Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 125 Director Jinchuan’s Secret

Lin Xinyi's words were like droplets of water sprinkled on a flame. Instead of extinguishing the fire, they actually made Conan's fire of reasoning burn brighter.

Conan did not go back and sit down obediently, but said with concentration:

"You see, other staff in the library are only wearing short-sleeved shirts, which shows that this library does not have a very strict dress code for staff."

"Only Mr. Jinchuan can dress so formally on a hot day and cover himself so tightly with a suit jacket."

Lin Xinyi: ""

You kid who wears a suit and tie all year round, don't question others wearing suits in the summer!

"I'm the curator, so it's normal to pay more attention to clothing etiquette, right?" Lin Xinyi questioned helplessly.

"No." Conan rubbed his chin, a sharp light flashing in his eyes: "He only wore a suit and no tie today. If you pay special attention to clothing etiquette, you won't miss this."

"What's even more strange is that he pulled the collar of the shirt underneath so high that the sleeves of the shirt were pulled into the cuffs of the suit."

"According to clothing etiquette, the collar of the shirt should be about 1 inch from the suit, and the cuffs of the shirt should be about 0.5 inches from the cuffs of the suit."

"And the way he wears it, the collar is exposed too much and the cuffs are completely retracted, which is very unsightly."

"Not to mention, it will be difficult to breathe with the collar stuck on your neck like this."

"So it always feels like something is wrong."

"It's as if he deliberately used this formal suit to cover himself thickly to prevent the skin of his neck and wrists from being exposed."

"I think you just think too much." Lin Xinyi was still a little disapproving.

Now he just wants the great detective to play the role of his elementary school student, but he has no intention of playing such age-inappropriate reasoning games with him:

"What does it mean if the clothes are worn a little crookedly?"

"It's not like attending a high-end banquet, it's just a daily workplace setting. There's no need to be so rigid when it comes to clothing and etiquette."

"Look at me, I'm wearing a suit and no tie. Although my shirt cuffs are not tucked in, they don't expose exactly 0.5 inches, right?"

"Am I also a bad person?"

"This" Conan was speechless, but he was still reluctant to give up.

After all, after so many practices, Conan has vaguely summarized the rules:

When he finds a slight abnormality in someone, as long as he investigates deeply, he will inevitably find out something earth-shattering about that person.

"Lin, I think we need to conduct an in-depth investigation into Director Jinchuan."

"Trust me, my intuition is spot on."

Conan said with a serious face.

"Hey, still disobedient?"

Lin Xinyi's tone was solemn, with a threatening look in his eyes:

"Okay, you go investigate, and I'll continue to teach Miss Maori here."

"Since you think reasoning is more important, then feel free to leave and leave your sister Xiaolan alone with me."

With that said, he sat back directly in his seat, picked up the book and turned to look at Mao Lilan, and continued the lecture with a dedicated expression.

Conan: ""

asshole! With Xiaolan here, how dare he leave alone?

His weakness has been completely caught by Lin Xinyi.

"Okay, I'll stay here and read."

Conan held it in for a long time, and finally stayed without tears.

He obediently held the "Ultraman Encyclopedia" and forced himself to calm down and read this book that did not match his true age.

This book is really too simple and has no connotation. Conan suppressed his face and clutched the book. The more he read, the more he felt that

It seems pretty good-looking?


Unconsciously, it was already evening.

It has been a while since the closing time. The staff in the library disappeared after get off work on time, and the citizens who came to borrow books also left home in the dusk.

Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan have not left yet because they were quite engaged in the make-up classes and the staff did not come to clear the place after get off work.

If they don't leave, Conan naturally doesn't dare to leave first.

And just when he was lying on the table bored, silently counting the names of various Ultraman and monsters that he had almost memorized, just to pass the time.

A gloomy face suddenly emerged from the silence outside the door.

The head that poked in looked around, and soon locked his eyes on Lin Xinyi and others who were still in the reading room.

Immediately afterwards, a withered and thin figure walked into the door and approached slowly.

"It's getting late, guys."

The person who appeared here was Director Jinchuan of this library who Conan had noticed was suspicious at noon.

"The closing time has passed, and I'm in a hurry to go home from get off work."

"If you like to read books, you can register to borrow them and read them at home."

Curator Jinchuan smiled slightly at Lin Xinyi and the others, but his face with sparse hair, dense wrinkles, deep eye circles, and a yellowish waxy face was always a bit scary when looked up close.

Especially under the bloody afterglow of the sunset, this face looked more like a wandering ghost that appeared out of nowhere.

Not to mention, Director Jinchuan’s voice was hoarse, low and weak, and sounded more like a horror movie.

Mao Lilan, who had always been afraid of ghosts, had goosebumps, but she still tried her best to put on a polite posture and said to Director Jinchuan embarrassedly:

"Sorry, we stayed too long."

"I'm causing you trouble."

With that said, Mao Lilan stood up and busily packed up her things.

She packed up her books, notes, pencils, and erasers, and helped clean up the eraser scraps on the table. Then she stood up and said to Lin Xinyi and Conan beside her:

"Mr. Lin, Conan, let's go back."

"Yeah." Lin Xinyi and Conan both nodded.

Then, the three of them got up, left their seats, and walked out the door.

But when passing by Director Jinchuan, Conan couldn't help but frown slightly.

He instinctively wanted to stop and take a closer look, but before his reasoning addiction could kick in, he was picked up by Lin Xinyi and slipped out:

"Go faster, don't be playful."

"Wait a minute, I really think something is wrong with him!" Conan said in a low voice as he struggled in Lin Xinyi's arms with an ugly face.

"I know." Lin Xinyi ignored it completely.

Behind him, Director Jinchuan's expression relaxed slightly as he watched Lin Xinyi and others go away.

At this time, a call came to his mobile phone. He did not hesitate to pick up the phone before Lin Xinyi and others had completely left, and said calmly:

"Stop pushing."

"I'm ready, we can meet you soon."

Director Jinchuan spoke incoherent and incomprehensible words, then turned around, walked out of the reading room, and stepped onto the elevator going upstairs.

Lin Xinyi and three others walked towards the library door from the opposite direction.

Mao Lilan's expression was natural, but she was a little tired from studying with high concentration all afternoon.

Conan had a strange expression and his brows were furrowed.

He thought for a while, and finally couldn't help but tugged on the collar of Lin Xinyi, who was holding him away, and said in his ear:

"Lin, I really think there's something wrong with that guy."

"Did you smell it just now? There seems to be a faint sour smell on Director Jinchuan."

"The smell is hard to describe, let me think about what it could be."

Conan frowned and thought carefully.

But Lin Xinyi suddenly replied: "That's the smell of tablets."

"Huh? Isn't that just tablets?" Conan was slightly startled.

"That's right"

"Not only did the guy have a faint sour smell, but his face was pale, his breathing was weak, and his fingertips were slightly blue."

"Especially his eyes, which were cloudy and had pinpoint pupils."

"These are all symptoms caused by lowering blood pressure and suppressing breathing and heart rate just after taking that devilish drug."

When he said this, Lin Xinyi's face was extremely heavy.

Moreover, there was a deep, irreducible disgust in his eyes:

"Addicts who take that devilish drug first heat it up and smoke it."

"But such magic medicine will quickly make the body develop resistance. The same dosage and inhalation method can no longer maintain the balance in the body and produce no effect."

"So, in order to maintain that guilty pleasure, the garbage can't help but use intravenous injection to make the garbage have a greater effect."

"But drug resistance will continue to increase over time. Those people who are neither human nor ghosts, in order to find excitement, even dare to change intravenous injection into very dangerous arterial injection."

"Generally speaking, they will use a syringe to deliver the drug directly to the carotid artery, allowing the drug to enter the brain directly with the arterial blood - this is an extremely dangerous behavior and may lead to sudden death at any time."

“If anyone comes this far, not even Jesus can protect him.”

"Repeated intravenous injections can cause skin infection and ulceration, and leave ugly scars on arms and wrists that cannot be erased; carotid artery injections can even leave visible needle holes on the neck."

"So, those disgusting guys who mix in the crowd, in order to cover up their ugliness, don't dare to expose their wrists and necks even on hot days."

"In this case, why does Director Tsukawa wear a suit in such a strange way?"

"The answer can be imagined."

After saying these words with a calm face, Lin Xinyi couldn't help but let out a long sigh:

"Sorry, Conan, I didn't pay attention to what you said at noon."

"That guy does have a problem, and it's a big problem -"

"This Director Jinchuan is probably an addict who has been addicted for a long time."

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