Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 106 Xiaolan’s Determination

"I killed Boss Manaka."

“Because when he acquired the museum, he promised to maintain the operation of the museum, but he went against his promise and decided to demolish the museum and convert it into a hotel.”

"Boss Manaka destroyed the art museum I dedicated my life to, so I killed him."

"And I deliberately set up a trick and put a note with Kubota's name written on it in advance and a ballpoint pen without ink at the scene, just to lure the boss of Manaka into 'leaving a death message' in front of the surveillance camera, and put the murderer The crime was framed on Kubota.”

"Because Kubota stole and sold my cherished art, I want to punish him like this."

Director Ochiai explained his method of committing the crime and his motive.

Although Lin Xinyi wanted to complain about this elderly swordsman who was 6 or 70 years old and could still wear full body armor and wield a sword to kill people, but now, there is basically no suspense about the identity of the old man's murderer.

"A knight who kills demons will eventually become a demon."

"As expected, I have not escaped the punishment of God for killing someone."

Looking at the oil painting titled "Heavenly Punishment", Director Ochiai, who had already confessed his guilt, sighed with regret.

"Killing is wrong."

After listening to the story told by Director Ochiai, Mao Lilan gave this reaction.

There was no argument or questioning. She just said seriously out of her purest and most direct thoughts: "Killing is wrong."

The words may be thin, but Mao Lilan's warm, firm, and clean eyes can always touch people's hearts.

She seemed to have some invisible halo that could inspire evil people. Just looking at her made Director Ochiai cry:

"Yes, it's such a simple truth, but I forgot about it."

"I regard Boss Manaka as a devil, but when I kill people for my own selfish desires, I am already an uglier devil than him."

Director Ochiai was like a balloon that had run out of air, and his whole person became decadent.

"Take me away and let me atone for my crimes."

He actively extended his hands to cooperate with the police's arrest.

The people who searched the first section handcuffed Director Ochiai.

At the same time, the police officers from the forensics department used the infection extraction method that Mao Lilan just mentioned to extract the smell on the lining of the armor——

In order to prevent others from taking over, police dog identification is still required even if the murderer has confessed.

Then, the police officers from the forensics section carefully searched and inspected the armor and extracted the skin flakes and hair remaining on the lining of the armor.

Taking these samples back for DNA identification and comparison, coupled with Director Ochiai's confession statement, this case will be concluded.

A case with great social impact was solved so simply.

The person who solved this case was Mao Lilan, a rookie who had studied investigation for a day.


Conan looked at it with a subtle expression and complicated mood:

He lost, lost to Xiaolan.

Although the progress of his investigation was greatly delayed due to the obstruction of the forensics class, he knew in his heart that the victory or defeat this time did not depend on the speed of solving the case:

From the moment I followed the detective's usual thinking and tried to figure out the murderer's scheme, I had already lost.

Because, just like what Xiaolan did, there was no need to analyze the murderer's plot at all, and he could just use the scientific method of trace inspection without thinking.

Things that are already very simple do not need to be made so complicated.

The murderer's tricks in this case were like the words of a bully. When Conan tried to study and crack them, his IQ was unknowingly lowered by the murderer to the same level as him.

"I lost to Xiaolan this time, and from now on"

Conan couldn't help but think of what Lin Xinyi said before:

When criminal science and technology are fully developed, detectives will be completely useless.

Xiaolan's performance today strongly proves that this prediction is likely to come true.

Thinking about the cases I have solved before, it seems that all of them can be solved using this "stupid method" of scientific investigation.

"Hey, I won't really be unemployed in the future, right?"

This terrifying picture suddenly appeared in Conan's big head:

Xiaolan works as a forensic scientist outside and uses science and technology to solve crimes. She is unemployed at home, feeding her children milk powder and changing diapers.

When the child grew up, their relationship broke down because they couldn't stand his incompetence.

Xiaolan, who got rid of his burden, had a smooth career and became the "undefeated queen of the forensic world."

After being dumped by his wife, he reluctantly ran a detective agency with a bleak business, relying on the legacy of his father's generation to raise his children alone.


As he thought about it, the future self in Conan's mind began to look more and more like the Maori uncle.

Let him live a life where he helps people find cats, dogs, and mistresses every day, drinks, bets on horses, and watches TV, and he will go crazy!

Do you want to change your career?

But he has dreamed of becoming a famous detective since he was a child. What else can he be if he is not a detective?

Worried about the future, Conan couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

And at this time

Miss Mao Lilan, who had just relied on her own strength to find out the truth, had already returned to Lin Xinyi:

"Mr. Lin Xinyi, thank you for your guidance."

She thanked him with great energy and energy.

"There's nothing to thank you for. You were the main one who solved the case this time."

Lin Xinyi praised this outstanding student in a calm tone.

Then, he lowered his voice and asked Mao Lilan very solemnly:

"Miss Maori, have you made a decision about what I just told you?"

"Well, I've decided."

Mao Lilan nodded, without any hesitation in his eyes.

"???" Conan suddenly became alert:

The atmosphere is so formal. What are you trying to decide?

Lin Xinyi wouldn't have said anything strange to Xiaolan behind his back, right?

Bastard, am I even going to have my future as a baby at home taken away? !

Under Conan's uneasy gaze, Mao Lilan replied:

"I made a decision--"

"I want to be a forensic scientist in the future!"

"Seriously? Are you sure you have thought carefully about the consequences of this choice?"

Like a senior monk before formally shaving the young monk's hair, Lin Xinyi asked Mao Lilan's thoughts very carefully one last time.

And Mao Lilan's voice remained firm:

"Yes, I decided that I want to become a forensic doctor."

"Okay." Lin Xinyi breathed a long sigh of relief.

He was actually worried that Mao Lilan would start to back off after actually coming into contact with the body.

After all, the reason she chose to become a medical examiner was just to spend more time with her boyfriend?

A guy like Lin Xinyi who has never been in love cannot understand such a strange brain circuit.

In his opinion, this kind of "hot-headed" idea is likely to be shattered by the cruel reality.

But unexpectedly, after personally experiencing the autopsy process and seeing the hard work of forensic doctors, Mao Lilan still chose to plunge into this sinkhole.

"Maybe this is true love."

Lin Xinyi said with deep emotion from the bottom of his heart:

"I never thought you could do this for Kudo."


Mao Lilan shook his head and said very seriously:

"I made this decision not entirely for him."


Conan's heart, which had just been relieved, suddenly became nervous and twitching again:

Not entirely for him

Hiss, who else would it be for?

When it comes to jealousy, Conan has always maintained the same sensitivity and enthusiasm as his reasoning.

However, this great detective who added all his emotional intelligence skills points to his IQ did not notice:

At this moment, in Mao Lilan's eyes, there was the same satisfaction and joy of finding the truth as he had before:

"I made the decision for myself."

"Because the opportunity you gave me, Mr. Lin, allowed me to experience the sense of accomplishment of finding out the truth for the deceased."

"Now, I somewhat understand Xinyi's obsession with reasoning and solving crimes."

As if she had found something she was willing to devote her whole life to, her voice was relaxed and firm:

"The person I am now is not studying to become Shinichi's assistant."

"In order to avoid being left behind by him, I have to learn to use such reasons to decide my future career and life. If you think about it carefully, it is a bit too pitiful."

"So, my current goal is-"

Mao Lilan clenched her fists tightly and made a deafening declaration:

"Become a forensic doctor who can surpass the famous detective!"

"Just like Mr. Lin Xinyi said, let that reasoning madman lose his job!"

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