Chapter 94: The Second Subordinate!!


Shirakawa and Officer Medu took a half-day off and came to the Suwa Kenkan.

It’s still the same as when I saw it yesterday, it looks very deserted, and there is no one.

Yuji Suwa did not meditate in the practice room inside this time, but practiced swordsmanship in the courtyard.

It may be that when he discovered the arrival of Shirakawaha, Yuji Suwa’s emotions that had not yet fluctuated have become different, and the moves he practiced have become fierce, as if he is deliberately performing for him.

That move and one style.

All with a strong sound of breaking the air, even so fast, you can only see the afterimage and sword light in the air.

The performance lasted ten minutes in a row.

Yuji Suwa stopped breathlessly.


Shirakawa Ye applauded without hesitation, and said with a mouth full of appreciation: “Although I don’t know much about it, I know that this is really not a performance routine, and Director Suwa has real materials at first glance.” ”

“Thank you.”

Yuji Suwa thanked him sincerely, but he was slightly excited in his heart.

Originally, he thought that yesterday Shirakawa Ye said that he would come today just to be polite, but he didn’t expect to come so early, which was really unexpected to him.

“Director Suwa, let’s talk.”

Shirakawa smiled and came to sit down in the corridor of the eaves in the courtyard. Yuji Suwa paused for two seconds and followed him to sit in the hallway.

Shirakawa Ye looked at the ancient Tai Tai knife in his hand and asked, “This knife should have a history of many years, right?” ”


Yuji Suwa nodded and fondly stroked the knife in his hand: “This knife is passed down from my family, and it has existed since our Suwa family had its own kendo skills, witnessing the rise and fall of our Suwa family.” ”

“That really means a lot of difference.”

Shirakawa Ye sighed, and then changed his tone: “Director Suwa, I don’t know if you sell this knife?” ”

Moment. The scene was silent.

Yuji Suwa had a gloomy face. For a long time, he said without emotion: “Sir, why do you say that? ”

“Look, there’s no one in your place. I see that this house has not been renovated for many years, and some of the facilities inside are dilapidated. Coupled with the fact that there are no students, I guess Director Suwa will not be able to survive it. ”


Yuji Suwa gasped roughly, lowered his head for a while, and said in a tired voice: “Not bad, I really can’t hold on anymore.” However, my knife is not sold. If…”

Speaking of this, shame appeared on his face, and he gritted his teeth and continued to speak

“If it’s just a mortgage for a period of time in exchange for a capital turnover, I can accept it.”

Shirakawa Ye understood this.

Know what he means.

It is the same as pawn, which is equivalent to a job, such as putting it in you first and taking a sum of money.

When you have money, come back and redeem it. He smiled and said, “Director Suwa, if you mortgage your ancestral treasure knife to me and later learn that I sold it to you, will you kill me?” ”

Yuji Suwa opened his mouth, but said nothing, silent. However, his attitude has said it all.

Shirakawa continued: “Actually, I can give you a sum of money so that you can continue to operate here. The premise is that you become my subordinate and help me do something. Or rather, we’re all helping each other. ”

Yuji Suwa still didn’t speak. Shirakawa is not in a hurry.

Wait for him to think slowly and answer slowly. I don’t know how long it has been. Yuji Suwa spoke, “I don’t do anything illegal, sorry sir, thank you for your attention, please come back.” ”

“Don’t listen to me?”

Shirakawa Ye was not angry because of the eviction order, and said to himself: “Let me tell you about what I want to do, or what I don’t do.” First, do not kill innocent people, but count the most vicious people. Secondly, there should be no kidnapping, no drug trafficking or arms smuggling. Anyway, I don’t do anything about the underworld and criminal organizations. How, think about it? ”


To be honest, Yuji Suwa was moved.

Although I don’t know if Shirakawa Ye is a lie, he is a living person, not a dead person, and he can refuse to do something he is reluctant to do when the time comes.

And now that it has been said so clearly, he feels that it should not be like a fake, and it seems that he thinks that the other party may just appreciate his skills and need to do something with his own strength, which is completely acceptable to him…


Exhaling softly, Yuji Suwa opened his squint for the first time, revealing a pair of very sharp eyes, like the determination of a samurai before he died in battle.

In an unusually serious tone, he said little by little: “This gentleman, if what you say is the truth, I can promise you to become your subordinate.” ”


Shirakawa was very satisfied, and it seemed that his second subordinate was stable. It was only at this moment that he revealed his identity: “Hello, I am Shirakawa Ye, the Criminal Department of the Metropolitan Police Department Search Section 1 forcibly searched the third series of police department supplement. ”

“You… Hello, Officer Shirakawa. ”

Yuji Suwa was taken aback by Shirakawaha’s identity, but the perseverance he had honed from years of hard kendo practice quickly calmed him down.

Although he didn’t know what a policeman Shirakawa wanted to do, since he had already promised something, he would not regret it and would not ask it.

“Director Suwa, let’s exchange contact information. If you have money, I will get it as soon as possible. ”

“Thank you… Thank you…”

The two sides exchanged contact details. That’s how the dust settled.

Satisfied, Shirakawa said goodbye to him and left here. Soon.

He arrived at the door of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Just as he was about to go in, a voice called out to him: “Excuse me, is it Shirakawa-senpai?” ”

Shirakawa paused and turned his head to look.

The one in front of him, wearing ordinary casual clothes, was a young man.

His height is not tall, similar to Yumi Miyamoto, and his figure is relatively thin, and surprisingly, the eyes and the face are more feminine.

Involuntarily, he thought of what Miyamoto Yumi said yesterday, that there will be a new inspector in the forensics class, and it is very likely that it is the one in front of him.

“You are?”

Shirakawa asked.

“Hello Shirakawa-senpai, I’m Aso Shirong and just joined the Metropolitan Police Department, please give me more advice.”

“Hemp Genesis?”

Shirakawa Ye’s eyes narrowed, and he always felt that this name was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

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