Chapter 92 is really you!!

There is no hidden hatred and killing intent in the woman’s eyes. Next second.

The sharp dagger seemed to be about to pierce Shirakawaha’s stomach.


A crisp sound.

Shirakawa grabbed this thin wrist and twisted it hard.

When the dagger fell to the ground, the woman couldn’t help but scream. Not far away.

Officer Twilight and Miwako Sato also saw this scene, and their faces changed, and they quickly ran over.

“Ye, are you all right?”

“Brother Shirakawa, how’s it going?”

For the concern of the two, he shook his head, took out handcuffs and handcuffed the woman, before saying: “It’s okay.” ”

Looking at the woman who was still staring at him with hatred, he felt very inexplicable.

After all, he had never seen this woman at all, and he did not understand where the hatred of the other party came from.

“It’s okay.”

Officer Twilight breathed a sigh of relief and asked again, “Brother Shirakawa, why did she kill you?” ”

“I don’t know.”

Shirakawa Ye shrugged: “Bring it back to the bureau, ask it well.” ”


Miwako Sato had a cold face.

She wanted to ask why this woman had made such a drastic move.

Ten minutes later.

The three men took the woman back to the Metropolitan Police Department. Together they came to the interrogation room.

Interrogate together.

Officer Twilight asked, Miwako Sato recorded, and Shirakawa Ye assisted by the side.


“Black Rock Reiko.”

“How old.”


“You have a feud with Brother Shirakawa?”

Officer Twilight grimaced.

Kuroiwa Reiko looked at Shirakawa Ye, his face reappeared with killing intent, and roared: “He killed my father!” I’m going to kill him to avenge my father!” ”


Miwako Sato was a little stunned.

“Brother Shirakawa, you…”

Officer Twilight also looked over in surprise.

Shirakawa rolled his eyes, frowned and asked, “You said I killed your father, what is your father’s name?” ”

Kuroiwa Lingzi gritted his teeth and said, “Kuroiwa Tatsuji, you were on the news last night and said his name, did you forget it so quickly?” What a bastard! ”

“It’s him…”

Shirakawa suddenly realized, looked at Officer Twilight and Miwako Sato, and the three looked at each other in unison and nodded in unison.

And then.

They left the interrogation room. Outside.

Officer Twilight whispered, “Brother Shirakawa, what should I do now?” ”

Miwako Sato suggested, “Otherwise, tell her the truth, after all, her father is dead, and you must make it clear.” ”

“Wait a minute, I have one more question, I’m going to go in and ask.”

Shirakawa was not busy agreeing.

He re-entered the interrogation room and asked Kuroyan, “Just thought of a question, I didn’t say on the news that I killed your father, where did you know that I killed your father?” ”

“Someone called to inform me.”


“A woman, she also told me that you are in Mihua Park.”

“I see.”

Shirakawa Ye finally realized at this moment.

He thought of the way Tachibana Zhenye looked like he wanted to talk and stop when he left Mihua Park before.

It turned out to be to tell him that someone else was going to kill him, needless to say, he also knew that the other party must have told Heiyan Lingzi, and it was estimated that if he really killed him, he would be able to take Heiyan’s Lingzi to back the pot.

Thinking about this is more or less embarrassing.

After all, at that time, he kept interrupting the other party’s words and not letting her say it, which was really helpless.

“Wait here.”

Speaking at the woman, he came outside and said, “Officer Twilight, tell her the truth.” But if the attack on me is real, I still have to lock her up for a while. ”

“Don’t worry.”

Officer Twilight smiled, he might not be good at other things, but this kind of thing is still quite good.

“Then I’ll go get busy.”

Shirakawa Ye finished and left here.

Miwako Sato hurriedly chased after her and asked in the back, “What are you going to do?” ”

“The Mihua Park side has not been solved, so we ran back.”

“Ah, it’s also ha.”

Miwako Sato scratched her head in embarrassment, forgetting that there was also a murder case over there, although this case may not be solved for the time being, but at least the body could not be placed there.

Sitting in the car. On the way to Mihua Park.

Along the way, Shirakawa Ye was thinking about the prototype of his own organization and how to develop next.

At present, there is only Tachibana Masaya alone, and he may withdraw at any time, but he must also take it seriously.


They came to the rice flower four-chome, and across the street they came to the rice flower park. Also at this time.

Shirakawa Ye saw an old house on the side of the road and immediately shouted, “Miwako, stop the car.” ”

“What for?”

Miwako Sato was puzzled and parked the car on the side of the road.

“Wait for me here.”

Shirakawa got out of the car and came to the mansion, looking at the sign on it. I saw that there were four characters written on it that had fallen off – [Suwa Kenkan]

And the door in front of you is open.

Shirakawa Ye did not hesitate, walked directly in, and as soon as he entered, it was a spacious courtyard, and there was no one, which seemed very deserted.

The lobby connecting the courtyard was also open, and he walked over slowly, seeing everything inside.

Empty lobby.

There are almost very few things, a bit poor acid.

A man in a practice uniform was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the lobby with a quaint tai knife on his lap.

He has a resolute face, a thick beard, and a pair of squinting eyes under thick eyebrows, and he doesn’t know if he is open or closed.

Just as Shirakawa was looking at it, the man who was meditating cross-legged spoke.

“Hello this gentleman, are you here to learn kendo?”

Obviously, a very resolute man, the words that came out actually had a feeling of low breath, and the face that should have been not smiling even squeezed out a slight smile.

Shirakawa Ye did not answer in a hurry, but still looked at this man, the more he looked at the other party, the more familiar he felt, followed the feeling in his heart, and asked directly: “You are the curator here, I don’t know how to call it?” And what genre are you teaching here? ”

“Despicable Yuji Suwa.”

Yuji Suwa said his name, but hesitated when faced with the second question.

A struggling expression appeared on his face, and after a long time, he still said: “I am not a genre, what I have learned is a family skill.” ”

“Sure enough, it’s you.”

Shirakawa Ye said secretly in his heart.

No wonder he felt familiar when he saw the name of the kendo hall outside, and he really guessed it.

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