Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 205 The Unfathomable Forest Manager

Hattori Heiji, a famous high school detective in Kansai, and Kudo Shinichi are called "Kudo of Kanto and Hattori of Kansai".

Just like Nan Murong always wants to test who is better between himself and Bei Qiao Feng, this classmate from the "Western Clothing Department" has also been holding back his energy for a long time and wants to test the "Higashi Kudo" who is equally famous as himself. Strength.

But what Hattori Heiji didn't expect was.

Before he could arrange time to go to Kanto to play at the gym, the situation in Kanto changed.

Kudo Shinichi, the famous detective who used to be the best in Tokyo, suddenly disappeared.

Some people say that he was frustrated by repeated setbacks under Lin Xinyi, so Jinpen retired.

Some people say that he is actually Kaitou Kidd. After his identity was revealed by Lin Xinyi, he fled for fear of crime and did not dare to show his face.

Both theories are widely circulated, but no matter which theory it is

It's all related to Lin Xinyi, a star manager who has just emerged recently.

In short, the undisputed fact is that the famous detective Kudo Shinichi was foiled by the management officer Hayashi Shinichi.

Hattori Heiji felt sorry for this colleague he had never met, but at the same time, he also had a huge interest in Lin Shinichi who defeated Kudo:

After all, it turns out that Lin Shinichi \u003e Kudo Shinichi.

As long as he can defeat Lin Shinichi, he will undoubtedly be stronger than "Higashi Kudo" and can take the title of the strongest high school detective in Kanto and Kansai.

In addition to the detective's battle for honor

What makes Hattori Heiji very unhappy is that his father, who is the head of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters, also has special respect for Lin Shinichi.

That Mr. Hattori Heizo often paid attention to the methods and methods used by Lin Xinyi to solve crimes, and he would always say excitedly at home that "detectives have gradually become obsolete, and the future will be the era of criminal science and technology."

He even used Lin Xinyi as a positive example to teach his son, a famous detective, to give up the "sunset profession" of detectives and honestly follow him to become a policeman.

He also said that detectives may not be qualified to enter crime scenes in the future, and that the power of the police will be enough to solve the case.

"Detective is not a sunset industry."

"Dad, I'll prove it to you!"

Recalling these things, Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up with fighting spirit:

It is unpleasant in itself for parents to always praise "other people's children" at home.

Not to mention, if he doesn't work hard, he will have to go home to inherit the family connections and become an ordinary police official!

So, at this moment, in this crowded subway station.

Hattori Heiji's eyes were firmly fixed on Lin Shinichi.

Lin Xinyi seemed to be buying tickets at the automatic ticket vending machine, so he jumped over the long ticket queue without hesitation and squeezed to the front.

At this time, Lin Xinyi was talking on the mobile phone:

"I'll go back now. I'll be there in half an hour."

That was all Hattori Heiji heard.

Then, Lin Xinyi hung up the phone and seemed to be holding his wallet and continuing to buy tickets.

And because there were one or two people blocking him in front, Hattori Heiji couldn't see clearly what he was doing when he bought the ticket, let alone which station Lin Xinyi bought the ticket for.

Vaguely, he could only see the subway line "Mihua Line" selected by Lin Xinyi on the ticket purchase interface.

And when Hattori Heiji squeezed to the front, Lin Xinyi seemed to have just finished buying the ticket, so he turned around and bumped into him.

"You?" Lin Xinyi's expression was a bit astonished: "Why are you here?"

"Haha." Hattori Heiji said with a somewhat proud smile:

"It's not that simple to get rid of a famous detective."

"The famous detective still has a gold medal to avoid death?" Lin Xinyi's face was a little unhappy: "Why did those police officers let you go so quickly?"

"Um" Hattori Heiji blushed.

Regarding this point, it really didn't rely on his ability as a famous detective.

"Ahem. Anyway."

Hattori Heiji said very confidently:

"Manager Lin, my reasoning ability will never let you down."

"Even if you don't want to fight with me, it won't do you any harm to take me as an advisor!"

It was said that there was no duel, but as long as he appeared at the scene of the crime, the case would naturally become a duel between him and Lin Xinyi.

With this calculation in mind, Hattori Heiji worked hard to persuade Lin Xinyi, hoping to get the opportunity to handle the case with him.

But Lin Xinyi's reaction was only impatient:

"That's enough, I don't have time to play house with you."

"If you really want to solve the case, go back and study hard, pass the police academy and then come back."

With that said, Lin Xinyi ignored Hattori Heiji and wanted to leave directly.

But seeing this guy still standing in front of him without moving, he couldn't help but frowned tightly:

"What, I'm going to the bathroom now, do you want to follow me?"

Hattori Heiji was silent for a while.

Lin Xinyi walked around him impatiently and went straight to the bathroom.

At this time, Hattori Heiji sighed to himself:

"'Playing house'. Oh, I'm really being underestimated."

"I'm not the kind of amateur who just comes to join in the fun!"

"In that case, Manager Lin, let me show you my skills again!"

He looked at Lin Xinyi's retreating back and smiled quietly at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he quickly walked to the front, grabbed a person who had just lined up behind Lin Xinyi and asked:

"Sir, do you know which station the person in front of you just bought a ticket for?"

"how could I know?"

“Who stares while someone else is buying a ticket?”

The passerby who was pulled said with a stunned expression.

"Then have you seen how much money he spent on buying tickets?"

Hattori Heiji continued to ask.

"I didn't see it clearly," the passerby subconsciously answered and said, "However, I saw him put a few 100 yen coins in his hand and stared at it for a while."

"How many are there?"

"3 or 4?" The passerby gave a vague answer, and then asked with a weird look on his face: "Why are you asking so carefully?!"

"Haha. Thank you very much."

Hattori Heiji's brain began to work rapidly, analyzing all the clues he had just captured:

"I didn't see the whole process of Lin Xinyi buying tickets, nor did I see clearly which station he bought."

"But at least I saw that the subway line he chose was the 'Popcorn Line'."

"Although I didn't catch up with him when he bought the ticket, I didn't see or hear how many coins he put in."

"But when he was about to leave after buying the ticket, I was already nearby, but I didn't hear the 'bang-bang-bang-bang' sound of the machine spitting out coins."

"In other words, the money he put in should be exactly right, so there is no change."

“And the rice cakes”

Hattori Heiji carefully looked at the subway line map and the price list:

"The first stop of the Rice Flower Line is here. His destination can only be towards the end point, which can be confirmed."

"The Mihua Line charges per station, and the price at each station is slightly different."

"Lin Xinyi just said on the phone again, 'I can be there in half an hour.'"

"In this case, he can't take the subway for too many stops, and the farthest he can only take is a stop within 240 yen."

His eyes sparkled with wisdom:

"Passers said that Lin Xinyi put 3 or 4 hundred yen coins in his hand and stared at them for a while."

"Obviously, he used these hundred-yen coins to buy tickets."

"If Lin Xinyi buys a subway ticket priced at 170 yen or 240 yen, there will definitely be change."

"But I didn't hear the sound of coins colliding when giving change, that is to say."

"The subway ticket for the station Lin Xinyi bought is an integer of 100."

“Combined with half an hour of commuting time, leave time for walking after leaving the station.”

"The answer can only be, the Yoshida Station with a price of 200 yen!"

In this way, Hattori Heiji passed the three points of "I didn't hear the sound of change", "Lin Shinichi said he would be there in half an hour", and "Lin Shinichi stared at the 3 or 4 hundred yen coins in his hand for a while". It was successfully analyzed that the subway ticket he bought was going to Yita Station.

"Lin Xinyi ran to the toilet now."

"In this case, if I set off now, I will rush to Sita Station before him."

"If he continues to wait for him at the subway exit of Sita Station, that arrogant Forest Manager will be surprised, right?"

Hattori Heiji had such a beautiful picture in his mind:

He stood at the door of Sita Station with a smile.

As soon as Lin Xin walked to the exit of the subway station and saw himself waiting in advance, his eyes were full of surprise.

The effect of this show is simply overwhelming.

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji quickly took out the Tokyo subway card he had applied for and ran to take the subway in a hurry.

Twenty minutes later, based on his own reasoning, Hattori Heiji arrived at the Yoshida Station where he thought Lin Shinichi would definitely arrive.

"Although only very superficial reasoning and investigation methods were used this time, this kind of preemptive appearance at his destination will definitely shock him instinctively."

"At that time, he will definitely not dare to underestimate my ability as a detective, and will agree to take me to handle the case together!"

Hattori Heiji thought so in his heart, and his smile became even more hopeful.

He was looking forward to Lin Xinyi's surprised expression when he saw him.

So, he stood upright at the exit gate of Sita Station, guarding like a door god with a burning gaze.

five minutes passed

"He should be coming, right?"

Ten minutes passed.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Twenty minutes passed.

"Damn it. Did he fall into the toilet?"

Half an hour passed.

At this time, the smile on Hattori Heiji's face had become stiff.

He finally reluctantly realized that his reasoning was wrong.

But where is the mistake? Why did it go wrong?

"There is no sound of change", "It will arrive in half an hour", "Lin Xinyi stared at the 3 or 4 hundred yen coins in his hand for a while".

Combining these three points, plus the route of the rice flower line, the answer to Yita Station should be the only one!

Hattori Heiji's eyes became serious and deep:


Lin Xinyi didn't buy a subway ticket at all, so there was no sound of change.

But this possibility is extremely small. After all, he stood in front of the ticket vending machine for so long. What else could he be doing if he didn't buy a subway ticket?

In this case, it seems that there is only one possibility left——

Lin Xinyi bought a subway ticket, and he bought it for Sita Station.

However, he did not take the subway to Sita Station as originally planned.


"He has already predicted it. Will I predict his destination?"

"So, in order to avoid my harassment, he specially changed his commuting method?"

As he thought about it, Hattori Heiji's expression became extremely exciting:

The other party slipped away quietly.

But I stupidly stood at the Fourth Field Station for so long.

Although there was no direct confrontation in this round, there was already an invisible distinction between high and low.

"He even predicted my actions in advance."

"It is truly the end of the detective era, it is truly unfathomable!"

At this moment, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but feel a sense of awe in his heart.

Fifty minutes ago.

In front of the ticket vending machine in the subway station.

Lin Xinyi picked at it and put the three hundred-yen coins left in his wallet in his hand. He counted them and his eyes became extremely complicated:

"Damn it. I went on a trip to the hot springs and the fireworks festival the day before yesterday. I spent too much money."

"The money Aunt Miles promised to reimburse hasn't arrived yet, and now I only have 300 yen left."

"What a life it is."

He stared at the pitiful three hundred yen coins and finally made a helpless decision:

Forget it, let’s run back.

Tell Xiao Ai, wait half an hour, it's almost time to run.

Recommend a book by a friend "My Girlfriend is the Owner of UP"

In a dark cinema.

The girl closed her eyes tightly and said in a trembling voice to the boy beside her:

"Chen Wen, I have liked you for a long time. Can you let me be your girlfriend?"

For a long time, the girl didn't get a reply, so she opened her eyes nervously, only to see Chen Wen looking around at something.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Uh..." Chen Wen said blankly, "Are you taking a video? I'm looking for your camera."


"Could it be a pinhole?"

"Of course not!"

Chen Wen fell silent, pondered for a moment and then asked: "So I lost the truth or dare?"

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