I’m fooling around.” Well, I hope you don’t regret it. ”

With that, he turned to his own sports car.

Kudo Yusaku smiled apologetically at Shirakawa Ye: “I’m sorry, Yukiko is a little willful, I hope you don’t care.” ”

“Uh… Already used to it. ”

Shirakawa Ye silently nosed, facing Kudo Yusaku is somewhat unnatural, after all, he was the old king next door for one night last night, which made him uncomfortable when facing each other.

“Okay, Officer Shirakawa, let’s leave right away and go to our hotel.”


A hotel in Manhattan.

Shirakawa was lying on the bed thinking about Belmode, when he heard a knock on the door.

He got up and opened the door, and saw Yukiko come in with a straight face, and closed the door by the way.

Without waiting for him to ask.

Yukiko was the first to ask, “Do you know the man who kidnapped me and Xiaoran tonight?” ”

“Uh… It’s women. ”

“Okay, woman. Do you know her? Why are you lying when someone asks? What exactly is the relationship between you? ”

“……… It’s not convenient to say. ”

“Okay, don’t tell me yes, then I’ll expose you.”

Yukiko turned around and was about to leave.

Shirakawa Ye grabbed her and frowned, “Miss Yukiko, please don’t mess around.” ”

“You also call me fooling around? You’re finished, I must debunk you. I. Shirakawa didn’t wait for her to finish, picked her up, and threw her on the bed. ”

“Wait! I’m not going to debunk you…”

“That… I… Wait… Hmm…”

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