Chapter 78 Belmode appears!!

Shirakawa Ye came downstairs to the forensics class.

Smoke was billowing upstairs, but there was no fire, and the firefighters rushed up with fire extinguishers.

“Is it such a coincidence?”

Shirakawa Ye doesn’t believe that this is intention~ outside the fire.

I just met the person of the mud miserable meeting today, and the other party has something to do with the parliamentarian Shigehiko, who is also the backer of Kenzo Fangshan.

As a result, Kenzo Fangshan was the boss of the 800 biological drug explosion building, and Gin Jiu and their temporary base were there again.

Let’s talk about it.

This series of things are all related to the black organization.

In addition, in today’s monitoring, the other party’s capsule effect is very similar to APTX4869.

“Strange… It’s really weird… Is it because APTX4869 leaked, was tested? ”

“But in that case, why did you put it in the coffee in the first place?”

Shirakawa was deeply puzzled by this.

He knew that APTX4869 was very important and could not be exposed to other forces, but he exposed it again.

If the fire upstairs was really here to destroy the APTX4869, then why bother.

Abrupt. A voice came to his ear: “Ye, don’t you go up to help?” ”

Turning her head, it turned out that Miwako Sato didn’t know when she appeared beside her.

Hearing her words, he shook his head slightly: “I won’t go, so as not to help them when I get the time.” By the way, did you get it done so quickly? ”

Miwako Sato’s eyes flickered a few times, and she smiled: “Yes, it’s done”

“Well, it’s pretty fast. You want to see what’s going on, so fast. ”

“I know.”

“You know?”

Shirakawa looked at her differently.


Miwako Sato nodded, a mysterious smile on her face.

“Talk about it.”

“I heard that it was an forensic officer in the forensics class, because the machine was not properly operated, so it caused an explosion, and finally caused a fire. However, there were no casualties. Just burned something important, and something to be tested. For example, the four cups of coffee in the morning were evaporated by the fire. ”

“Sure enough…”

Shirakawa Ye listened to her say this, and now he could finally determine that the other party was coming for the four cups of coffee.

This is not an accidental fire, it was definitely intentional. Think for a while.

I think I should ask more.

“Miwako, you…”

As soon as he turned his head, he found that the person was gone, and immediately looked left and right, still without a figure: “Where did you run?” ”

Shaking his head, Shirakawa stopped thinking about Miwako Sato and stared intently upstairs.

He had to wait for the firefighters to put out the fire and arrest someone to ask about the situation inside. Soon.

There is less and less smoke on it.


A slap slapped him on the shoulder, and Miwako Sato emerged from the side and asked, “How is the situation?” ”

“It should be extinguished. By the way, where did you just run? ”

“I’m going to put drugs.” Hurry up, I didn’t ask you to put out the fire again, I asked what caused the fire. ”

“Didn’t you say that before?”

“What did I say?”

Miwako Sato’s eyes widened, full of doubt.

Shirakawa Ye turned his head to stare at her and said helplessly: “Miwako, don’t joke”

“No, what am I kidding?”



Miwako Sato was a little confused and didn’t know what crazy this guy was doing in front of her.

Shirakawa Ye looked at Miwako Sato, staring at her not a fake expression, her eyes slowly widened, and she ran out sharply.

“Eh! What’s wrong? ”

Miwako Sato saw him run away, and chased after him without thinking. He shouted vigorously in the back, but unfortunately Shirakawa Yeri ignored it.

Shirakawa Ye ran to the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department in one breath and looked around left and right

But there were only vehicles coming and going, and the flow of people passing by did not find the figure he wanted to see at all.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Miwako Sato caught up and asked with concern.

Shirakawa Ye looked back at her appearance, thought of what had just happened, shook his head, and sighed, “I’m fine.” ”

“Don’t lie to me, how can you look like you’re okay?”


Shirakawa Leaf put his hands on her shoulders, pushed her and walked inside. At the moment, he understood everything.

Miwako Sato just now must have been pretended by someone, and the fire in the identification class is estimated to be set by the other party.

There are not many people with this ability, but there is only one person who is involved in the underworld – Belmode.

He couldn’t help it, and silently said in his heart: “Can’t you meet well and talk about it properly…”


The two returned to the downstairs of the forensics class. Soon.

Officer Twilight they all came.

He looked at the smoking building and complained: “What’s the situation?” Obviously we were all fine before we left, why did we become like this now? ”

Shirakawa thought about it, walked over, pulled him and walked to the side.

“Shirakawa, what are you doing?”

“Officer Twilight, I have something to tell you.”

“What’s the matter, you have to take leave again?”

“It’s not.”

Shirakawa shook his head, pulled him to a slightly remote corner, and whispered, “I want to make a plan and need your help.” The plan is…”

There was a pause at this, but he still leaned into Officer Twilight’s ear and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.


Officer Twilight listened and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he said uncertainly: “Is it too dangerous to do this?” When something really happens, we may not be too late. ”

Shirakawa smiled, “I have confidence in my skills. Moreover, it will not work if it goes on like this, isn’t the method I said very good? ”

“……… All right. ”

Officer Twilight nodded reluctantly, reached out and patted Shirakawa Ye’s shoulder: “It’s hard for you, I will tell everyone to them individually, and I will let them pay attention when the time comes.” Remember, if you’re in danger, don’t be pushy. ”

“I’ll pay attention.”

“Hmm. I’m going to judge Hideharu Tsugawa, do you want to follow along? ”

“No more.”

Shirakawa Ye shook his head, he had already obtained the stolen goods, and he didn’t care much about the rest of the factory.

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